The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn already knew that the king and Lo-Wen were going to be pissed at her but she really didn't care at that point in time. But honestly if Lo-Wen was truly that upset with her.... that would only confirm her suspicions even more that he didn't truly care about her. If he cared... he would have known that she would have done this if Damion had walked down with his own daughter. After that she was retreating to her spot next to Lo-Wen so that she could watch the rest of the wedding.
Soon enough the wedding was over and Braelyn was just clapping for them. There was a faint look of discomfort for a moment but it was something that she was just pushing aside for a moment as she was getting to her feet just like everybody else. The married couple were able to leave the room at that point in time but Damion was going up to the pair of them and telling them in a low voice that he was expecting them to consummate their wedding prior to arriving at the after ceremony.
Vin looked at the king and frowned a bit as he hadn't wanted things to move that fast he had wanted to give Eristella time before he suggested they have sex.
Eristella was a bit wide eyed behind the blindfold but she knew that they wouldn't have a choice in the matter. The king would send somebody to check later if he didn't have one of the priests physically watch them to make sure that they did have sex.
Eristella was following after him so that they could get to her room, although she was stating that they could go to his room.

Braelyn was watching as everybody else was exiting the ballroom before she was exiting as well. Now the staff could get the room cleaned up for the after party.
Vin looked at her "I am sorry he is pushing the issue"

Lo-Wen guided her to their room and when they entered her spoke "what were you thinking"
Eristella was just shaking her head before she was speaking, "It is fine."

Braelyn was just looking before she spoke, "I wish thinking that I didn't want to see her walking down the aisle alone! She already felt terrified and alone, and just standing there alone before getting married... wasn't helping matters at all."
“You managed to anger the king and that is not something you should be doing not in your condition” Lo-Wen looked at her and took a deep breath

Vin walked her back to her room “if your not ready we can fake it”
Braelyn was just looking towards him before she spoke, "Oh well. I deal with his anger them. Not like he will do much to be right now.... After all I am his precious general's favorite doll."

Eristella was just speaking, "It wouldn't be best for us to try and fake it."
Braelyn was just looking towards him before she spoke, "It certainly seems that way!" There were actually tears in her eyes for a moment. "Only when we are in our room do you show me love... otherwise... You act bothered when I touch you when we aren't in the room. You've never told me that you love me. Then there was the only.... You made me feel like if we ever have another child.... I wouldn't have a choice on if I wanted to have one or not..... It is my body...."

Eristella was just looking down before she spoke in a soft voice, "I...I'm sorry that it is me that you are stuck being married too...."
Lo-Wen looked at her “did it ever occur to you I have to act a certain way outside of this room if people know I have someone I hold dear they will use that against me”

VIN sighed and hugged her close “I do not mind being married to you”
“Because I do care for you is it love I honestly don’t know but what I do know is I don’t like it when your not with me” Lo-Wen looked at her lightly and then waited
Braelyn was just stating that he had a weird way of showing it most of the time. There was a faint look of pain however that crossed her features.
Braelyn was just shaking her head some, the pain already begging to fade. "Just a sharp stabbing pain. False contractions as I was told last week. It is going away." She was speaking although she almost sounded fatigued.
Lo-Wen summoned a doctor to look her over and make sure she wasn't going in to early labor. this was something that they had been warned about and he wanted to make sure she was ok
Braelyn was just looking towards Lo-Wen for a moment then looked at the doctor who was coming over. It was confirmed that she wasn't going into early labor, but the doctor was stating that the stress she has been under has been causing the issues at hand. "Bedrest until the baby is born is what I am advising. Limited exercise throughout the entire day - no more than three hours in a 12 hour period. And plenty of sleep." the doctor was speaking after a moment in time.
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