Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

She got a horribly embarissed look on her face. And when he got to the part where she thought she was gonna die and reminded her how stupid she had been, she gave him such a hard nudge that she went him the motion, crashing into him and almost toppling the two of them over into a decorative vase on display. She couldn't help but bursh into laughter once more before throwing her hand over her mouth to hush herself. There were more people around now, and she didn't want to draw much attention. "You stop that now! If my father hears I'm talkin and laughing with a young man, he'll wanna know who you are. And I'm not sure I'm ready for you and him to meet." She smirked, "Especially after what we did tonight. He would know you know. Don't ask me how I know, but I just have a feeling he would know."
"Aw, but I was having such fan talking dirty to the princess." Zane replied, playfully pouting.

"But as you wish, I shall stop. Which is too bad. I really liked talking about your marvelous legs and backside." he added, grinning as he continued to tease her by embarassment.
"Really now Zane!" she whispered again, being more serious then ever now since they were back in the main room once again. It was if they had never left. Everyone was exactly the way they had left them. Clearly, they were not missed. "So," she started, turning to face him, "I think my mind is a bit more clear now. Perhaps we can attempt that dance once again?"
"As you wish." Zane replied with a polite bow, gently taking her hand and leading her out to the dance floor, smile on his face.

Elsewhere, Alicia had long since snuck out of the castle and had just stepped into her favorite tavern, taking her cloak off and hanging it with the rest. She was dressed in the skimpiest outfit she had. A tight skirt that was so short, it just barely covered her ass and privates and a low cut top that showed so much cleavage and stomach, it wasn't much more than a bra. Not to mention, it lifted her already spectacular rack and made them look even larger. The girl was on the prowl.

((I figured that made a good switching point.))
((Read my mind. That was exactly what I was going for.))

Serena was already in the tavern, waiting. Her information had helped her discover that Alicia had already made plans to meet with one of her favorite playmates privately tonight. So she figured, while her brother was on the prowl with his target that night, she could do her own prowling and intercept the target before Alicia reached her destination.

However, the sight she found when every head turned in the tavern was not exactly what she had expected. Even Serena had to gasp a bit in surprise from the sight of Alicia this night. She gave a new definition to the term slut in that moment. And Serena could tell, something was up this night. Alicia looked... different. More then the usual sexually charged trampy girl was usually looked. She had a wild, almost crazed look in her eyes that went beyond anything just plainly sexual.

The night was going to be interesting. Serena just say back a few moments, to see what kind of move the princess would make.

Many of the men in the tavern were doing much of the same. Most of them knew her, but none had seen her like this before. It got all their blood boiling and flowing to the parts of them they all yearned for a taste of that body. But none was really man enough to make the first move.
Alicia just shook her head with a smile and a sigh at every man starting at her, but making no moves towards. So, she just sat at one of tables and leaned over a bit, pressing her breasts together and giving basically everyone in front of her a great view down her top. Afterwards, she ordered a drink and pulled out a hefty chunk of change and told the bartender to just keep em coming. She had so far failed to notice Serena was there as well. Wouldn't really have changed things though. Even if she had noticed her.........she'd likely invite Serena and any man willing to go up stairs.
Serena kept a watch over the scene. Not yet quite ready to step in, intrigued to see where this was going to go. But oh she WOULD step in, no doubt about then. I was just a question of when would be the perfect time to use things to her advantage.

Meanwhile,Alicia had ended up plotting herself down in the middle of a poker game between three men. One of them smiled at her, being the first to speak to here. "You're sitting in the middle of the pool sweetie. Careful, or we will make you part of the winnings." All three men laughed.

((Name flub! Fixed!))
"Oh, really? Why not run with it? Winner gets me for the night. Or, better yet, everyone that plays gets a piece." Alicia seductively replied, running her finger tip between her cleavage, licking her lips lightly.
All three men's eyes went large. Silence hit them a moment before... "Deal me in!" said a man from a nearby table as he pulled up to the table and put in his money, throwing it into the pool with Alicia. "And I!" said another, doing the same. Soon, the game of three had grown to a game of 14 men. The first man smile, and looked to her, "The offer still stand my sexy little thing?"

Before she could answer, "Deal me in as well..." it was Serena, who had made her way to the table by now, smiling at Alicia as she came up and too her money, taking the opportunity to reach her hand out, and put her money right into Alicia's fantastic cleavage, "And how are you my dear?"
Alicia was quite surprised to see Alicia, but still smiled, glancing down at the money slid between her wonderful rack.

"As fine as ever, and in just a short while........even better, especially now that your here." she replied.
Serena just kept smiling as she moved to pull a seat up to the table. Glancing at the man holding the deck, "I don't think there are enough cards in that deck for a full game. Perhaps we deal each three cards. Man... or woman... with the highest number wins first go. We play until each man wins. If a tie comes about... sharing will be in order. Sound fair boys?"
"Sounds more than fair to me." Alicia chimed in.

"Oh, and also, whoever gets a Queen or better gets to do me right here in front of everyone." she added with that naughty smile of hers when she got into one of these......moods.
A thunderous roar of laughter and applause came from the men, Serena just kept on smiling, and then the deal was made. Three card to each man and then, when they were all dealt out, Serena took the lead, "Any aces high boys?" One man smiled as he held high the ace of hearts, a big smile on his face. "Anyone else?" All the others threw down their cards in anger at not getting the first win. "A solo winner!" Serena said, acting like the ringmaster of this little circus. "Step on up and claim the prize."

