The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Damion was just chuckling before he spoke, "If he couldn't even last more than a minute against you, he isn't worth it." With that he was leaving Braelyn to go over Lo-Wen before he was stating that he was serious about marking her. "Make it known to her and others that she is yours."
Braelyn was just following after him although once they were arriving she was just stopping, refusing to enter at that point in time. Oh no she wasn't getting marked like that. That wasn't happening.
Braelyn was giving a startled squeak but was actually trying to fight against him. "No. Let me go! "
Braelyn was actually trying to tear away from him.

Eristella found herself waking some, and just sitting up slowly. She felt weak at that point in te, super weak.
Lo-Wen kept his grip on her and watched as oneof the works came up and injected a sedative in to her neck.

Vin looked at her when he heard her sit up "how are you feeling?"
Braelyn was giving startled gasp but in the end she was swaying some and collapsing.

"Hmm.... Nauseous... Light headed a bit..." Eristella was mumbling as she leaned against the bed again.
Lo-Wen kept her form falling to the ground and then settled her so that male could get to work on her tattoo. this tattoo would mark her and belonging to Lo-Wen and no one would dare try and challenge him again over it

Vin nodded his head "it is almost time to head back up"
"he is doing fine the other doctors told him to rest for the rest of the day and a crew has been moved to clear the tunnel" Vin turned so he could better look at her
"its rare that the guards listen but when a doctor gives the order they do as told usually" Vin couldn't count the number of times they had gone against a doctor and bad things had happened latter
Eristella listened to the guard's words about it being time to go. Not something that she was overly enthused about at all.... only because she felt weak. She didn't want to be more of a burden than she already felt most of the time.

Braelyn found herself coming to as the tattoo artist was still in the middle of giving her the tattoo, the tattoo only half completed at the time. Yet nobody had expected her to wake up so soon -not factoring in where she was from at all. Shockingly being drugged by those aboveground was a common thing.
Vin walked over and helped her to her feet "feel free to lean on me if you need to"

Lo-Wen noticed she woke up and ordered for her to be put back under. while he didn't like sedating people he would do so inorder to get her mark finished.
Eristella was a bit startled at him touching her all of a sudden but she was managing to get to her feet; granted she was quite unsteady at the time.

No shock at all that she was actually trying to keep them away from her, thankfully the tattoo artist wasn't currently tattooing her at the time. Although Lo-Wen would probably be more upset when instead of giving her a drug to get her to stop acting up, one of the other guards was taking to punching her in the stomach after she had managed to get up before striking her in the back of the neck when she was doubled over.
Lo-Wen was upset and the look on his face was clear that the guard was in some trouble for punching her. once she was down how ever Lo-Wen made sure the was sedated and then settled once more before he took the guard in to the hall and proceeded to teach the male a lesson while the tattoo was being finished.

Vin helped her to the lift so that they could leave only after gathering their things
The tattoo artist was finishing up the tattoo and was even pushing up the female's shirt a bit to see that already her stomach was starting to bruise up something fierce. Not that it had been a shock since the guard had been wearing gloves at the time.

Eristella was just leaning into him although once they were on the lift she was even more unsteady it seemed.
Lo-Wen walked in and when he saw the bruise her growled his anger. "when you spread word of her marking make it known i will not take it kindly if she is harmed."

Vin held her close and he could tell the doctors wanted to pull her away but they didn't dare tempt the male who was willing to kill to protect her
This had the tattoo artist nodding his head before he was speaking, "I shall. The tattoo is now finished. Obviously you know the drill with the healing."

Eristella was just leaning into him, using him as that support at that point in time.
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