The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Carson was definitely stating that he wanted one which had Braelyn ruffling his hair. "You aren't old enough."
"When you are old enough I'll take you to get one" Thankfully the rules for children stated they couldn't be marked until they were adults. Lo-Wen knew this would probably make her mad at him more but it was one way to keep the boy happy
Carson was just looking for a moment although it seemed like Braelyn was highly opposed to it, even the talk about it seemed to upset her. "Oh food is here." Carson was commenting before he was going to eat some of his food although was being halted by Braelyn who was testing his food first, a normal thing for her. Especially here. She didn't trust anybody and she didn't want to risk somebody harming her brother. At least she had a bit more of a tolerance to poisons.
Lo-Wen looked at her "no one would be stupid enough to try anything so you dont need to worry" Lo-Wen knew the cooks were scared of both him and the king and since Carson was under his care they would take extra care with the boys food as well
Braelyn was just looking for a moment in time before she spoke, "I still want to make sure that my brother is safe and protected."
"if he gets ill you can blame me but they wouldn't target him they would target me or the king" Lo-Wen knew he was a target so he was always careful with his food
Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "It would be me that gets ill first since I always try his food first."
In the end the siblings were beginning to eat their food. It was around this time that the doors seemed to open and in came the doctors returning from the caverns, heading to get some food. At the back seemed to be that of Vin and Eristella, a little slower than the rest. More so because she was still fighting fatique and weakness.
Eristella was just wandering with him before she was mumbling that she wished to return to her chambers. Yet she was also adding that she could go herself without any assistance if he preferred.
"ill take you back to make sure you get there that and I dont want someone to get mad at me for letting you walk back in this state" Vin really didnt want to get in to trouble
Eristella was just nodding her head for a moment before she was turning to leave, although they were being berated for not giving the high general any acknowledgement. This had her cringing a bit, having forgotten that the high generals were a step down from the king, or they mind as well be. While she was the princess there wasn't truly much love for her from her father at all. "F...Forgive us High General for failing to acknowledging you." she was speaking in a soft voice and giving a very small curtsy.

Braelyn was just watching from where she was sitting before she was just speaking to some of the guards, "And you boys should be more respectful to your princess instead of treating her like she is nothing more than a servant. "
Vin blinked when he heard her call Evrial a princess but he didnt question it he did look over when one guard who had gone to strike her backed down this had him spotting the mark on her collar bone and frowning a bit knowing she wouldn't have willingly let it be done
Eristella was almost cringing a bit upon realizing that her identity had been revealed to Vin... which would probably lead to him seeing her in a different light. It had happened with so many others. She was actually voluntarily drawing away and giving a low bow before she was turning to leave on her own, not wanting to remain around to see if Vin had to say anything else. No she was use to being hated because of her father.

Braelyn was just looking at the guard for a moment in time although she didn't have a look of fear at all as she seemed to stand up and fold her arms across her chest. "Please. Strike me. I dare you. I am not as delicate of a woman as people may think I am. I am not afraid to hit back." she spoke in a dark voice before her eyes were going towards Vin and she was just tilting her head some. "I learned her secret when she healed me and I was told then by another doctor. Before you decide to hate her.... Ask her why she kept it hidden."
Vin looked at her "I dont judge people" Vin then turned and headed off ignoring Lo-Wen for the time being as he wanted to make sure she got back to her rooms safe. Vin caught up with her before she was able to get to far from him and he gently took her arm
Eristella was using the wall as a guide and moderately for support, although she found herself startled when a hand was taking her arm. A gentle hand, a familiar hand. Vin it seemed.
Soon enough they were within the safety of her chambers and she was sitting on the edge of the bed, seeming pretty quiet at that point in time. "Why did you care if I made it back here or not?"
Vin looked at her "I dont judge people because of who their parents are if i did then there would be a lot of people I would judge and it is just tiring"
Eristella was just giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I guess that is a relief. There are so many people who hate me because of that...."
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