Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

"Take it," Serena started to sound a little rougher in the tone of her voice, matching the pace of the fucking she was giving to the princess, "Take it you little-" she grunted as the moment took Serena, her head going down and her teeth starting to naw at Alicia's shoulder, leaving marks much deeper then simple love bites.
And Alicia moaned through it all, hands clutching at Serenas shoulders as she knawed at her shoulder. It was another new thing, but like the vicious pounding she was receiving, she loved it.
This feeling of power. Control. I was... thrilling. Intoxicating. Serena was just on some other level now of sexual pleasure and power. Like nothing she had ever experienced before with any other sexual partner. No. She couldn't think of Alicia as a partner or an equal in any way. Alicia was her lesser. Her prey. Yes. The was the way to think of her. Much better. Mmm, and thinking of it like that took her to another level again. "Call me mistress," she growled at last, giving Alicia a few, hard quick thrusts in a row, "Say it! Say it!"
((That post gave me an idea. While Serena will be evil through and through and never really redeem herself, what if she develops a bit of a soft spot for Alicia? Basically, Alicia is a hot, easily manipulated princess but she's HER easily manipulated princess, and in the bedroom, Alicia will be the first and possible only to really give her TRUE satisfaction. So, she ends up being a little possessive of her.))

"Oh god mistress, fuck me.......fuck me harder! I am yours now and forever!" Alicia cried out, moaning and letting out more loud cries of pleasure with each and every thrust into her body.
((Oooo interesting idea. Sort of a "mine" complex. Not affection, but obbsession and possession. Perhaps it gets to a point where if she started to see other with Alicia, she threatens them. Because Alicia is HER toy. Mommy promised Serena she'd get a princess for her play thing and she always gets what mommy promises her. Crazyyyyy chica!))

"That's right," Serena said, with a smile of satisfaction. "You are..." her eyes were growing just as sinister as the smile on her lips. "You belong to me Alicia. Me and me alone." Her words were starting to grow from just words of play to words that had real meaning to Serena. "If I give you a command... what do you do?"
((Absolutely perfect idea.^_^))

"I obey mistress." Alicia replied between moans, sounding damn near hypnotized. That wasn't actually far from the truth. Serenas plan had worked to perfection. Alicia was now under her control, mind, body and soul.
((Peeeeerfect. Serena is just crazy. Love it! Mind if I just like "little princess" as a term of 'affection' for her. Not so much affection though. The power over a princess is a turn on for Serena's power trip.))

"Good," she hissed, grinding her hips harder still against Alicia's hips, "So now... my little pet princess, I command you to BEG!" Serena had no idea that power could be even more pleasureful then the sex itself.

"Oh mistress, fuck me harder! Ravage my body to satisfy your desires. I am yours to do with as you please." Alicia said, damn near screaming it out her cries grew louder with her climax beginning to approach.
"Yes..." Serena moaned, biting her lip. Was it possible? Could Alicia's obedience to her really be getting her closer to her own climax then the stimulation of the strap on within her was doing? Her hands reached to Alicia's once more, pinning her hands down again. She wanted control. Needed more control. It was getting her off. "I command you... my little princess doll... to cum for me! Cum for me now! I ORDER IT!"
And as she had done before, her body obeyed with question. Her body stiffened and her back arched, thrusting her large chest up towards Serena as she had easily the more powerful orgasm she ever had. It would seem that Serene wasn't the only one getting off from the whole control thing.
((I think this power trip is gonna extend even further then Alicia in the future to eventually encompass everyone in Serena's sexual reach. Eden, Zane, even the still un-named son of Jarrek. I mean, if control over one princess had her going this nuts, think about her with control over both and her brother as well, a prince. She's like... a puppet master of sex and sin. I love what we are doing here and I think down the line it's gonna get even better once we start swapping partner's left and right.))

"YES!!" screamed out Serena, who in perfect timing orgasmed only a few heartbeats later. What power! To even be able to control the body of a princess to break upon the shore of sexual delight! Such a turn on! Such a climax! "AHHH!!" Serena threw her head back and screamed out, riding the crashing waves of her more powerful orgasm she had ever had. Squeezing ever last ounce of it until she was shiver and panting still atop her prey.
((Yea, that's for damn sure. Though, how will she get Zane under her sexual control?))

Even as Serena lay on top of her, Alicia was still her slave now.

"What do you ask of me now, my mistress?" she asked, smiling up at her as her arms wrapped affectionately around the woman that now "owned" her.
((Hmmm, I was thinking... it comes to a point where she just wants to be the puppet master over them all and so, it can come about after the time when Zane leaves for a bit only to come back and find Serena has Eden under her control (shared with Jarrek's son of course) so she uses Eden as a sort of bargaining tool to control Zane. She'll know he still wants her, but won't know it's because he loves her and wants to protect her. Spare Eden a bit of the pain she can cause her in exchange for her own brother's obedience to her. Perhaps actually, Zane never leaves, only is cut off from Eden and an only stand by and watch.))

