The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

the maid who helped move Bailey to the kings chambers was reporting to the king that both mom and the baby had been moved as a guard had taken up station waiting over them
"the lady didnt seem happy my king but she didnt try and run I dont think she is feeling all that well" the maid had had children as well and she could tell that Bailey was on edge and not wanting to rest which was making her sick
while he was handling things a doctor tried to convince Bailey it was safe to rest and get some sleep while her son was sleeping but he was failing in doing so
A servant was informing the king about this and he was just stating, "She wants to be stubborn, let her. I can have other people take care of the child because she wants to be stupid. Take the child and until she rests, the child is to be taken care of by Lo-Wen's mate."
and older woman and one of his advisors spoke "why not go and take the child yourself sire then she might relax while she doesn't know you well I suspect she is a paranoid first time mother and she is scared for the safety of her child"
The king was just looking for a moment before he spoke, "I don't really care much for either. The child can be raised by another and will be named my heir. Once he is older then I'll be personally training himself. But otherwise.... he doesn't need to be getting to attached to anybody."
the woman looked at him "you majesty you want him attached to you if he is attached it is less likely that he will turn on you if someone were to try and influence him"
This had the king commenting that she did have a valid point there before he was ordering that the child be brought to him right away. he was looking at a few things that he had to review, nothing important. At leas not yet.
the servant nodded her head and went to get Richard from his mother expecting to have to chain the woman back up to keep her from following them
The king just looked over some of the things that he had in front of him. Peace treaties that people wanted, marriage proposals to himself, some towards his daughter.
the maid left and headed back to her chores. while the king had his son Bailey fretted for a while but soon exhaustion caught up with her and she curled up on the bed and fell asleep
As the king was attempting to care for the infant, Eristella was sitting up in her bed with her eyes closed - at that point in time just listening to music playing. Her fingers were just moving in front of her as though she was playing along with the music.
"normally I worked and trained but I can't really do either here" Vin was training as a doctor under her so if she wasn't in the medical wing then he couldn't be there.
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