The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Lo-Wen watched the maid lleave before he ordered them to report for their lashings. Lo-Wen knew if they were doing it to Braelyn then they were probably doing the same thing to Bailey as well
The maids were being lead away by that of the guards although some of them were arguing that they hadn't done anything wrong.
Braelyn seemed to still be sleeping at the time although also seemed to be in a little pain still from her feet still being sore.
Braelyn seemed to be rousing some and was just rolling over to see that he was moving around in the room. "Oh... You're awake... Why didn't you wake me up...."
"because you needed to rest" Lo-Wen walked over and once she was sitting up he tended to her feet making sure that the blisters and such wouldn't get infected
Braelyn was just nodding her head before she spoke in a soft voice, "You could have still woken me up earlier."
"it is fine Braelyn I also know you have a long day ahead of you so I wanted you to rest" Lo-Wen smiled at her and then finished tending to her feet
Braelyn was just looking before she was giving a small nod of her head before she sitting up a little bit more in the bed.
Lo-Wen stood and then kissed her head "Ill see you at the funeral ok so I want you to rest up if you need anything there is a maid I have tasked with tending to you"
Braelyn was just looking at him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small nod of her head before she questioned, "Can you find me something prior to the funeral? A white rose... if possible. For my brother and it... It symbolizes rebirth...."
Braelyn was nodding her head before she was speaking, "Alright." Soon enough there was a knock on the door and it seemed like the maid was there.
Braelyn was looking at the maid who was giving a small bow and stating, "My name is Naomi and I'm here to serve you. I've come to let you both know that breakfast will be running a little late today as the cooks are being retaught by the head maid how to properly portion the food." The head maid... who just so happened to be somebody who did actually take care of those that were around regardless of who they were.
Lo-Wen sighed and then shook his head "someone didnt give Bailey enough food again and pissed the king off I bet" Lo-Wen had heard of the issue with Bailey and the only reason he could think that retraining was needed would be because of that
"It isn't even just Miss Bailey. It is basically anybody that isn't the King, his advisors, or you, the High General. They do the same thing to the Princess and now her consort; and when they know that Lady Braelyn isn't eating with you, they do the same thing to her." Naomi was speaking after a moment in time.
Lo-Wen nodded his head "when you see the head maid next let her know about what happened to Braelyns shoes I will speak to her myself later if need be"
Naomi was just looking over before she spoke, "The head maid was unaware of what happened... I told her yesterday when she let me out of my room.... Those maids had locked me in my room so that I couldn't run off and say anything to anybody... I was able to tell her then but it was already too late to say anything. And since we weren't servants that had been told to serve at the ball - entering would have resulted in punishment."
Lo-Wen nodded his head "as long as she is aware of what happened and is doing something to fix the issues that is fine" Lo-Wen knew the woman and knew she wouldn't put up with what was happening
Naomi was just nodding her head before she spoke, "She was going to punish them but then you beat her to them."
"my punishment was harsher then the head maids would be" Lo-wen looked at Brealyn and then kissed her "I need to get going but ill see you later" he then looked at Naomi "I have tended to her feet but please make sure that she rests as much as possible"
Braelyn was just looking towards Lo-Wen for a brief moment in time before she was giving him a light kiss back. Naomi was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "I shall do just that."
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