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Angelic Lover? Yeah right. (Candi and I)

"Be that as it may," she said with a chuckle. "It's not polite to stare, right?" She allowed herself to take in the whole of him, stopping at the bulge. "Hey, what happened to you there?" she asked, pointing at it. She was still quite concerned about his physical state. She could use her powers to help him, but he'd have to be unaware of it. In order to be of much help, Sayuri would have to visit him in her angelic form. It was also another good opportunity to learn more about the mysterious...admittedly attractive man in front of her.
"oh that?" he asked as he looked at it. "I broke a rib when I was younger when I tried to hide from a mean dog behind my mom. She promptly backhanded me hard enough and sent me tumbling into a bench..." He sighed some, his aura going dark again for a moment. It seemed like his childhood was the major source of all the pain and anguish he carried around inside. He could never get over it it seemed, it also would explain why he pushed people away. not out of consciouseffort. It was armor, he didnt' want to get hurt again by trusting someone.
She frowned and leaned against the lockers again, her arms crossed over her chest. "No offense," she said feeling righteous anger fill her body, "but your mom sounds like a bitch." The angel felt no remorse for cursing and insulting a woman that she was sure had gone to Hell for abandoning her son in such a terrible manner. Not to mention abusing him so. She frowned and shrugged. "So what should we do until your clothes are ready?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
His mother hadn't died yet but she probably would go to hell when she did. "oh well I don't know what to do, just wait for it I suppose." he said and shrugged some and leaned against the wall and watched her for a few minutes. "What do you like to do in your spare time?" he asked her curiously after a moment.
Shit. She hadn't planned for such questioning. "Me? I'm a girl of simple tastes," she said with a smile. "I read and write, and sometimes I sing. I like to watch sunsets and go for walks...and I love to watch the stars..." they were all things she really had enjoyed doing when she was alive. "I do more, but I just can't think of much at this point." Sai chuckled nervously. "What about you, Zero? Surely there are some things you like. Like watching the river." She stood up straight and smiled at him, waiting for some kind of answer.
"eh nothing really comes to the top of my head." he said and thought about it abit more and looked around the lockerroom while they waited as if searching for a topic. "I suppose I'm just a normal person, I go to school, eat sleep and do the same stuff again the next day. I haven't found anything other than that river that I really like, well that and the puppies." he said.
"There's nothing else you like to do?" Sayuri tilted her head to the side. "Do you like to run or, climb things? Maybe watching tv or movies? Anything at all?" It was unlikely that he didn't like anything but sitting by the river. Maybe some suggestions would help him remember if there was anything he liked to do.

((Gah, sorry))
Zero looked at her for a moment and through about it and leaned up against the cold metal locker and jolted forward. "gah!" he said. "forgot it was cold." he sighed and thought about it for a bit longer. He really couldn't think of much but sighed some and crossed his arms. "marksmanship, I usually spend time as the gunrange improving my aim." he said to her and nodded. "It's the one thing I"m good at so I might as well be the best."
Sayuri smiled at him. "I'm sure your good at more than just that. Or that you could be if you tried." She smiled and sat on a nearby bench. "But if you're a good marksman it says a lot about you. It says that you're calm and patient, that you are steady and clear-headed. You can focus well, and you're less likely to falter when confronted with dangerous situations because you're kind of used to it. And you probably don't hear things quite as well as you should." She chuckled softly and watched him.

