The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

The king was looking before he spoke, "Take it back and get more, my orders. She is eating for two. Be sure to tell the chefs that if the child dies because they are starving the mother... they shall all pay the price."
A number of months had gone by and Bailey had been allowed to return to down below, for a short time anyways. Although now she was being brought back aboveground because she had gone into labor, and was now being rushed into the infirmary so that the doctors could help deliver the baby. About a month prior to that it had been discovered that Braelyn was pregnant with Lo-Wen's child - and it had only been discovered after she had ended up just collapsing from a very high fever. This is when the doctor was discovering that fact, and now Lo-Wen was far more protective than he had been before. In the past few months, Eristella and Vin had entered into a relationship that they were keeping hidden from the king as well. Although the relationship hadn't really progressed past just sharing a bed together and occasionally making out - but other than that it hasn't progressed at all past that. Neither of them had ever gotten sexually intimiate at all.
Bailey smacked every single doctor that tried to tend to her she didn't want any of them touching her. Bailey only trusted Eristella and they refused to get the woman for her which meant that Bailey was fighting back and making things hard for them. Bailey even cussed the doctors out while hitting them

Lo-Wen heard the commotion and went to find out what was going on and why there was a bunch of screaming.
Braelyn didn't follow him at all, instead she seemed to be asleep in their bed at the time. They had learned she was expecting about three months prior and now the morning sickness seemed to be hitting her pretty badly.

"Enough fighting them. They will help you with the childbirth and that is final." the king spoke in a sharp voice as he came into the room.

As this was happening, Eristella actually seemed to be curled up in her bed next to Vin at the time.
"no I do not want them" Bailey tossed a near by lap at him making it clear she wasn't happy with his choice.

Lo-Wen looked at the king before speaking "maybe it is best to at least have her here maybe then it will stop the fighting "
The king was just looking over before he was speaking with a groan, "Then go get the useless girl. She has never assisted in something like this. She doesn't know the first thing about childbirth."
"no but Bailey knows and trusts her and that is what is important right now" Lo-Wen then headed out to go and get the princess since that was who Bailey had wanted in the first place
The king was just commenting that he really didn't trust the girl around his child at all; basically accusing that Eristella might do something to harm her younger sibling. Man if Eristella had been there to hear that she would have been beyond hurt to hear that. Especially since she had been there to help Bailey as much as she could, and while it had been forced on Bailey she had been happy about a younger sibling.
Lo-Wen looked at him "if she wanted to hurt the child she could have done so by now have some faith that your daughter wouldn't hurt her younger sibling" Lo-Wen then rushed to get Eristella so that she could help Bailey give birth or he feared that something bad would happen if she fought the labor
Eristella was just rubbing her eyes some when she heard sounds on the steps which had her sitting up some, and was just gently shaking Vin awake.
Vin sat up and then upon hearing the foot steps moved away from her as they were doing their best to keep it hidden from the king.

Lo-Wen soon knocked on the door and called out to her
"Who is it?" Eristella was calling out although the footsteps had sounded like Lo-Wen, which had her wondering why he was there if she was correct.
"its Lo-Wen Bailey went in to labor and is asking for you she is refusing to let anyone touch her" Lo-Wen hoped that she would be able to come and help quickly
Eristella was just frowning a bit before she was speaking, "I.... I don't know anything about childbirth... I don't think that I would be of much use. But I can at least be there for" Vin would definitely be able to tell that she was a bit frightened about the idea.
"I know but Bailey is refusing to let anyone else touch her she only wants you" Lo-Wen wouldn't be bothering her if it were for that fact
"I.... Need to change first and I shall be there...." Eristella was speaking after a moment in time before she was moving to get to her feet.
Eristella was getting up so that she could change out of her pajamas and into some different clothes- having Vin assist her with picking out different clothes.
Eristella was just getting dressed as quickly as she could, although not being able to see just made things a bit more difficult. Soon enough she was just stating that it was time to be going.
Eristella was heading down the stairs and soon enough they were arriving at the room, although before they were going in the king was grabbing Eristella roughly by the wrist and hissing at her to make sure that the child was born safely.
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