The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Vin smiled and then sat down to eat his own food.

one of the maids walked in to the kings office and spoke softly that breakfast was ready and they would bring it to him if he wished or they would prepare the dinning room
"Just bring food for me there." Damion was ordering after a moment in time as he was taking care of some other paperwork he needed to get done.

Eristella was nibbling at her food, eating far more slowly than him - yet again it was a little more difficult being blind. And she tried her best to still seem proper and to not make a huge mess.
"yes my king" the maid then left and headed back to the kitchen to retrieve his food so it could be brought to him.

Vin wasn't worried about her eating slower then he did as he knew it had to be hard when blind
Eristella was just tilting her head a bit at a bite of porriage before she was commenting that it was strange that they had actually brought warm food to them.
Eristella was giving a nod of her head before she was questioning, "What time was the funeral for that child later?"
Eristella was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "I will have to find a black dress then."
Eristella was just nodding her head after a moment in time although she wasn't even sure what was in her wardrobe at all. She usually trusted the words of the maids as to what colors she was wearing.
He would find one buried at the back of her closest, although it seemed like it would probably be a little tight on her - but it would work well enough for a last time wear.
Eristella was just giving a slight nod of her head before she spoke, "It should be fine for a tonight anyways... More than likely just have to go without a bra."
"I... Umm.... You may have to call a maid so they can help me dress.... I..If you don't feel comfortable helping." Eristella was speaking after a moment in time although it wasn't long before she was giving a startled squeak after accidentally dropping some food on herself. Good thing it wasn't super hot.
Eristella was just nodding her head some before she spoke, "I know you've been a bit flustered about seeing me with less clothing on..."
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