Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((I am gonna time skip a few hands to the one with three guys at one time))

The next hand dealt her one partner again. This one taking her in the ass. The next hand two men, one taking her ass while she gave the other a blow job. The whole time, it was Serena playing puppetry. A slight of hand with the cards and she was able to control who got her when. And then, she wanted to push it a bit further still. With a smile, she dealt out the cards, "Alright boys... ace high?" No one raised their hands. "King high?" Again no one raised their hands. Would someone get her in a room alone at last? "Queen high," Serena said with a smile. One. Two. Three hands raised into the air and a roar of the crowd rang out. "A triple threat! Well boys, work it out amongst yourselves how you will work this out...

And they did, the three each picked who got what hole before working out a game plan. Alicia was never welcomed into the conversation of how she was to be used until they had the plans in place.

One man laid himself upon the floor while the second pulled up a chair and the third came up behind her, telling her what she was gonna do. "You are gonna ride him," he pointed to the man on the ground, "while you suck him," her pointed to the man in the chair, "and I fuck you..." her lifted up her skit in the back and stuck two fingers in her ass, "here."
((Alrighty, and for future reference when it comes to anal, I don't mind normal anal sex, but I don't really enjoy fingers and what not being put in my characters behind. Just a mans willy is all I like up there. Or a strap on, but I don't see that ever appearing in here.))

Even after a hard anal fucking and great gang bang, Alicia was still going strong, just barely breathing harder than normal. She was quite surprised when three men won her, but didn't say anything, just smiled. She jumped and gasped lightly at what the man was doing to her ass, before she quite literally dove onto the man on the floor. She wasted no time at all, lowering her hips onto him while leaning forward and quickly taking all of the man in front of hers cock in her mouth, whilst wiggling her ass to entice the one remaining man.

((OOO, and I was also thinking after we do the AliciaxSerena scene, we do a KradexLaine scene. It'd be happening the same time Alicia is up at the tavern, spending the night with Serena. After we get to the next day and Alicia sneaks back into the castle, I plan to finally bring in Illiyana and Mary. I'll tell you my plan for that later, so you know what to do with Mary when it happens.))
((Noted for the future, and I like that idea. The whole family all got a little bit of action on the same night. Haha.))

All three men were pleasantly surprised by her eagerness even after all she had been through this night so far. Just like all the other times, the crowd cheered all the players of the sex game on. The last man was quick to join in and catch up to what she had already started. It was a bit awkward at first for each of the three men had his own pace as one pumped hard, the other fast, and the third deep one time, then it seemed like the next thrust, they all changed to another one of that combination.

((You just gave me an idea for the night with Serena *smirks*))
((OOO, can't wait to see what this idea is.^_^ Yea, we have been talking about getting them a scene eventually. So, I figure now would be as good a time as any as both Eden and Alicia have had their moments, so it's time to reintro the parents and talk about how they've changed and what not. Though, Krade will still certainly be a ruggedly handsome beast, and have aged really well. In fact..........he'll probably look hotter now as age has given him an air of dignity combined with his adonis like good looks.^_^))

Alicia didn't mind the three different rhythyms. As long as they pounded her, she didn't really care how they did it. She eventually picked up on it all, grinding her hips and ass back in time with the men pounding her pussy and ass while masterfully using her mouth and tongue to pleasure the man in her mouth. While this was her first time with three men at once, she was a natural.
While all the men watched with a routy air, Serena sat watching with a sly look on her face. Her mind was taking it all in and calculating plans for the night ahead. And of she had some great plans already forming.

It didn't take much time at all for one of the men to be out of the unspoken contest of who could last longest with her. The man with his cock in her mouth soon spilled his load into her lips. His inability to last more then a few minutes had the crowd laughing and pointing at him. The other two were still going strong.
Alicia swallowed what she could before he pulled away. With nothing her mouth, her lust filled moans mixed with the cheers and laughs of the crowd, still bucking her whips wildly against the two men. It was a rather hot and unique sight to behold.

