The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Lo-Wen sighed and then walked with her to the ball room. Lo-Wen spotted the king and bowed to him before guiding Braelyn off to a different section of the room.

Bailey arrived carrying their son in her arms and found where she was to sit and was glad to see a crib. checking to make sure it was safe first Bailey laid their son down so she didnt have to hold him all night
Braelyn was just following after him at that point in time and was giving a small curtsy to the king, although nothing ultra deep. She supposed that the nice thing about being pregnant that she was exempt from some of the normal formalities that everybody else had to listen to.
Braelyn was just giving a small smile towards Bailey before she was speaking to Lo-Wen that she was going to go and speak with Bailey. Not that anybody was going to stop her, not if they valued their lives anyways. Even Damion knew not to try and stop her - yet he also didn't want to risk anything happening to her, or even the child growing inside of her. That wouldn't be good at all.
Lo-Wen nodded his head "make sure to take it easy you dont want to over do it" Lo-Wen then went to go and speak with his king and see how everything was going while she talked to Bailey
Braelyn was giving a nod of a her head before she was going over next to Bailey, a servant almost instantly moving a chair so that she could take a seat next to Bailey at the time.
Bailey smiled "you look well" Bailey had been worried about her but seeing that she seemed to be feeling good had her in a somewhat good mood
Braelyn was just giving a very faint smile although it didn't really reach her eyes at all. "I have been.... better. But definitely not fully better. We are burning Carson's body tomorrow night at last.... But I figured it would be okay to wait for a few days until the full moon. He always loved to watch the full moon; and pretend he was a werewolf." she spoke in a soft voice and while she wanted to cry she was shaking her head a bit stating that she couldn't cry - not when it was suppose to be a night with good news.

In the end it did seem like Vin and Eristella were arriving at the party as well - only because Damion had changed his mind, needing to announce their marriage to everybody. Eristella walked along with Vin at that point in time, as they both headed up towards the head table so that she could sit next to her father, just like he wanted.
Vin stayed close but he was distant at the same time something they had agreed to him doing before they had arrived at the party.

"Ill be there even if I have to bring Richard with me" Bailey would end up bringing her son with as the king was a busy man and he didnt have time to be taking care of a child or at least that was what she had been told.
Eristella just wandered with him, using him as though he were her guide. Although there were definitely whispers all around about wondering if the rumor was true that they were getting married.

Braelyn was giving a small nod of her head before looking towards the arrival of Vin and Eristella. "You hear the rumor about them being married. In a way I feel a bit sorry for them - they don't really know each other than student and teacher. But this is being forced on them." she was commenting.
Bailey looked at her brother and Eristella "yea I have heard it but I dont think it is a rumor" Bailey knew the king knew and he seemed in way to good of a mood for it to be a rumor.

Vin heard the whispering and he let out a small sigh over it
Eristella almost just seemed to flinch when she heard his sigh, although more acting at that point in time. Truly she had no issues with it but they still had to act as though they had nothing really to do with each other. Act like they weren't actually in love at all.
Vin walked her to her seat and then moved to stand behind her as was his place.