"From what I've seen so far...I'd say it's pretty accurate, wouldn't you?"
"I hear things just fine." He said and shrugged a bit to the other things she said. "I just learned a long time ago to just filter out what most people are saying." Zero said with a shrug and went to go check on to see if his clothing was dry yet and came back out sighing. Of course it wasn't, he was just being impatient again. "And you're right. but nobody has need for a sharpshooter in this day and age."
Sayuri tilted her head to the side. "Hmmm, that may be true, but all of the qualities you gain from being one will surely come in handy one day. I'm sure there are a ton of people who wish they could be half as focused as you." She smiled at him and used her powers to hurry the drying process a bit. It wasn't serving them much to be stuck in a locker room. "Anyway, what would you like to do about the little guys we left in the other room? I'm sure they'd love to come home with you."
"If you say so." he said and looked around as if he were thinking as he got his clothes to put them back on and stretched out some. "Well I'll just take them with me, I have enough room for a few small freeloaders for a little while."Zero said to her and stretched out. "I don't want to leave them somewhere someone less magnaimous would find and possibly hurt them." he said.
"You're right. They need someone like you to take care of them. If you need any help, just let me know." That said, Sai headed toward the door and smiled at him. "Come on, Zero. Homeroom is out soon." Sayuri held the door open for him and waited for him to pass, the image of his bare chest coming to mind once more ever so briefly.
Zero cleaned up and made sure the puppies were fed and warm before heading up the stairs with her to next floor to their class. "Just stick with me and you'll be fine, I generally sit in the back of the class..." he yawned a bit as he got to the door on the hallway and pulled it open for her and let her go in first before following her and slid down into his seat and instantly stopped a classmate from grabbing her ass as she passed. "see?"
She blinked at him and smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Zero. I'll return the favor someday." Sayuri smiled and took a seat near the back of the class where she thought Zero might be able to see. "Thanks for helping me out. It's good to know that there are still good people in the world." That said, the pretty girl took a notebook out of her school bag and a pen, setting it on the desk in front of her. She was aware of quite a few pairs of eyes on her, looking where they shouldn't be.
After school Sai would find Zero in the office of the commitee tending to the puppies, two other people were in there too. Beaten up and unconscious on the far side of the room, she'd recognize them from the class they werein. Apparently something had gone down to provoke the beating, but what? "Well I got everyone to go... btw where are you staying?"
"Zero...what happened here?" she asked, looking from the young man she was sent to help to the two incredibly harassed looking individuals. She seemed more worried, however, for Zero and his condition than the two men in the corner, though she used her powers to accelerate their healing as well. Sayuri watched him and tilted her head to the side as he played with the puppies, almost tenderly and wondered if it had something to do with their furry little friends. She was also avoiding the question of a place to stay.

"Oh, and I'm kind of in the process of moving," she said. "My aunt is helping to pay for an apartment here, but she and my parents can't leave their homes because it'd be too far from their work, of now? I'm commuting. I'm a little afraid of the ride home though."
Zero blinked a bit and shrugged. "They were talking about throwing them out again." he said. "I wouldn't hear anything of it, then they started making quips about wanting to see other things involving dogs..." he said and shivered a bit and shook his head. "You're commuting huh? Why are you scared of the commute?" he asked her and stood up and looked over. "too many grabbers?"
"Yeah. There are a lot of creepy guys around in the evenings," she said softly. "It's a little dangerous to commute for girls." She frowned and shrugged. "I'm sure I'll be okay though. So are you taking them home with you?" she asked, kneeling down to pet the little furry friends gently.
(want to have something happen to her? Like raped on the train or something? lol maybe forced to bestality? )
((uh...not terribly lol. Maybe if something like that started and she was saved, but she's an angel. She doesn't have to keep a physical form after Zero is out of sight))
(true, perhaps.. hehe got idea)

Zero thought about it for a moment and nodded. "I'll ride back with you. or perhaps you'd just like to stay with me until that all gets ironed out?" he offered casually. "I live alone close the campus so it's within walking distance so it's not a big deal for me to have someone over for a bit. but it hasn't happened in a long time." he said. "I don't know wha tit is about you, but I feel like I can trust you."
Sai flashed him a bright smile. "Thanks, Zero. I appreciate that. Especially coming from someone as serious as you. If I could stay, I'd be really grateful. If it's not too much trouble, that is." She continued to pet the little dogs and give them affection as they came to her. "If there's anything I can do to pay you back for the hospitality, let me know, okay?" She watched him, noting the way his aura looked now. It was about the same as before, but she noted that it hadn't fluctuated nearly as much as before.
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