((When it comes to Illiyana and Mary arriving, it'll be pretty simple. They'll just arrive one day, with the twins getting super excited as they're both really close with her. Mary will be with her of course and will treated as a close aunt as well. The twins will know that the two women are loves, but don't really see anything wrong with it and love both Mary and Illiyana very much. Still, it'll be kept secret from the public for obvious reasons, so only family members and what not will know that Mary and Illiyana are lovers. When it comes to how the women act around each other, they know to keep things low key in public, but when they're in the company of family and such, they're very affectionate, doing thing like quick kisses, holding hands, holding onto the others arm, that type of PDA stuff.))
((Awww cute. So many sexual secrets in this family. Hehe))

The whole scene was just a tangle of limbs and body parts. Sound and panting. If you looked quickly, one might not be able to tell where one person ended and the next began. Some time later, both men where close to loosing it, but each held on to them self. Neither wanted to be the first to go. They both wanted to win bragging rights.
((Yea, but this one is much more innocent than Alicias promiscuity. They only keep it secret as revealing the sister of Krade as a lesbian would lower his positions amongst the other nobles and risk a possible invasion. But, Mary and Illiyana will certainly be a cute couple, complete with cheesy pet names.^_^))

As much as they'd hold on, neither would get her there. It would seem she had at least calmed down a little. She still got physical pleasure from this, but the satisfaction required for an orgasm just wasn't there anymore. She was still running off anger and lust, so things would continue this way into the night. Not to mention, she REALLY wanted another night with Serena. That night where Serena spanked her like the naughty girl she was was a memory she REALLY liked.
It was the man up her ass that lost it first, but only by a few seconds for the moment the man on bottom realized he had won, he let himself go as well. After a moment for them both to breath, they both pulled out and took a seat with the others whom had their chance at her.

The card game went on, a few more solos and a double, never three again until all the men had their turn. As the last man pulled out, there was now a new found excitement among the men for only Serena was left. Would they get to watch the two ladies go down on one another?

Serena only smiled at Alicia as she drew her final card. It was the 2 of diamonds. The men groaned and started to try and urge them to remain. "Sorry boys, rules are rules. You'll just have to imagine what is going on upstairs. Go on now, use your imaginations," Serena came forwards and took Alicia by the hand, leading her along behind her, up the stairs to the first landing where she paused, pulling Alicia to her and giving her a hot, steamy kiss. A parting moment for the men before she continued up the stairs and to a room she had already set up for the night ahead, locking it behind them.
Alicia returned the kiss as long as she could before following Serena into the room. When the door was locked, she took a seat on the edge of the bed before flopping back, clothes all messed up from the long line of men she just fucked.

"Woo, talk about a busy night." she joked, pushing herself up on her elbows to smile over at Serena.
"Night isn't over yet missy," she said with a smirk as she began to undress herself casually before her, "I won you, so now it's my turn to do whatever I like with you, just as all those others did." A trail of clothing was left across the floor as Serena came closer to the bed.
Alicia just smiled before starting to strip herself, which didn't take long before laying back on the bed before Serena reached her. She scooted back across it, so they'd have plenty of room.

"Well then.........have at me." she asked with an inviting grin, body already writhing lightly in anticipation of another wonderful night with Serena.
"I need a friend first," she said, turning and moving away from the bed. Going to a bag across the room she has placed their earlier, sher rummaged through it, pulling something out before turning and holding it up. "I hope you don't mind," Serena started as he held up a nicely shaped and nicely sized strap on to Alicia to see, "I thought I might wear this tonight..."
((OOO, you're kinky.^_^))

"Oh my......" Alicia replied, with a light gasp. She knew full well what that was, but had never actually seen one before, much less experienced one inside of her. This night was certainly a crazy and fun one for her.
((I only got the idea just a little bit ago when you mentioned one.))

