The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was just listening to it all then there were questions to Lo-Wen of when he was going to get married. "He is probably only keep her as a concubine. I doubt he'll marry somebody from the underground. Same with the king. Those woman aren't good enough to be official wives." A few voices spoke from near the pair, and Braelyn was just nibbling at her lip a bit but she was looking down at her hands in her lap.
Lo-Wen looked at them and then spoke "she is my mate and there fore my wife if you wish to lose your lives please do keep insulting her as I doubt the king will be bothered if I kill you here and now" Lo-Wen wouldn't let people say that his mate wasn't good enough to be his wife
This just had some of the other nobles around just scoffing some but they were dropping it. Braelyn was quiet at that point, falling more into a meek attitude than anything else.
Lo-Wen turned his attention to his meal when it arrived and went to work on eating. Lo-Wen watched as the kings food was tested first before he at as he had wanted to make sure that the king was safe before he ate his own food.
Damion watched as his food was tasted and once it seemed it was fine he was eating his food. Once he started to eat everybody else was starting to eat their food as well. Braelyn was more picking at her food a bit - not really feeling hungry at all. But that had been normal for her recently.
Lo-Wen watched his mate but he didnt push her to eat if she wasn't hungry but she had promised she would eat something to stay healthy.

Bailey at her own food to avoid being force fed like she had on several occasions.
Braelyn was eating a little bit but not a lot at the time. The appearance of the food just had her queasy at the time. What did sound good was a bowl of soup; but she didn't dare ask the staff for that. No they would probably get upset so she was forcing herself to eat some.
Braelyn was forcing herself at that point in time, not wanting to be a burden. She already felt she was a big enough one on Lo-Wen more often than not. It wasn't long before plates were being taken away and new meals were brought out. For the most part when they were uncovered they looked good - but the food that Vin, Bailey, and Braelyn received were clear warnings. Braelyn was putting a hand to her mouth to try and avoid throwing up when the lid was removed from her plate. All three of them it was a head... Of familiar rebels. Spies that had been planted in the palace but had been caught.
Bailey turned a shade of green and turned away from the head on her plate. this was when Richard started to cry so she exceed herself and took him to a near by room to feed him so that he would settle back down.
"Let this be a warning to you... Undergrounders." Damion was speaking not even bothered by it at all. There were a number of nobles around that were chuckling.

Braelyn was just burying her head into Lo-Wen's chest in disgust, and she was trying to keep what she had eaten down. But she didn't think it was going to last long. No that feeling of needing to throw up was overpowering.
Lo-Wen held her in his arms but he did worry about her and he wasn't pleased with the heads as the warning could have come on a different day and not the day they were suppose to be celebrating engagements and the birth of the kings son
The king didn't seemed bothered at all and Braelyn was just whispering in a soft voice for it to be removed. No she wanted to escape at that point in time - she felt like she was going to throw up. The feeling getting stronger and stronger. At that point in time she was really thinking that she was going to be the laughing stoke when she ended up throwing up, and it would probably be all over Lo-Wen nonetheless.
Lo-Wen noticed the look on her face and then spoke softly "go head to the bathroom and be sick if you feel like your going to be ill" Lo-Wen figured they could use her pregnancy as for why she was getting ill as it was still early.
Braelyn was just giving a nod of her head before she was getting up, dismissing herself. With that she was hurrying off so that she could go to the restroom, where she actually getting sick.
Lo-Wen shut down those who made comments with a simple reminder that she was still early in her pregnancy.

Bailey returned after feeding Richard and was glad to see that the head was gone and actually food was waiting for her
It wasn't long before Braelyn seemed to be returning and was going over to perch herself on Lo-Wen's lap once again, just apologizing to him in a soft voice.
"its ok you are pregnant I expect you to get sick" Lo-Wen wasn't one to punish her for something she couldn't control and the head had to make things worse.
Lo-Wen held her and ate his own food while she relaxed against him. Lo-Wen was careful so that he didnt drop anything on her while he was eating
Braelyn was more or less being that duotful woman - seen but not heard at the time, hiring behind the veil she was wearing.
when dinner was done and it was time for dancing Bailey refused all who asked her to dance as she was tending to her son and refused to leave him as she didnt trust many of the people there
"Lady Bailey. It is required of you to dance with your groom to be. I shall hold your child for you while you dance... I...if that is alright with you of course." Eristella was speaking, seeming to pick up on her father's irritation. But she wasn't wanting to intrude... No she knew people were worried she would like curse the infant or something.
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