You know that thing that The Flash does in the DC universe, where he takes people and displaces them in other places? Like, for example, in a live action show they did for The Flash, the Protagonist physically picked up/took a cop that was going to get shot and placed him outside of the building, where he would be safe.
Is that something Windy could do?
Because I'm telling you right now, that sort of maneuver is not only super-speed, but also a measure of enhanced (more than peak human, but less than Super) strength and/or tactile telekinesis confined to small objects/organisms.
The reason I am delving into this, is because the force of gravity and centrifugal force are physical laws that super speed as a power generally ignores and it is a very big deal if a speedster is not only able to apply that effect on themselves, but also on someone else, even if is only by touching them. Fighter jet pilots frequently have to keep in mind how fast they go if they want to turn while they are dogfighting, because Gravity will mess them up, by draining their head of blood during the turn and such things, if they are not careful.
Additionally, sudden movement, both starting motion and stopping motion, can be incredibly dangerous: I should know, I have been in a couple of accidents where I stopped abruptly and jostled my head some. Thankfully, did not get any concussions, but people I know were not so lucky and concussions can be life-threatening.