The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Bailey looked at her and then at her brother who was with her and then nodded her head lightly. Eristella wouldn't hurt her child and neither would her brother in fact she knew they would protect him and keep him safe while she danced with the king
Eristella seemed to have an almost sad smile for a moment before she spoke "You need not agree to let me hold him... Perhaps allow my soon to be husband hold him. At least then... I cannot curse him." No there was definitely pain in her voice, especially with hearing all those accusations. Honestly she hadn't wanted to show up, already know it was going to be horrible. But she had been ordered..
Bailey looked at her "I trust you to hold him" Bailey helped her sit down and then settled Richard in to her arms knowing the Vin would take over if it was needed. Bailey didnt believe what everyone around her was saying and it was her choice on if Eristella held him or not
Eristella seemed a bit startled when she seemed to be letting her hold the child. Yet she wasn't sure why she acted so shocked... she knew Bailey trusted her.
Damion was sweeping her into a dance. Eristella was just holding the child gently although Vin would be able to tell she was a little uncomfortable - perhaps because she could feel the eyes on her.

Braelyn was just looking towards a few servants that were telling Lo-Wen that they were being ordered onto the dance floor to dance.
Lo-Wen sighed and then stood up and offered his hand to Braelyn so that the could go out on to the dance floor.

Bailey plastered a smile on her face but it didn't reach her eyes at all so the only one who would know she was faking would be the king
"At least you are putting on a smile... Even if it was fake." Damion was mumbling and gesturing for a servant to go fetch Vin and Eristella. The three announced couples have their dances together.

Braelyn was getting to her feet after taking his offered hand, and heading out onto the dance floor. Even being pregnant she was still elegant.
"I dont trust anyone else to watch my son so unless you have someone you trust they can wait till the next song" Bailey would fight him on this one

Lo-Wen saw the servant go over to Vin and Eristella and saw the look on Baileys face and knew that trouble was coming
Damion was just looking at her before he spoke "He is also my son and I trust all of my servants. They know better than to upset me. Unless they want to be punished."

Eristella was just handing the child over to a servant whose voice she recognized. One of the many nursemiads that would soon harm herself than a child. After that she was getting to her feet so that she could go dance with Vin. She was however apologizing to him right away for not knowing how to properly dance.
Vin chuckled softly "my sis er taught me how to dance so I can guide us through it and you can stand on my feet" Vin would make sure that they didnt mess up during the dance

Bailey glared for a moment but went silent after that she as knew there would issues if she argued
Eristella was just looking down for a moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "F...Forgive me...." No it was more so that she had never been taught how to dance at all - it had been one of those things where she had opted out of learning. There hadn't been a point at all - especially if she was just going to spend all of her time in the medical wing. Why did a doctor need to go to a ball to dance? Yet her plan to just live peacefully without people knowing that she was related to the mad king, that was thrown off when her father had decided to announce her to the world. Then just seem to almost change how he treated her. Sure he was a cruel man but when it came to her... he wasn't usually so cruel. There had once been some love but now there seemed to be nothing at all; and she was sure about the only people who would have seen it was his closest men. Soon she was allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor, grateful that her dress was long and her shoes were flats.

Damion was just continuing to dance with her and was just watching the other two couples that were dancing as well.
Vin guided her to the floor and then carefully placed her on his feet so that he was doing the work. Vin felt bad for her as he could tell that she was nervous about dancing.

Bailey felt people watching them and she sighed a little. while she was use to people watching her because she was a dancer she wasn't use to being watched while dancing with the king who was now her fiancé.
Eristella was just allowing him to guide her, trusting him to guide her. He had never steered her wrong at all; which had her believing that she could trust him.
Hours seemed to go by and finally the party was coming to an end, everybody was able to finally leave so that they could get some rest. Eristella was heading off with Vin so that she could head towards her chambers although her father was stating that she might want to consider moving out of that tower she enjoyed living with, that her future husband probably wouldn't find it very homely. And it wasn't as though Eristella had been forced to be within the tower - she had chosen it herself. It had just made her feel safe and at home versus anywhere else. A sense of freedom in a way - that and most people didn't bother her because they didn't want to deal with climbing the stairs.

