The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Vin looked at the people who were claiming it was poison and growled drawing their attention to him this had several people going silent and others looking away as if noticing him for the first time. Vin then moved to her side once more "can i do anything the help"
Eristella was just silent at that point, just focusing on healing than listening to their comments. Comments she was use to more than not - sadly, even if she had never harmed a person. "His injuries are to severe to move right now. I can get him stable but.... I don't like the idea of being vulnerable around people who would sooner kill me."
Eristella was just listening to the sounds around her before she was just moving her hands and gently touching the man, her fingers just touching his legs gently. It wasn't as though magic was unheard of completely... but healing magic seemed to be far more rare than most other magics. Yet here she was using a rather strong healing spell.

As this was happening, Braelyn was slipping out of Lo'Wen's room so that she could go and explore the palace a bit. Not like she had been ordered to remain in his room - yet even though people knew that she was his, there were still those stupid people that were trying to hit on her.
Vin watched over her while she worked but otherwise, he remained silent and let her do her things. While he had known she used Magic he was still startled to see how strong she was.

Braelyn soon discovered what the collar could do when one of the guards went to grab her only to get hit with a strong jolt of electricity knocking him on his ass
Others around seemed to watch amazed as the man was moving his legs after a bit, a feat that he shouldn't have been able to do at all. It seemed like Eristella was just going for healing him fully. It seemed to be the formerly injured man who was catching the young woman as she was all of a sudden swaying and collapsing, stopping her from hitting the ground.

Braelyn seemed a bit startled by this and was just giving a startled squeak. Oh that hadnt been her doing at all.
Vin moved and carefully picked her up holding her close before looking at the male as he carefully got to his feet looking down at his legs stuned as he shouldn't have been able to do that at all.

the male became furious but he stayed away from her as he didnt know how it was that he had gotten shocked.
The man was just shocked before he spoke in a mystified voice, "There is no pain at all." There was another medic coming over and using a small amount of magic, and they were commenting that he was healed up completely. "That woman must be our savior...." Eristella was unconscious in Vin's arms; her breathing was a bit labored from overexerting her magic but other than that she seemed fine.

Braelyn was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was questioning, "What business did you have with me? It is known that I am the property of General Lo-Wen.... yet you are stupid enough to try and make a move on me."
Vin held her close and watched everyone around them knowing full well that soon word would spread through the cavern and people would know what was going on.

the male growled and then stormed off heading to challenge Lo-Wen for her. this would be a mistake as Lo-Wen took such challenges personally and he wouldn't go easy on the male
Braelyn seemed a bit startled and just found herself running after him, skidding to a stop them they came to where Lo-Wen seemed to already be training.

There was another medic that was showing Vin to a quiet spot where he could lay her down for a bit.
Vin settled her down on the bed that was in the room and then settled in to guard her while she rested.

Lo-Wen looked over when the male came up and challenged him before sending on of the guards to notify the king of what was going on as the rules stated the king had to approve of all challenges
Eristella didn't seem to wake for a while after this had happened, there were a few people that happened to stop by to see how they were doing, but other than that nobody really bothered them at all.

Braelyn just seemed worried as she approached but at the same time stayed out of the way.
It wasn't long before Damion seemed to be striding up and was demanding to know what was happening, and why exactly there was a challenge that was happening. Not that he really cared but he was still curious. His eyes were however flickcering towards the young woman who seemed to be hiding behind Lo-Wen at the time.
Lo-Wen shrugged until the male spoke and explained why he was challenging the general. this had Lo-Wen rolling his eyes and letting out an annoyed sigh
Damion was just looking over before he spoke, "Let me get this straight... You are challenging by general... for his slave."
Damion was just studying Braelyn for a brief moment in time before he was commenting, "I will allow this challenge."
Lo-Wen nodded and then looked at Braelyn and instructed her to go and stand by the king. Lo-Wen then faced the male and drew his sword and then waited to see what the idiot would do
Braelyn was nodding her head before she was going over next to the king. Damion was actually grabbing at her chin and forcing her to look at him for a brief moment, which had her giving a startled gasp. "Lo-Wen. When you win... I advise that you mark her as yours right away. She is quite the looker... Somebody even I would try and take." Damion was commenting although while he was serious Lo-Wen would also know that the king tended to allow his trusted people to keep what they chose.
"Of course my King" Lo-Wen moved when the male attacked and in a matter of seconds, the challenge was over as the male had a sword going through his chest. Lo-Wen watched as the male dropped to the ground and looked over at the king bowing
Damion was just watching and was clapping his hands, yet he was just making Braelyn watch what happened, not allowing the young woman to look away. Her eyes were wide with fright when Lo-Wen was impaling the man and she had a sick look on her features. No it was a warning to make sure that she behaved.
Lo-Wen with drew his sword and then looked at the king once more before apologizing for costing him a guard and that he would find someone to replace the male.
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