The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was just continuing after him before she spoke in a soft voice, "He was so excited the day that I found out I was pregnant.... He was going to have somebody to play with. Obviously being so young he didn't really understand that it wasn't going to be a brother or sister, but instead a cousin. So he just asking when his baby brother or sister would be born." She hadn't even bothered to correct him that it would be a cousin instead of a sibling. He would have loved them either way, regardless.
"I know I wish he was still here as well as he was looking forward to being Richards guard one day" Lo-Wen had seen how excited the boy was and he hated seeing such a young spark of life snuffed out. Lo-Wen then wrapped his arm around her and hugged her lightly knowing full well that she would cry the next day at the boys funeral
Braelyn was just trying to stop herself from crying when he hugged her but it wasn't working at all, she was still breaking down into his chest.
In the end she was taking a breath and just heading off towards their room with him, sitting on the edge of the bed so that she could get her shoes off of her feet. He would actually be able to smell a little blood from some blisters that she had. Brand new heels that happened to be a little too small and being pregnant so her feet were going to get swollen. Somebody had definitely planned it with the intent to cause her pain and potential harm.
Lo-Wen helped her get the shoes off and hissed when he saw her feel "I will kill who ever did this to you" Lo-Wen was more then a little pissed off at the moment over how she was being treated
Braelyn was just shaking her head before she spoke, "It is fine.... I'm pregnant.... Swollen feet are a thing." Nope she wouldn't admit that she had known that the shoes were too small, she had complained about it but the maid had told her to deal with it, they didn't have time because she was wanting to be picky.
"no these shoes are too small I can tell just by looking and I want to know who gave them to you" Lo-Wen wasn't going to let the subject drop and then maid would find out that messing with her was not a wise thing to do
Braelyn was just looking towards him before she spoke in a soft voice, "I... It was my fault. I told them the wrong size when they asked and there wasn't enough time to change them so I just dealt with it." She was however moving backwards onto the bed a bit so that she wasn't just sitting on the edge. Getting more comfortable for the time being - well as much as she could with the dress she was wearing. She couldn't wait to be out of that.
Lo-Wen looked at her "dont lie to me Braelyn you know you shoe size and I know you wouldn't have come in shoes to small unless you had no choice" Lo-Wen would not tolerate people mistreating her because they thought they could get away with it
Braelyn was just flinching away a bit before she was just stating in a low voice that it had been an accident. Which could have been an honest truth dependent on when they had asked - yet Lo-Wen had been there the day they had asked for her shoe size and knew exactly what she had told them. She had actually told them half a size bigger than her usual size - just because she knew her feet would probably swell some. "L....Lets just get some sleep...." she was whispering.
Lo-Wen looked at her and frowned but for the time being he let it drop as he could tell that she was tired and he would do his best to get it out of her the next morning
Braelyn was just watching him for a brief moment before she was moving to stand up so that he could get out of her dress, and change into pajamas.
Lo-Wen was one of the first people up the next morning but he had gotten up to deal with those who thought it was ok to hurt his mate. Lo-Wen had remembered that she had given her shoe size a bit bigger then what she normally wore and he had asked her about it so the fact that they were too small told him it was intentional
Braelyn didn't seem to wake when he got up, she did move a bit when she felt his warmth leave but otherwise she seemed to stay asleep.
Lo-Wen dealt with the maids who had given her smaller shoes than she needed and he made it clear that such disrespect would not be tolerated.
"She is the one who told us the wrong soze." One of the maids was speaking. There was one maid who seemed to be standing back - quietly. A young maid who did treat her kindly but tried to not do it around the others - otherwise things were worse.
"really I was there when she told you the size and she went with a larger size to accommodate any swelling from being pregnant" Lo-Wen looked at them all "I would suggest not lying to me as I am not stupid and lies have a scent"
Some of the maids were stammering although it wasn't long before the one younger maid was stepping up. "They don't believe an undergrounder is good enough for you, General. They are hoping with the cruel treatment she will flee and avoid it. I... I did try to tell them not to do that but they didn't listen." The maid was speaking. He would also realize that he hadn't seen the girl since before the ball until today - that was because she had been locked in her room so that she couldn't interfere.
Lo-Wen looked at her "you will tend to my mate from now as for the rest of them I will deal with them" Lo-Wen then looked at the other maids before speaking once more "as of the rest of you, you are to report to the dungeons for six lashing each as a lesson on why you should respect the person I and your king have chosen for our partners"
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