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Running Lines (Mandy's Evil Shadow & Jemnai)

"Well let hold off on using that I could get a loan for the rest of the capital we need"he said as he holds her close to him as they watch a movie together."I dont want your folks to think I am after your trust"he said
She sighed softly leaning against him. "I don't know what they are thinking these days" she sighed as she looked at the tv. Towards the end of the movie, she found herself dozing off, her head resting on David's shoulder as she purred softly
A few weeks later David was at home working at the home office going over their finances as he was seeing how much they need to really get his idea off the ground. He was also thinking of names for the little ones they could be having. "We are going to need more money then we have to get this off the ground"he said as he rubs the brindge of his nose as he takes off his glasses.
Madeline sighed softly as she got out of the car and headed inside the house. She knew exactly where David was and headed straight to his office he had set up in the house. Silently she walked close to him purring and kissed the side of his neck. "Hey daddy, working hard" She smiled softly nuzzling him.
"Yes just tring figure out how much we really need to start this company it going to be way more then then we have plus figuring out it may not be best for use to go out and start it with you pregant"David said as he felt her nuzzle against him.
"Well, how much more are we talking babe?" she asked as she looked at the figures over his shoulder her enlarging breasts and belly gently pressing against his arm as she leaned close to him.
"Well about another 70 grand since I want this to be high quaility on par with even Sundance films as well as set up a pention plan for any of the girls and guys that sign with us"he said as he felt her milk filled breasts press into him."So what did the doctor say"he asked as he wanted to go with her to the doctor visit but knew he had to figure out if it was finacially resonable to start their own film company.
She kissed the side of his neck and reached into her pocket pulling out the ultrasound pictures the doctor gave her. "Well your son and daughter are perfectly healthy...developing well." she smiled and took his hands and put it on the bulge on her abdomen. ""If it helps to make some money put towards the studio, I was offered a couple of modeling jobs.
"Well we can hold off for on starting our own production company for a while and I told you since this is our first I want you to take it easy so we are having twin that great darling so now we need to narrow down names"he said door bell rings.
She smiled softly as she looked in his eyes looking at him. She then looked at the door with a raised eyebrow. "Are you expecting someone?" she looked at David before heading towards the front door.
"No what about you"he asked as he was curious as to who was at the door as they start to knock loadly on the door as as continue to ring the bed as well. David get up and follows her to the door.
Maddie shook her head as she walked to the front door and opened it. She gasped in surprise as her mother barged in and looked around the house. "Madeline Elisabeth Snow what in the Hell is going on here!?"

Madeline continued to look at her mother shocked as she closed the door. "Mother. I didn't know you were coming. Why didn't you call?"

Catherine looked at her daughter with a stern look.
"Well ma'ma she lives here with me she is my wife"David said to the Fox that look like an older version of Maddy withat lil varence in fur coloring but still could tell they were related."Welcome to our home Mrs. Snow"David said to his mother in law.
Catherine looked at David not really happy about the situation. "What in the hell...Maddie, you know your father and I had arranged a marriage for you." She looked at Madeline again and gasped realizing that her daughter was pregnant.

Madeline looked at her mom as she rested a hand on her abdomen. "I don't care. I love my husband and our children. I want you to understand mom that I was not drunk, nor was I pregnant before we got married. This union was made out of love" She took David's hand and looked at her mother.

Catherine looked around and saw how impressive the house looked and figured that David did at elase work hard and so figured he was gone most of the time. "I'm staying until my grandkits are born"
"Listen why not have seat Mrs. Snow I was about to go and make Maddy and me some lunch"David said as this was ackward situtation as it was but maybe she grow to accept him as her son in law"What would you like for lunch"he added as he picks up Cathrine's bags and takes them up to the spare room giving the mother ands daughter time to talk.

On the mantle of the fire place was all the AVN awards they had won by themselves ands the one the they had won together.
Catherine crossed her arms and looked at David again then headed towards the living room to have a seat. Madeline followd and sat with her mom. Catherine continued to look at David as he headed up the stairs carrying her bags then at her daughter. "What makes you think you are capable of such a thing....You know it goes against our family."

"Mom you sound like that jerk preacher on tv claiming that humans and furries must always be seperate" Madeline frowned.

They continued to talk, Maddy slowly becoming frustrated by her mother.
David puts his mother in law bags in one of the spare rooms of their house. He heads down stairs"So what would you ladies like for lunch"David said as to defused the situtations"Cathrine I know you may not accept me yet but once you get to know me ans see that I can provide for your daughter and grandkits that you know that I do anything for them"he said
Catherine sighed softly and looked at David. "Anything is fine" She sighed.

"How about some Chilli?" Madeline smiled. She had been craving chilli and cheeze all day. As Madeline talked to David she failed to notice her mother get up and head over to the mantle where the three awards were. She picked up one and then gasped in shock. "Porn Madeline! I thought I taught you better!"
"Alright I make the chili with or with out beans?"he asked as he wasnt one for beans in his chilli as he and Maddy head into the kitchen that is when he heard Catherine call out to Maddy."Great"he thaught to himself.
"No beans love I know how much you don't like them" she sighed as she glanced to the entrance seeing her mother coming in angry. "Yes mother, Porn. I needed to make a living and I don't regret it at all. If it wasn't for porn, I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband or about to have two beautiful babies"

Catherine shook her head as this was all to much for her to try and take in at the moment. "Oh Maddy I knew I shouldn't have let you leave my care"
David goes to into the refrigerator and pulls out a packages of cubed top sirlon and turkey as he goes and put them onto the island as he goes adns grabs the other ingredants for chilli. Cooking was one of the things he enjoyed when wasnt shooting porn. David knew this was going to be a rough year as he figure his mother in law would stay till the kids are a year old.
Madeline wanted to scream in frustration but she knew better and counted to ten. "Mom...if you cannot accept my and my family, we don't need you in out lives." Madeline said as calm as she could manage.

Catherine looked at her daughter shocked as she watched Madeline head out to the patio to sit.
David was cooking in the kitchen as he was going ot makea sweet and spicy chilli. He was hoping that Cathrine would be happy that her daughter has found someone that loved her was able to take care of her. David starts to grate the cheese to top the chilli as well as make some garlic bread.
Catherine looked at David leaving Madeline to cool off and calm down. "Why my daughter. why not find a nice human girl instead of my daughter" she asked.
"Well she challenges my mind and can hold a intelligent converstation one all issuse either it be political to the arts. Just because I am human doesnt mean I dont know what it is like to be different try being nerd in school where your picked one every day because your didnt have your front two teeth for three years then when you did get them in they were large"He said to his mother in law in a respectful tone. "Why do not like humans"he asked her.
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