The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Vin helped her sit up and get settled so that he could tend to her back

the guard sighed "then please tell them that they are all pressing me to ask you to pick someone and it is getting annoying for me and I bet for you as well "
"I have told them. Many times. And I'm at the point where... the only way to get them to silence themselves is for me to just kill them." the king was speaking after a moment in time.

Eristella was sitting up with his help.
"or Marry. if I may your majesty if you marry you sons mother you would shut them up and be able to calm the people down if only for a little bit you may even draw the rebels out with a royal wedding" the guard knew they wouldn't be able to resist
The king was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "I don't want to be tied down to a single woman."
"I never said you had to be loyal to her your the king you can have a harem if you wanted" the guard shrugged and then looked at the child and wondered how it would grow up
Damion was chuckling before he was stating that of course he could have a harem - he was the king so he could do as he wished.
the guard nodded his head and hoped that the king would marry and then do as he wanted one would shut the advisors up and the other would make him happy
Damion was just stating that he was dismissed before he stating that they were also pushing for that of the princess to get married as well.
the guard stopped and frowned for a moment "marry her to the guy she is training she isn't your heir so she doesn't need to marry in to a good blood line"
This actually had Damion commenting, "That isn't half bad. And come to think of it... I don't believe that he even knows that she is my daughter at all." How wrong they both were.... but they didn't need to know that.
This had the king telling him to call for the pair of them there, that he was wanting to tell them the "good news" right away.
Eristella was just tilting her head some from where she was sitting when the guard came in and announced this, and it had her a bit worried.
Eristella was just getting to her feet after Vin was finished and they were heading to see Damion, who just seemed to be clapping his hands. It wasn't long before he was drawing her away from Vin and commenting to him, "I suppose she never told you the truth of who she was. Perhaps afraid that you would hate her. But I guess now is the time for it to come out. I present to you... Princess Eristella, my daughter." Damion was speaking and Eristella did find herself going a bit pale at the time - sure Vin knew but she wasn't sure how he would react at that time.
Vin did as he had done when he had found out and remained silent just watching the two of them. Vin didnt let on that he already knew as he didnt want to the king to know he knew
Damion was just looking towards the pair of them before he was commenting that he was deciding that he was going to marry them together. "My advisors are pushing for it... and what better way than to just wed her to somebody with no real importance."
Damion was commenting that they would be holding the ceremony in a month's time - not really caring what the pair thought at that point in time.
Eristella was just nodding her head after a moment in time, not really having too much of a choice. Sure she was glad it was Vin but in the end - she wouldn't have a choice in the matter. She was giving a startled shriek when she was being shoved away by Damion and was stumbling a bit.
Vin caught her to keep her from falling on to the ground. Vin was careful with how he caught her so that he didnt put pressure on her back
Eristella was just falling into him, a bit startled by that having happened. And the king was telling them to get out of his sight, that he would announce their engage that night at dinner, and he was expecting them to be there.
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