The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was just looking at him for a moment, "And how do I know that. For all I know it could be one of those collars that are put in slaves for intent of causing them harm." It was true - there were collars like that although usually only put on unruly slaves - or that is what the rule of thumb was supposed to be. Not everybody listened though, some just did it to cause their slave pain for not obeying, or just because.
Braelyn was just looking at him and was still attempting to try and take it off, not wanting to have it on at all. Yet in the end there was no point and she was giving up the fight. Of course... she was from underground - where none of them could ever dream of being treated like actual human beings. They were nothing more than slaves and garbage in the eyes of those aboveground. "Take this off of me and give me back my brother. I would rather be trapped under the ground versus being a slave. None of you have any right to treat us undergrounders as such. It is your and your kings fault that we are stuck down there. You have labeled us as less than human." she spoke in a rather venomous voice, but she had tears in her eyes.

As this was happening, Eristella was gathering some stuff from the medical wing that was going with her since it seemed like they were going to go down into the caverns sooner rather than later. She was currently wearing the clothing that had been picked out for her by Vin, and her hair had been put up into a bit of a messy bun by that of the maids. But she was still wearing her signature blindfold - no she wasn't sure that she would be able to go without it.
Lo-Wen looked at her and then shook his head "no" Lo-Wen knew she wasn't happy hell he could see it on her face but he wasn't going to remove it from her. not wanting to listen to her complain anymore Lo-Wen grabbed the other collar he had pulled out and headed out of the room going back to where Carsyn was he had worn these particular collars before and knew how they worked so he wasn't lying when he had said that they would keep her safe. Lo-Wen waited till the teacher was done lecturing before going in and placing the collar on the young boy explaining that it would keep him safe from those who would try and harm him.

Vin stood near bu and grabbed anything she said from where she said it was as this allowed him to learn where things were currently placed in the medical wing.
Carsyn was just startled when he was putting the collar on him - more than confused, and a little afraid all at once. Very afraid actually. "A....are we becoming slaves....?" he questioned in a frightened voice.

Eristella was just listing off things for him to grab, and directing him where to grab them from.
“No you’re not becoming a slave these collars are special they will keep you safe. If someone tries to harm you they will get one hell of a rude awakening” Lo-Wen ruffled the boys hair and smiled at him lightly

Vin nodded and did as directed so that they could get one the move sooner
Carsyn was giving a small nod of his head before he was going off so that he could get back to his lessons. While he was doing that, it seemed like Braelyn had taken to deciding to wander about the palace some.

Soon enough they had everything that they needed and Eristella just seemed a bit nervous about the whole thing - about going underground. She was just going to get in the way - this was a fact that she already knew. "I...I guess lets go and meet the other healers that are going to be going down."
Vin looked at her lightly “don’t worry I will be with you the whole time you will be safe” Vin didn’t plan on leaving her side during the time that they were down there.
Vin looked up from her when some of the other doctors called out and said that it was time to get moving and head out as they only had a few hours to work before they were to return to the surface.
Eristella was nodding her head and leaving herself in Vin's hands at that time, using him as a guide. Walking in the palace she was fine but the moment they stepped out, he would feel her hesitate.
Vin walked with her to the lift that would take them below and when it came time to walk on to it he picked her up carefully and set her over the gap so that she didn't fall and get hurt.
Eristella was just following after him, using him as a guide. Although she did find herself startled when she was being picked up and almost on instinct her arms were going around his neck.
Eristella was just saying quiet at tha tpoint in time, and jaut holding onto his arm a bit - not at all use to the lift.
Eristella just held onto his arm tightly and just remained close to him, using him for that support at that point in time.
when they reached the bottom VIn carefully guided her off of the platforms as there was no gap this time so he didnt need to pick her up. Vin spotted several people he knew who were shocked to see him down there again since it was well known that he had been caught and taken above ground. Vin shook his head letting them know not to come over to him. Vin then guided Eristella to the medical room and he described where everything was an how the beds were laid out.
Eristella accepted his guidance and walked along with him, just listening to his word as he explained everything around. There was almost a weak smile on her lips as she did so. No she already felt overwhelmed with being there but she also knew that she could help.
Vin made sure to take his time and when they had a solid walk that had nothing against it he placed her hand on the wall “you can use the wall to guide you there is nothing in your way”
Eristella was just tilting her head some before she was nodding her head and thanking him for the assistance. "I....I'll try not to get in the way..."
“You won’t be in the way” Vin assured her as he was there to help her help those who were stuck down below and couldn’t get any help
Eristella was giving a nod of her head before she was making her way around the room - just using the fact that it was empty at the moment to learn her way around more quickly.
Vin watched her but stayed out of her way while she learned her way around the room. Vin knew that soon they would have people coming to get treated so he hoped it wouldnt take her long to learn her way around
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