The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

the doctor looked at her back and tended to it "it is healing up nicely you should have minimal scars so who ever tended to them at the start has done a good job"

Lo-Wen shifted so that he didnt cause her pain but he continued to fuck her knowing that she needed to distraction
Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice, "My fiancee has been tending to it under my guidance."

In the end he would find that Braelyn almost seemed to be struggling to stay awake - her body being exhausted from all of the sex, being pregnant, and being emotionally distraught all day."
Lo-Wen finished them both off before he settled in next to her and pulled her close.

The doctor nodded his head and then looked at her “good keep changing out the bandages as you have been”
Braelyn was just curling into him, her back to his chest at that point, sleeping on her side which was more comfortable for her at that point in time. If he felt her stomach he would actually feel their child seeming to be moving around a bit.

Eristella was giving a small nod of her head.
The next week seemed to fly by and it was soon enough time for the wedding between Eristella and Vin. One that the young woman was rather nervous about as she stood in her bedroom with Braelyn and Bailey, who were helping her get prepared at the time.
Bailey smiled at her "dont worry Vin will take good care of you" Bailey was happy to see her brother getting married as it was the not wedding she was looking forward too. Baileys own wedding was in a few more weeks and she wasn't looking forward to being bound to the man

Vin was already dressed and ready but he was pacing his room nervous as well
Eristella was just giving a faint smile before she was speaking, "I just hope that.... I'll be a good wife......"
"you will be you already care for him and that is something important" Bailey looked at Braelyn and wondered if the general would marry her or not
Braelyn was just watching for a moment before she was seeing the look that Bailey was giving her. "If you are wondering if Lo-Wen will be marrying me... I highly doubt it. I'm just a toy for him to have his fun with, just a female to bear his children." she spoke in a soft voice before she was finishing getting Eristella ready before she was leaving the room with a bow.
"you never know what he is going to do" Bailey looked at her and then gave a small and sad smile as she knew her own freedom was coming to and end. it had seem liked lately the king visited her every night as if he was trying to get her pregnant again
Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I am as much of a toy as you are. As much of a caged bird as you." With that she was just dismissing herself since she had an appointment with the doctor anyways to check on how the baby was doing. At eight months, she felt like everything was fine other than she was having more frequent false contractions. Made her wonder if the baby was trying to come early.
Bailey doubled she was as caged but she wasn't going to argue with the woman at the time. Bailey then looked over when a maid came and told them it was time to get in to position
Eristella was just letting out a small breath of air before she spoke, "I.... I don't know if I can do this... I know I don't have a choice but.... "
"you can do this just think of it this way when all is said and done you will be with the one you love" Bailey could tell that they loved each other so it would be easy for them
Eristella was speaking in a soft voice, "I guess that is true.... I just don't want to continue to be a burden on him. Him having to be my eyes all the time and help me. It has to be annoying."
"Vin would tell you if he was annoyed that is one thing about my brother he is honest" Bailey looked over when Richard was brought to her crying as it was time to feed him
Eristella was nodding her head before she was heading out of her room so that they could get going, her hand just trailing along the wall.
Bailey walked with her while Richard drank from her breast. when the reached the hall she fixed her dress and then wished Eristella luck before heading in and sitting next to the king as she was suppose to
Eristella was just nodding her head although it was a strange thing to be walk down the aisle alone. Not even her father could walk with her to give her over to her new husband - like many parents would usually do. That made this even more humiliating, and made her truly wonder if she wanted to walk down the aisle. However she did find herself a bit startled when she felt somebody take her arm, but quickly recognized it to be Braelyn. "Your own father doesn't want to walk you down then allow a sister figure to do it. At least then you don't have to do it alone." Braelyn was speaking in a soft voice, not caring if anybody was going to get upset with her for this.
Soon enough the doors were opening to the ballroom, and there was Braelyn leading Eristella into the ballroom, and leading her down the aisle towards her future husband. Damion was hissing at Lo-Wen that he had been reign in his little wench for this action. Although it wasn't as though Braelyn had done anything harmful, just hadn't wanted her to make the walk alone at all.
Lo-Wen looked at him and nodded his head "I will deal with her after the wedding sire" he knew the king was pissed and he was pissed a little as well but he wasn't going to cause a scene at the wedding
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