The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was just watching for a brief moment in time although one of the men on the end found themselves a bit startled as she was seeming to come up behind him and was helping him adjust his posture a bit more.
Braelyn was just stepping away before going back over towards Lo-Wen. One of the men was just stating that she didn't need to be helping them at all, that she didn't even know what they were doing. "Much to your dismay... I do actually know how to fight. I have been trained in how to use a sword. Although my fighting style is more... elegant."
Braelyn was just letting out a breath of air before she was actually holding her hand out towards Lo-Wen and asking if she could borrow his sword.
Braelyn was taking his sword and challenging the man that had spoken to her as he had. Soon enough they were head to head and while he had the strength on her, she was a lot more agile on her feet. No she was using the fact that she was a dancer to her advantage.
In the end he was finding himself having to step in especially when the man was actually pulling a more advanced move that most people didn't know how to block, and one that if it actually struck her, would get her square in the stomach. And Braelyn didn't really have a way to block it, not since the first part was knocking the sword out of the person's hand.
Lo-Wen helped her to her feet and after seeing that she was ok he turned and glared at the male almost tempted to put him in his place.

Bailey allowed the staff to moved her and her son but she was less then pleased to find herself back in the Kings chambers
Lo-Wen did punish the male but he was also a little nicer about it but if something was wrong with her or the baby there would be hell to pay
The check up was going fine, and the doctor was telling her that everything was alright. A minor bruise on her side from where she had hit the ground - but other wise the infant was fine. That was what mattered to Braelyn, is that her baby was alright.
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