Bailey looked over when everyone started to sit down "looks like dinner is about to be served"
Eristella was taking her seat and just letting out a slow breath of air. She could hear everybody else sitting down in their seats and soon enough Damion was entering the room. This also had Braelyn getting to her feet and she was wandering over to Lo-Wen with a servant at her side, the woman not caring that she was moving before the king had taken his spot. Nor did Damion seem to care for her doing that at the time either. She was going over and sitting herself on Lo-Wen's lap at the time, resting her head on his shoulder. A pretty normal way for the ladies to sit when they were married or had mates.
Bailey looked at Damion and then focused back on her son cooing at him to keep him from fussing. Bailey hear everyone stop talking and this had her looking up so she could see what was going on and what the king had to say
Damion was just holding out his hand towards the people to keep them silent at that point in time before he was greeting everybody. "I have a number of announcements for you all tonight. First of all I want to congratulate my right hand Lo-Wen for finally finding his mate; and the pair are expecting." This actually had the pair rising from where they were at, Braelyn moving a little more slowly with being pregnant before she was sitting back on Lo-Wen's lap. Then Damion was announcing the birth of his second born child and naming them the heir to the kingdom if anything should happen to him. "After careful consideration I have decided to arrange a marriage for my darling daughter with this young man here - who has been smitten with her ever since they first met. They first met the day that somebody decided to so foolish push her into the fighter's ring, and he protected her. After that love blossomed between them... whether they want to admit it or not." Damion was speaking before Eristella was rising to her feet with that of Vin's guidance and Damion was announcing that there wedding would be in a week's time. Then came the final part of his news - his announcement that he was going to be getting married. Although everybody was a bit startled when he was gesturing towards Bailey.
when Bailey realized he was referring to her on who he was going to marry she paled but she didnt stand even after being told to. Bailey was so shocked that nothing was making any sense to her.

Vin looked at his sister when it was announced that she would be marrying the king and he wanted to scream that the king did not have his permission to marry his baby sister but he knew that would only get him in to trouble
Eristella was just tilting her head a bit although while she didn't agree with it, she was joining in with everybody else with clapping. No it would look bad for her not to be clapping for her. Although everything that had just been announced, there was definitely a lot of processing that needed to happen.

Braelyn was just tilting her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "That isn't what I was expecting." It wasn't long before drinks were being served although it was all alcohol, which Braelyn was turning down. "The king insists that everybody have a glass of wine with him." the servant was speaking - and everybody there was technically able to drink. But she also knew that all of his wines were quite potent with alcohol. If it wasn't so alcoholic then she would have that single glass, but since she knew the alcohol content was double the usual amount she was passing. Although Lo-Wen would perhaps get a little irritated with how pushy the servant was being, especially when Braelyn just seemed to be giving in to avoid causing a scene and being yelled at by this person. But Lo-Wen would also know that she wasn't going to drink at all, not in her condition.
Lo-Wen also noticed when they tried to force Bailey to drink as well but the female was more than willing to pick a fight as she would not drink while breastfeeding her son.

Vin sat down when he was told to and he watched his sister out of the corner of his eye and saw that she was fighting with a servant who was trying to get her to drink but she was refusing
Damion was stating for the servant to get her a glass of water. This had the servant giving a bow before they were hurrying off quickly. And Damion was them reminding them that she was to be his wife, so her orders were to be listened to as well. After that he was drinking his wine.

Braelyn was just raising her glass along with everybody else although until everybody else, she didn't truly have the intention to drink. But whilr she wanted to refuse and request just a water... She didn't have that power.

A servant was putting a glass of wine in Eristella's hand, and she was frowning a bit when she smelled it but she could refuse. Nobody could other than technically Bailey if the servants weren't being stupid.
Lo-Wen asked a Servant for water to Braelyn citing her pregnancy as the reason he wouldn't let her drink. this would cover her as he would take the hit if someone decided to push the issue.

Bailey took the water when it was brought to her and sipped at it.

Vin Drank some of his wine but winced at how strong it was
"Right away General." The servant was speaking and was heading off. Braelyn was however silent at that point in time, hearing a few voices around seeming to speak badly of her. Commenting that she wasn't a very good mother if she had wanted to drink - despite her basically telling the servant she couldn't because she was pregnant.

Eristella was drinking some of the wine as well although a look of disgust formed for a moment.
Lo-Wen looked at those talking and they went silent as if not wanting to anger the man. Lo-Wen then looked at Braelyn and gave her a small smile but he didnt say anything as he had heard the servant give her a hard time about not wanting to drink
Lo-Wen looked around and listened to everyone talk about the up coming weddings and wondered how the brides were going to dress and so on. Lo-Wen suspected that there was going to be drama in the kings room that evening when Bailey had fully processed what was said
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