The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Lo-Wen nodded his head "I will make sure it is done properly" Lo-Wen then picked Braelyn up in his arms and carried her out of the room and headed back towards his room so she could sleep off the rest of the sedative.

Vin watched as they reached the surface and hissed a little at how bright it was
The tattoo artist was giving a nod of his head and watched them leave.

This was the nice benefit of being blind, Eristella wasn't aware of the change in the lighting. She was however asking Vin if he was alright, clearing not knowing what had happened.
"I am fine I am just not use to how bright it is up here" Vin blinked several times to adjust to the light.

Lo-Wen walked ot his room and once they were there he settled her down on the bed to rest
Eristella was just nodding her head before she questioned, "Is it beautiful though once you adjust to it?"

Braelyn was still out cold.
"very much so" Vin knew that she wanted to know what it was like so he was doing his best to tell her.

Lo-Wen then went to shower and change while she rested
Eristella was just smiling as she listened to him before she was commenting that she wished she could see it for herself.

When he returned from his shower he would find that she was awake.
Vin nodded but he didnt say anything knowing that there was little he could do to help her see again.

Lo-Wen looked at her when he returned and then pointed at a cream on his deak "you will use that on your mark until it is gone"
Braelyn was just looking towards him before she was just looking away, refusing to even speak to him at that point in time.
"be mad all you want but when the king gives an order it is to be obeyed." Lo-Wen then went to get dressed but if she were to look she would see that his back was covered in whip scars.
Braelyn didn't answer him at all but she was looking over, and seeing the whip marks that were on his back.
Braelyn didn't seem to be looking at him at that point, not letting him know that she had been looking at him.
"your brothers first lesson on swords should be finishing up do you wish to go and get him with me or are you going to mope" Lo-Wen wouldn't subject her brother to a mark not until he was older if he didn't cut it as a guard
Braelyn was just looking at him for a moment before she was mumbling for him to go fuck himself. After that she was getting up so that she could leave, wanting to see her brother.
Lo-Wen stopped her "like I said be mad all you want but the king gets what he wants and by giving you that make I am adding another layer of protection"
"welcome to the world up top sweetheart even here the kings' word is law be glad you are not his pet or things would be much worse for you" Lo-Wen then turned so they could head off and pick up her brother
"This world... is terrible. Life below is better than being ruled by a lunatic." Braelyn was hissing but was putting on a smile as her brother was running over as they came up, and she was picking him up.
Lo-Wen didn't say anything more but let her greet her brother. since it was almost time for dinner he guided them to the dinning hall reminding them about the rules as he did so
Lo-Wen pulled their chairs out when they arrived before going to his own and sitting down. Lo-Wen didn't know if the king would join them or if he would be with his new pet
The king didn't show up, he was caught up with something else at the time. Carson was talking to his sister and then spotting the new tattoo she had since it was on h3r collarbone in a rather noticable spot. "Oh what is that?" He asked and she was just commenting that it was a tattoo.
Lo-Wen didn't say anything as he knew she was still rather pissed at him for the tattoo. if carson asked if he could get one Lo-Wen would tell him no that he had to wait till he was older
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