"Shhh," Serena said, eyes closed smile on her face as she laid her head upon Alicia's glorious breast, "You mistress wants to enjoy this moment. She'll get back to controlling you in a moment, my pet princess." Mmm what a term of affection. Pet princess. Serena's little chew toy. Later on... she'd spit out whatever she left behind.
((All sounds good to me.))

"As you wish, my mistress." Alicia replied. She actually liked the term herself due to also liking the whole control aspect of their new relationship. Still, she didn't mind the romantically suggestive act of cuddling after getting ravaged by Serena.
((Want them to go again or flash to Laine and Krade next after she finishes with what Serena is making her do now?))

Alicia saw it with a hint of romance to it, but the truth was far from that. Serena was reliving it all. The thrill of the control. Every second of power she had. She wasn't thinking at all of Alicia, but of what the control over what happened to be both downstairs and in this room did to her. It made her shiver in excitement.

Only a few moments later, Serena at last pulled out of her, kneeling on the bed once more, going to pull the strap on off, only stopping and smirking. "Get over here and suck this thing clean, princess."
((In all honesty, I'd prefer go skip past what she had Alicia do now and go right to Krade and Laine. I'm more interested in Laine being on the receiving end of some oral, than Serena. :cool: ))
((Ha, I like that too! Oh this is gonna be a glorious reunion of the titans of sex I think))

"Thank you for coming," Laing bid another guest goodnight. The little gathering had quickly dwindled down to only a few final guests. Soon they would be away soon. She could not help however and wonder what had become of her daughters this night. Alicia had vanished after dinner which was not uncommon for her so she did not pay it to much mind. But then Eden vanished for a time before reappearing again, dancing with that young man they had shared lunch with some time ago. After he departed, Eden excused herself, claiming all the dancing had worn her out. They only seemed to dance one time. Very odd behavior for her.
"Enjoy yourself?" asked her husband Krade as he come up behind her, strong arms slipping around her waist. The man had aged well in the around the twenty years since he had regained his rule. He did indeed look older, but it added an air of dignity to his still ravishing and rugged good looks.
She gave an almost groaning sound, as she hugged his arms to her. "Uhh... I was never cut out for this hostess thing darling. It tires me to easily." The truth however was she was an excellent hostess, but it took a toll on her every time making her stressed and tired. Not her cup of tea. Still, he could always make her feel better. "I can't wait to go lay in bed and just pass out.... if I can make it there. I don't know if my feet will carry me there." Laine had been like a fine wine with her age. It was cheesy to think, but it was true. She only got better with age and grew more and more lovely and elegant.
"Well, that's too bad then. I had something.......special planned for tonight. But, if you'd rather sleep......" Krade teased her with a smile. Of course, the way he said special made it obvious to her that special really meant naughty.

"I can carry you either way." he added, lowering his head to kiss at that favorite spot of hers on the crook of her neck that he knew just how to work.
Laine's eyes drifted closed in the same, aroused way they always did when he would kiss her there and give her suggestive hints towards his always plans. A light moan escaped her lips before she cleared her throat, turning to on of her nearby advisor's, "Lord Estwick, will you be so kind to bid the rest of our guests goodnight? The king and I wish to retire."

He gave a bow and a light smirk. The king and queen's.... affection... for one another was widely known throughout the castle. It was common knowledge now that the king and queen were mad for one another and when they wanted to be alone it was best to give them their space for nothing would stop their plans.

Laine took her husbands arms and together they departed the room. But the moment they were out of the sight of their guests, Laine turned to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling them together, "I love you," she whispered against his lips as she went in for a kiss.
"And I you." Krade replied just before their lips met as his own arms went back around her waist. It went on for a while before Krade finally broke it off and with a grin, suddenly picked up his wife in such a way that she could wrap her legs around him if need be before heading off towards their bedroom. Just like in their younger days, the two were very energetic lovers.
It was like second nature now, to wrap her legs around him whenever she had the chance to. This time was just like any others. "Mmmmm," she moaned against his lips as she kissed him deeply, passionately. They left his lips and when to his chin before trailing to his neck. It was there they stayed, nipping and kissing, sucking, licking away at his skin. Her hands already moving to start tugging at his clothing.
It wasn't long till they reached their room and Krade kicked the doors shut as they entered before going to the bed and gently gropping Laine down onto it. He wasted no time as he went about removing his own clothing before standing naked at the foot of the bed, looking Laine up and down.

"Do you like that dress? I'm awfully tempted to just tear it off and ravage you like an animal." he said with a that seductive grin of his.
Laine propped herself up on her elbows to watch the show of him, peeling his regal clothing from his fine body. As much as she liked him in his kingly clothing, she like him best naked, for she knew the pleasure it always brought her. Nipping at her lower lip, she couldn't help but smile at his question, "Do you know how many times you have asked me that same question darling?" Dozens, if not hundreds. "Have I ever said I'd rather the dress over the ravaging?" The answer was no. She lost to many dresses that way but then again, she never let herself get attached to any dress, knowing it might one day meet this fate.
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