The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice, "Yes your majesty." With that she was talking into the room so that she could at least be there to support Bailey.
Eristella was just walking into the room before she spoke, "You are going to have to let them help Bailey. I can stay here but... I....I wont be helpful with childbirth....."
"Bailey.... I.... I won't be able to hurt.... I... Would only hurt you or the baby.... W...would you let my assistant help... V...Vin has been learning under me. He would be able to help as well." Eristella spoke having no idea that they were siblings; all she knew that this was out of her realm of being able to do anything. She had never done it before and if she fucked up then she was in for a world of hurt from the king.
Although what would perhaps surprise the two of them was when a sleepy looking Braelyn seemed to be wandering into the room, despite guards trying to stop her. "Either you want the baby delivered or not safely. Your choice. If you do then I suggest you get the hell out of my way and let me pass." she was snapping and they were stepping aside, leaving her to walk into the room.
Vin looked at Baleen and let out a sigh of relief hoping she knew what to do. Vin looked at his sister who he could tell was in a lot of paining he hoped the king didn't do anything stupid like take the baby from her
Braelyn was just shooing all of the other doctors out although there were some of them that didn't want to listen. "Get the fuck out. Right. Now. I am hormonal, I am suffering from morning sickness, and running on a few hours of sleep. I am not in the mood to deal with the bullshit. Now leave." Braelyn spoke in a rather dark voice which had them all leaving the room rather quickly. Well the news that she was pregnant would perhaps be a bit of a surprise to Bailey - not so much Eristella and Vin since they had been there when she was told. With that Braelyn was letting out a breath of air before looking at Vin and telling him what she was needing since he knew his way around there more. She was looking towards Eristella before she spoke, "Eristella, why don't you hold Bailey's hand and use some magic to help her with the pain." No she would give the girl something to help with.
Vin got everything she asked for and once she had what was needed her went to his sisters side so he could hold her hand as the king seemed more interested in strutting his stuff then trying to support the woman having his child.
It took a number of hours but eventually the child was being born, the shrill cry being heard throughout the mansion. The crying actually seemed to have Eristella giving a small smile, glad that her baby sibling had been born safely. Although this also had a small sad smile appear briefly as well. Now that the king had another heir, he had no use for her anymore.
Braelyn was just finishing getting the child cleaned up and checking them over herself. "Let me just let Lady Eristella use some of her magic to check the little one over and then I will give them to you." She told Bailey in a gentle voice before she was walking over to where Eristella was at and just guiding the young woman's hand to the child, letting her check them over. "Healthy baby. Nothing wrong with them." Eristella was speaking in a soft voice before she was stepping away leaving Braelyn to take the child over to Bailey, placing the infant into the waiting mother's arms.
Bailey took hold of her baby boy and held him close "his name is Richard" Bailey didnt care what the king thought this was her son and she was picking her sons name
Braelyn was just smiling before she spoke, "He is precious." With that he was looking towards Eristella before she was gently pushing her over and speaking to her in a soft voice, "He is still your baby brother. Why don't you go and say hi to him. I'm sure that Bailey won't mind at all."
with some help from Vin Bailey sat up better so that Eristella could come over and see her brother. Bailey trusted that the woman wouldn't do anything to hurt her brother.
Eristella just seemed a little hesitant but in the end Braelyn was gently leading her over so that she could meet the baby, just guiding her hand so that she could gently touch the baby.
Braelyn was just watching Eristella with a soft smile although she was a bit startled when the king seemed to be coming into the room and was snagging the young woman's hand away - telling her not to be touching him. This had Eristella startled and she was backing away quickly before giving a bow and retreating out of the room. He was basically telling the other doctors that she wasn't allowed near the child unless he was there - basically stating he didn't trust her not to harm the child. Well that was a dagger through the heart to Eristella from outside of the room.
Bailey looked at him and snapped "ENOUGH! she is not going to harm her brother and you need to get the fuck over yourself if she was going to harm him she had nine months to do it as it sits I trust her more with Richard then I do you" Bailey was tired and worn but she was also pissed off and her brother could tell she was losing control of her temper
The king was just looking towards her before he spoke, "My rules are absolute." With that he was turning and leaving the room, just giving Eristella a warning to behave herself and listen. And it helped at that point that the only people out there were guards, and they probably wouldn't care if she was threatened at all.
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