"Oh dear me..." Serena said with amusement in her voice. "Is that shock I see on the princess's face?" Coming close she sat down on the bed with her and started to tease her, running cock like object over her skin, "After all that you just did down stairs and this shocks you? You like it? I had it specially made for me. It's wood, carved to be the perfect man and sanded smooth, coated in something special. We don't want splinters now, do we?"
((I know. I figured something like this was that idea you mentioned earlier.^_^ Still, it is the kinkiest thing we've probably done in the RP. Most the sex is fairly normal but still hot, like Krade and Laines bunny's on crack sex drives. Then, there was the erotically evil time with Jarek and Laine in the cabin where she damn near gave in to physical pleasure. Gotta say, I absolutely loved that part of the RP. Jarek was damn fun to play and I like how Laines heart belonged to Krade, but her body could just barely resist Jareks skills. Shows just how strong willed she is and how much she loves Krade...........But anywho, I gotta go for the night. I'll get a character post in tomorrow. Ciao.^_^))
"Well, I've never actually seen one before. I've heard of them, yes, but never seen them." Alicia replied, gasping and shuddering lightly at the feeling of the thing on her skin. It felt rather nice and the thought of what Serena was going to do to her with it was REALLY turning her on.
Why did it not at all surprise her that the princess knew what this was. To most, it was something totally strange and different, shocking even. The idea of two women using such a thing to explore sexuality with one another... it was scandalous. Only the most scandalous for them though. It didn't get must better then this thing. Serena leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips, then one on the cheek, and finally a third near her ear where she whispered, "I'm gonna take you just like all those men did little princess. Lay back..."
Alicia shuddered in excitement, laying back as she was told and parting her legs for the inevitable. It so new and exciting, easily one of the most erotic things she had ever done. This was the most aroused she ever felt. Both because it was with Serena, and due to the........apparatus.
"Watch me Alicia," Serena almost seemed to purr as she slowly put it on herself. While Alicia was going to be getting the bulk of it, a nice portion of it slipped into Serena's own pussy. As she slipped it in and started to tie the straps into place, she moaned, nipping at her lower like, showing Alicia already the pleasure the object was going to bring. When it was finally on, she knelt between Alicia's legs, the hard cock like object stiff and strong coming from her. Tilting her head down to look at Alicia, she smiled. Reaching out her hand, he took Alicia and placed it up on tip of the cock, "Tell me what you want me to do with this..." she whispered, full of lust.
"I want you to ravage me. To pound it into me over and over and over again, to ravage every inch of my body you can. Tonight, I'm all yours." Alicia said without hesitation, antsy to get right into the action. She wanted it and she wanted it BAD.
Serena smirked as she grabbed Alicia's wrist and in one seamless motion was on top of her, hand pinned to the be above her head and the big, hard, cock like device was plowed deep into the princess, "Just like that my little princess?
At first, Alicia couldn't answer as her mouth was wide open in a silent sign of surprise and pleasure, back arching off the bed a few moments.

"Exactly like that........I like it forceful." she eventually said. wiggling a little under Serena as her hands were pinned above her head and Serena had absolute control over her.
Serena loved this feeling of control over Alicia. It was more then just one sexual romp. This was what Serena's mother had been training her her whole life to do. Narissa had brainwashed not just Zane, but Serena as well. It was her mission in life to rise above those that had wronged her dear mother all those years ago. To take the control over them and pull all the strings. To dominate them. Dominating Alicia now, it was like she was finally going what she was destined to.

Serena adopted an almost sinister smile on her face as she held Alicia's hands down, "That's right my sweet," she whispered and coo'ed to her, "that's how you better like it, cus that is how you are gonna get it... over and over and over until the sun comes up." Her hips ground hard against Alicia's, showing her no mercy. Being in control, Serena felt powerful and that was her favorite feeling in the whole world.
Alicia tossed her head back and moaned again and again as Serena began to ravage her. The thought of doing this none stop in god knows how many positions all night long was very arousing to her. Even after the large number of men she screwed downstairs, she would be more than able to keep up with Serena.
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