The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"We will see.... how this pregnancy goes..." Braelyn was gasping as he continued to pound away at her, definitely making it a little harder for her to even think.
Braelyn was just looking at him before she spoke, "And you don't get to decide when it happens again. That is my choice. I'm the one who has to carry the child."
Lo-Wen looked at her and then kissed her "with as often as we fuck you will end up pregnant soon after the brith I am betting on it" Lo-Wen then shifted and pressed in to her harder and deeper then before
"I'll start taking contraceptives to prevent it for a short bit." Braelyn was mumbling although she was giving a gasp when he was pressing into her, far deeper than before.
Lo-Wen looked at her but he didnt say anything because those items were often banned from the castle so she would have a hard time getting them
"But I guess.... Here it doesn't matter what a woman chooses to do with her body. It is all up to her mate." Braelyn spoke after a moment in time.
Lo-Wen turned her head so she was looking at him. "the king banned contraceptives in the castle years ago I am honestly surprised that he doesn't have more kids "
"He truly had taken away the right for a woman to decide what she wishes to do with her own body." Braelyn spoke after a moment in time.
Braelyn was just going silent at that point in time. Of course why would her true feelings matter at all - why would what she wanted matter to him. She figured that those who had said she was just being used were correct.
"it is fine" Lo-Wen wasn't angry with her but he hadn't been expecting her to want to have a conversation while having sex.

while Lo-Wen was with Braelyn a doctor was reporting to the king that his pet was good to resume sexual activities but warned him that she would be at high risk of another pregnancy till she hit the six week mark
Damion was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "That is the reason I kept her. To bear my children. I do need a doctor to go and do an actual examination on the princess. To see how those whip marks are healing up."

Braelyn was just falling quiet at that point in time.
the doctor bowed "I will personally go and check on them my king" the doctor didnt want a mistake being made and then all of them getting blamed he then turned and headed out so that he could check on her.

Lo-Wen did as she asked and fucked her driving her to the edge but not letting her cum
This had Damion giving a nod of his head before he decided that he was going to go and have his fun with Bailey, already sending a nursemaid to take the child, the maid just telling Bailey that her husband wanted to enjoy some adult time with her.

Braelyn was just a withering mess under him as he fucked her to the brink but wouldn't let her cum at all, this just had her whimpering ever so slightly.
Bailey shuddered at the thought of being with him but she didnt have a choice as the nursemaid had already taken her son from her and had wondered off.

Lo-Wen smiled and then shifted her so that he could fuck her from a different position
Damion was walking into the room before he questioned, "Are you going to behave or do I have to tie you down?"

Braelyn was just whimpering under him, her whole body just seeming to tremble somewhat.
Bailey looked at him "I would rather not be tied down" Bailey had grown tired of being tied down and while she didnt want to sleep with him she knew she didnt have much of a choice.

Lo-Wen smiled and moved more his hips bouncing against her
Damion was just looking towards her bad before she could react, he was going over to her and was soon enough pushing his hard cock inside of her after stripping them both of their clothes.

Braelyn was just moaning and just begging him to let her cum, just withering a bit under her.
Bailey cried out when he pushed in to her and her hands gripped his arms

Lo-Wen leaned down and nipped at her neck lightly but he did move so that she could cum rather then teasing her like he had been
Braelyn was just giving a small cry when he was doing that, but it was a pure cry of pleasure. Her body just trembling a bit as he was allowing her to finally orgasm.

Damion was just fucking her without any real remorse at that point in time.

Eristella was sitting up within her room at the time, currently dressed in a light night gown that didn't rub to much against her back. At the time she had sent Vin out on an errand to gather a few herbs for her.
the doctor who had reported to the king knocked and then walked in to the room and spoke "the king has sent me to look at your back princess"

Lo-Wen smiled when she came but instead of stopping her kept going pounding in to her body more

Bailey silently cried while he took her but she didnt say anything
Eristella heard the knock on the door before she was speaking for him to come in. Although she found it a bit strange that the king had sent the doctor but she wasn't going to argue it at all, just moving so that she could pull up her night gown and he could see her back.

Although a little bit more of fucking her and if he looked down he would actually see a few tears in Braelyn's eyes. While she was enjoying it, she also seemed to be in a little pain or at least the pain was beginning to kick in.
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