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Westbrook OOC

Gotta give Rebecca credit for trying... She put together, well two, anyway (I realized I haven't had Lucy do much. Maybe I can have her devil's advocate FOR Malia, Amaya to them, as they don't have permission on the nickname) realists, showing that even ideally, 40 hours wouldn't happen. That's why Reggie offered 50, a more realistic number (granted that's ten hours a day, five days a week.) He gets Amaya has to have time for herself, and is even more behind her than Rebecca.

Hyper immunity. That's Rebecca's problem and reason for her issue. Her antibodies even attacked the dead virus. Something Amaya could easily find, but Rebecca would say "thanks, but no thanks," to being righted, or normalized. She would still need some of the other vaccines. Some brought up by Amaya. Measles, for example.

She rarely gets respiratory issues.
Realistically, things can get bent reeeeally out of shape. As a matter of fact, you have CEOs and big shot investors who work a quarter half as hard as, for example, the customer service rep of their company and make millions in spite of the tiny amount they bring to the company.

Supply and Demand are the key words here: and people are always getting hurt. Especially with things like criminals that have super powers.

So yeah, Malia is not gonna run out of a job, especially if she does not sign up with a hospital, but a government official itself. Like the democratic or republican party. Because there are few things that will boost PR better than 'we have someone who can literally cure cancer and regrow limbs on our side and we are paying her out of our own pocket to do so'.

And if they want that sweet, sweet PR boost, they will have to play by Malia's rules, not vice versa.

Worst comes to worst, she can just go visit people who've got a paycheck from GoFundMe or whatever site there is for that and get money that way. Or set herself up a patreon: sub X amount and vote on which hospital in Westbrook I visit next. Gives them a better chance that Malia cures that genetic cancer that just will not go away and can be passed down to offspring, y'know?

Do not make a mistake here: Malia has almost limitless options.
Oh, I agree there, I was just saying if Rebecca lets Amaya check her out, she'd find Rebecca has hyper immunity. Hardly ever gets anything respiratory and never as bad as others, so she may not want to be set right. Like a "oh. So basically there's nothing wrong with me..."

And what you just brought up in both cases could be something I have Lucy use to show the other lawyers why they can't let Amaya walk off.
so she may not want to be set right.
There wouldn't be anything to set right and Malia is not so evil as to reduce someone's chances of living: she would swiftly move on, too, since anything the regular human body can do, Malia can make even better: it's all part of her powers.

You know how Captain America is, as a superhero, the Peak of Human Condition? That is what Malia can make if she wanted to spend thirty minutes working on a side-project.

If she wanted a challenge, she'd make Astartes, from Warhammer 40k.
I'm not rewriting to take things out of bold. I'd have to rewrite everything word for word. It took me nearly two hours to write as is. This is like the fourth time recently one of the [ /b ] didn't take. Apologies for everything being in bold
No worries, stuff happens.

Now... Amaya is only hinting towards it, but she could practically get herself a sugar daddy or two in the form of billionaires. Because she is the best shot they have at living a bit longer. (She could de-age them, but that facet of her power is not something she is going to reveal. Hehe.~)

If she gets herself that much money from those people, she could be set for life. I'm just saying.~

The option the US goverment has is either abide by her rule or stand in the corner and drool.
I wish there was a like possible...

Ahem. Amaya is starting to preach to the choir, though. Reggie and Rebecca are already on her side, big time. They don't need anymore convincing. They wanting to help set up those rules Amaya wants. Lucy just defended her against the "realist" agenda of the other two (and especially Rebecca). Bringing in billionaires actually would be a good ploy if more convincing was needed. Like Beau and Lucy. Beau was really the only one not fully sold, but thinking about the benefits like appointment setting cut-offs, to protect the wanted workweek.
It would not be appointments. What she would want from a work contract is: she goes in, gets a nurse to guide her to the worst emergencies, then she goes and takes care of those. After that, she moves on to a random ward and heals people there up, doing what she can to clear the ward completely. Though that is probably not likely.

Then she leaves after seven-eight hours and goes back home to relax and do whatever she feels like.

She will not do requests: the only requests and people she will go directly help are friends and family... though her biological father and that side of the family can go kick rocks, as far as she is concerned.
Housework done, including dishes, having to soak some baking pans, though, lol So it's 1am by the time I got back, and got housework done, so really here to drop a line to say, it'll be later this morning after all.
Sounds like the Golden Spoon is going to blow up with super-activity. Too bad Edith and Sapphire chose to go to Wing Express for their dinner or they'd have the scoop of a life time.
Well... Edith could get what I call "a brainstorm in a thunderstorm" since they didn't have dessert? That particular Mom and Pop restaurant does have ice cream. They sell malts after all, and it was originally a malt shop in the 50s.
Yes. Maybe even an order (likely a malt or shake) from the news manager as well. Scoops would actually want a coconut cream pie. That way you can move Scoops giving her order and you aren't held up that way.
Yea. Edith's post definitely has to come before Blair's next ... I'll see what strikes me later. Right now I'm off to be a good cohabitant and share some ice cream and coffee with my girlfriend in front of the Netflix show Sex Education. (Quite hilarious at time actually and yet taking the topic seriously in a modern and inclusive context.)
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