He did just that. Rising, her sauntered his way around the table to where Alicia was sitting. Smiling. He reached out and out his hand on her knees, forcing her legs open before growling a little, "You're gonna get it hard..."
"I better......." Alicia replied with her own seductive smirk and light growl, slouching a bit in the chair so that all the others could get a look up her skirt with her spread legs. In her current state of mind, she was more than willing to do him right here and there, in front of everyone and her new "friend" Serena.

((I was thinking, instead of taking a group of men upstairs after it's all done, she could just take Serena up there and then they spend the night going at it. She'll do what men she ends up doing before that. But, when it comes time to retire, it'll be just her and Serena.))
((You got my surprise! I was gonna fix it so Serena was the last to win and be the only to draw a low enough card to get them into a room. How does two public sex scenes sound before the one with the girls? This one with the solo guy and a second with three guys at once.))

One of his hands went to his pants, releasing his actually decent side cock to her as well as the routy crowd of me. This hand then when to her thin panties, tugging them aside to expose her full pussy to him. Before shoving his cock in however, her jammed two of his fingers into her hot, dripping sex, giving he a few practice thrusts, hissing at her, "You're an eager little whore, aren't you?"
((Sounds perfect.^_^))

"Damn straight." Alicia hissed back, moaing with an almost craze smile on her face as she clutched at the wooden arms of the chair as he thrust his fingers into her.

"So, you better hurry and get to the good stuff or you'll forfeit your prize and it goes to second place." she added with a grin. She was just insitgating him, wanting him to literally ravage her sexy young body. With how pissed she was, she wanted it hard and rough. Though, not to the point it got violent or anything, but something that would leave her VERY satisfied and maybe a little sore in the morning.
Her grinned at her, almost wickedly. Pulling his finger out of her and holding his fingers to her lips, urging her to lick up her own juices while he glanced over her shoulder to his buddy. "You better hold our special guest's chair in place. We don't want it tipping over and hurting her before we are all done with her." They all laughed again as the man nodded and came up behind her, gripping the back of her chair in his big hands while the man before her got himself into place. The top of his cock teasing at her pussy lips. Then in one quick thrust, he slammed forward, forcing his entire length into her at once, causing him to grunt loudly as all the end cheered and howled.
As he thrust into her, Alicia let out something that was like a moan mixed with a howl. She didn't even wait for him to start up. She clutched at the clothing on his arms and began grinding her hips against him. Her anger had kicked her sex drive up into a gear she had never experienced before, and something even the men here had never really seen. They were use to women doing this for money. To them, Alicia appeared no more than a dirty whore who actually LIKED getting used as nothing more than a fuck toy for their amusement.
The man fucking her was getting a great big ego as the men all urged him on. "Fuck her!" "Give the whore a good one!" "GO GO GO!" "Screw that slut!"

"You hear that," he growled as he reached her hands up to grab her upper arms, forcing her against the back of the chair as his hips worked in a hard, fast, deep, quick pace, "You're nothing but a dirty whore to all them. UHH! And to me too. Say it... say what you are loud and clear for them all to hear you." He gave her a thrust so hard, the chair jumped back, even despite how his buddy was holding it in place.

((My 2,000th post. Whoot))
"Oh god! I'm a whore.........a dirty, slutty whore who wants you all to ravish me over and over and over again...." Alicia called in obediently before moaning and damn near screaming in lust filled ecastasy.
They all only cheer for her reply, watching, getting hot and ready for when they would have their turns with her. If they all knew what they were really doing... that they were fucking the princess of their land... well it might not really matter to most. They would still be doing it. Their egos would be even bigger then.

"Take it!" her first partner growled, just banging into her over and over and over again. "TAKE IT SLUT!" he growled already feeling the starting urges of release, but holding it back. He didn't want to look to bad in front of the fellas by cumming to soon into the game.
"Give it to me........give it all to me." Alicia breathed out, grunting and groaning herself as she was savagely pounded again and again. Her state of mind and the ferocity of all brought her climax coming as well. Though, she didn't bother to try holding it back. All she wanted was him to continue doing her, and she didn't think her cumming would effect it. So, it wasn't too long after that her inner muscles clamped down on him as her back arched sharply, her breasts thrust into the air as she howled/cried out in pleasure, body twitching lightly in delight.
Her sudden climax shocked her partner and fueled more then just his ego, but the fire within him as well. He was to weak to resist it with the mix of her walls clamping around his already twitching cock and the crowds cheers. When a man came up to pat him on the back and congratulate him on making her cum for fast, that was it for him. He yanked his cock out of her right as he went of. His sticky cum spraying all over the outside of her pussy lips and inner thighs. Once his load was fully released, he slumped back, spent.

Serena took the charge right away once move, taking the deck of cards and started to shuffle them once more, "All in boys. Time to the next deal..."
Alicia herself stayed slump for a bit, but then sat right up, not looking very tired at all. She wasn't even sweaty or breathing heavily. She smiled at a bar wench who brought her a rag to clean up with, giving the busty wench a slap on the ass as she walked away. She seemed just as pervy as any of the guys here. Being in her sexual overdrive state, after her pussy and legs were clean, she grabbed the next bar wench that came by and jerked her down into her lap, wanting to keep herself entertained by molesting the young lady whilst the men and Serena continued playing for the rights to ravage her.

((If you want, you can control the bar wench that's getting fondled by Alicia. It won't really matter though as it's just temporary to keep herself entertained until the next hand is played out.))
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