The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just looking in horror before she was pleading with her father to forgive them that they were only children. He was calling for Lo-Wen to halt for a moment in time before he was looking at his daughter and was questioning, "And what would you have me do? They killed a royal." "They are merely children! Have them do some manual labor. Make them work in the palace and do some of the dirty jobs that other staff don't want to do." Eristella was speaking after a moment in time. Well that did seem like a more fair punishment although the king was adding that in exchange she would also take five lashes, considering that is the number of children that had been sent down to the dungeons for their actions. Eristella was just letting out a breath before she spoke, "I shall take that punishment in exchange for a lesser punishment towards those children."
LO-Wen nodded his head and then looked at her wondering if she would still feel that way if it were her sibling or child but he wouldn't ask that question not given the face that the kings son was just born
The king was giving orders for Lo-Wen to escort Eristella down to the dungeons and to let his master of torture know that she was to receive five lashes. "I don't want them holding back though because she is my daughter." the king was adding and Eristella managed to keep a straight face.
Lo-Wen nodded his head and then escorted her down there so that she could receive her lashes before the children were sent to work
Eristella was just walking with him before she spoke, "Children are innocent and don't deserve punishment such as that. It is because they haven't been taught properly. It shouldn't be the child who is punished with death but the parent who never taught their child that being a bully isn't alright.:
"I will take that to the king but they did take the life of and innocent and found it funny" Lo-Wen would talk to the king about punishing the parents as well
"Who knows if it was all of them. Maybe it was just one and the others were afraid to tell him to stop." Eristella was speaking after a moment in time as they were arriving to where the torture chamber was. The man there was looking over and asking what he owed the pleasure of their visit.
The man was chuckling a bit and Lo-Wen would perhaps get a bad idea about what was going through the man's head.
And more is what the man had been planning but doing his whole "oh that one didn't count because it didn't draw blood" and that was his goal, to draw blood. And even with five lashes that is what he did do to Eristella, he made sure to draw blood, and Lo-Wen would be able to tell that he was most certainly aiming to cause her as much physical pain as he could in those lashes. Eristella just bit her lip to stop from crying out, not wanting to give this man the enjoyment at that point.
Lo-Wen wasn't going to let her get more then the five she had agreed to to keep the kids alive and doing some of the worst jobs possible in the castle
In the end the man was actually trying to go for another one, having forgotten that Lo-Wen was still there. And the poor young woman was already on the ground sobbing but some conscious.
Eristella was managing to get to her feet with his help but on my barely. It was on my barely that she was staying on her feet. Unfortunately while she was making it out of the dungeons, this is when she was passing out. A maid saw this happen and was off to get Vin.
Eristella seemed to wake slightly when she felt the new touch, the more familiar touch, before she was passing out again
Eristella was giving a small whimper as he was doing that. He would see that there hadn't been any holding back. The welts were all pretty deep and bleeding. No doubt she would have scars.
Eventually he was getting the sounds cleaned and her back was bandaged, she seemed to be asleep again. Or she had passed out from pain, it was hard to tell.
As he was getting rid of stuff at some point Braelyn seemed to be waking up, although she was going to where Bailey was at, ignoring the guards at that point in time. "Don't touch me... I want to be with one of my best friends right now." she was speaking as a guard was actually going to stop her from entering the room - not caring out the king's orders at that point in time. No she needed to see Bailey - a person that she saw as family along with Vin.
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