There was definitely a small frown on her lips for a moment as it struck her that she hadn't even considered that at all before she was thanking her father for the reminder. No while she didn't want to move out of the place that made her feel safe - as a woman she would have to do as her husband wished off her. Despite it making her uncomfortable. And now that it had been announced they were engaged - it would be strange to see them apart than together. "S...Shall we head towards your chambers?" Eristella was questioning Vin in a soft voice. No the sooner they got out of there.... definitely the better. Her back which hadn't fully healed from being whipped a week ago had started to really sting almost two hours ago. Somehow she had managed to keep from showing that she was in too much pain - despite having the feeling of wanting to pass out.

Braelyn was just looking at Lo-Wen for a moment before she questioned in a soft voice, "A...Are we able to leave now?" This ball had definitely been far too much for her - at least the last few hours. Her feet were throbbing from all of the dancing that she had done. Dancing that she had really felt like she had been being forced into doing - nobles more or less guilt tripping her. Making her feel like she was a bad mate for not wishing to dance with those that Lo-Wen saw as allies and friends. She wasn't however going to tell him about more of the comments that had been said after he had left to go get more wine for himself. More of the harsh reminders that he probably didn't truly love her at all, that he had probably just used her for the sake of having a child. Reminders that she heard enough through the night that she was truly beginning to believe the words - but was afraid to say anything. Afraid that he would be upset with her for even thinking that. But she was also afraid that if she lied and said everything was fine that he would get upset for her lying. It truly felt like a ... losing situation.
Lo-Wen looked at her and nodded his head "yes we are able to leave now the king is going to settle in for the night and the rules state that unless we have permission to leave we have to stay as long as the King does" Lo-Wen had heard some of the comments that had been made to her and he was fuming mad but not at her.

Bailey took her son back from the maid who was holding him and snuggled him close kissing his head lightly. with was easy to see that she didnt like being separated from her son even when it was required. Bailey was more then a little annoyed as she had been dragged on to the dance floor by several Nobels and the king as well

Vin spoke softly "I dont mind your tower it makes it easier to guard" Vin was on edge still after the last time she had been attacked in the castle so he liked that her home was a tower rather then his room at the bottom of the stairs
Braelyn was nodding her head after a moment in time before she was mumbling that she was wanting to just get out of her heels, they were killing her feet at that point in time. She was still grateful for the veil... it hid the fact that she had been upset during the night quite a bit. And hid the fact that she did have some tears staining her cheeks.

Damion was just looking at Bailey before he was dismissing her for the night.

Eristella was a bit startled before she was stammering a bit, "I....I'll go w...where ever you want... When we get married.... a wife just does as she is told."
Lo-Wen walked with her back to their room so that they could settled down for the night and get some sleep.

Bailey looked at him and then turned and left with Richard in her arms. like Braelyn Bailey had been given a hard time most of the night and she was more then happy for the party to have come to an end.

Vin looked at her as they walked "I find your room easier to defend so we can go there"
Braelyn was just walking with him, although she seemed to be trying to match his pace at that point. No she didn't want to cause problems - even if trying to do that just made her already hurting feet hurt even more.

Eristella was just giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "I...If you want."
Lo-Wen noticed she was in pain and he slowed down so that he wasn't causing her more pain then she needed to deal with at the time.

Vin assured her that he did want and to not worry
"N...You don't have to slow down because of me. I...I'm sorry..." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time when she realized that he was slowly down.

Eristella was just giving a small nod of her head.
Braelyn was just looking before she spoke, "It is just because my ankles are swollen from being pregnant.... and heels don't help at all." With that she was just letting out a small breath of air as she walked, and soon enough they were reaching his rooms. Yet as they walked past the room that her brother had once stayed in, she did find herself pausing for a brief moment.
Lo-Wen stopped and watched her knowing full well that she missed her brother. Lo-Wen wished that the young boy was still alive but they would have to deal with the loss
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