Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)


"Heh, good to see you weren't really going to pass away from all that." Zane said with a light laugh, raising his head away from her pussy and sliding up her body until he was right over her, looking down at her.
She blushed, a little embarrassed about the way she had carried on. "I'm sorry. I said some stuff there in the... heat of the moment. I must had sounded so foolish to you..."

((Hey, would you be apposed to some paranormal stuff happening? I didn't mean for anything to happen with that set up on the other page, just some filler, but I could see working a hit of some paranormal activity in, just for some plot filler and mover.))
"Oh no, I didn't mind at all. Actually kind of turned me on with how enthusastic you got. I was actually half tempted to keep going after it happened and not give you a moments rest." Zane replied with a smile. He actually would have kept going, but he believed she'd probably pass out before long due to it being her very first one.

((Sure, go ahead. I don't mind that happening.^_^))
Eden smiled up at him as he hovered over her. Reaching up her hand, she gently brushed her fingers over his cheek. Only moments ago, the mood had been hot and wild. But in a heartbeat, she had changed it. It was now moments soft, simple, quiet. Raising her head up, her lips touched his... tasting herself upon them. "Oh my..." she whispered as she lowered her head back to the bed once more.
"The mouth is such a wonderful thing, is it not?" Zane playfully asked after the soft kiss, before lowering his head. Though, he veered away from her lips and began planting soft, gentle kisses around her neck and shoulders.
Her eyes drifted closed softly as he started showering her neck, "I don't know about all mouths, but yours certainly is." Her hand rose to rest on the back of his head, softly running her fingers through his hair, "I must confession, I don't even know what to say right about now. I've never been in this position before."
"Well, you could always just lay back and let me show you a few more special things me and my special mouth can do." Zane replied, stopping a moment to look up at her with a seductive grin, before kissing around her shoulders again, drifting towards her cleavage.
She was so tempted to take him up on that wonderful offer. Tilting her head to look to his face, her eyes opened... and went wide in shock. Over his shoulder, she saw a figure, a man, clear as day. Standing at the foot of the bed, glaring at her. She gasped and shot up, staring in that direction. In the blink of her eye, the figure was gone once again, but she knew he had been there. There was no doubt about that. "I saw him!" she whispered, her voice shaky, her body starting to shiver. The room was suddenly growing cold, very cold. Was it just her?
"Saw who?" Zane asked, a bit lost in the moment as he went right back to kissing her neck and shoulder. Even her springing up didn't seem to snap him back to reality. Her taste and the feeling of her soft skin every time he kissed her had gotten him a bit.........distracted.
"I... I don't know..." she whispered, her eyes still looking out across the room to where she swore she saw the image. Yet, as he continued to kiss her, not breaking his mood, she started to get back into it with him as well. "Mmmm..." she moaned tilting her head to let him take as much of her neck to shower with his kisses as he wanted.

But she was still a little cold. A thought crossed her that he could warm her up. She smiled at that one, liking the idea very much. No sooner did that thought cross her mind, that suddenly, without any kind of warning or reason, a loud smash came from across the room, as if something had been forcefully broken. She jumped a little. It was dark, so could not see what it was. The chill covered her again and she nuzzled herself closer to Zane, a little frightened. Ghost stories and such.
That finally, snapped Zane out of his little trance, him cocking his eyebrow, lips still on her shoulder, but no longer kissing her.

"As much as I'd like to continue.........I'm thinking we're not wanted here anymore." he said, pulling back a bit, showing some worry himself, but also with a kind of dashing daring looking his eyes that said he'd protect her.
She nodded a bit, "I think you might be right." She scooted her way towards the end of the bed, pushing her skirts down as she stood on her own feet once more. Brushing them down, she looked around on the floor, blushing when she didn't find what she had been looking for. Blushing even more when she had to look to him and ask, "Have you seen my..... panties?" she smiled an innocent, embarrassed smile.
"Can't say that I have. I didn't toss them away. I remember just dropping them when I took them off. Can't have gotten too far." Zane replied, standing up as well, behind her.

"Sounds like someone's never gone commando before." he said, not able to resist teasing her.

((Yea, it's quite likely the term wasn't even around in that type of era..........but what the hey. Can't think of any other terms for it.^_^))
"Going.... what?" she asked, that common look of innocent confusion on her face. With a shake of her head though, it melted off and she went back to looking for her panties once again, "I can't leave them here Zane. If someone were to find them..."

((Should I push the paranormal activity any farther this time? I have an idea for how to use it again at a later date, but should like.... the ghost mess anymore with them before they leave the room this time?))
"Not like they'd know it was yours specifically. I mean, even though this place is on your land, can't say I'd be surprised if other young ladies and their male friends visited for the same reason we did." Zane replied. Though, he did start helping her look.

((You can if you want. I don't really have a preference.))
"Well, you never know. It's always better safe then-" another crash from across the room had Eden jump and jump right into Zane's arms. She clung to him, arms wrapped around his chest. "Forget about them! I just wanna get out of there..."
"........I would have to agree." Zane replied, holding her as he inched towards the door. Once he was out the door, he sped off, holding Edens hand as they ran along. Though, he wasn't go full speed, as he didn't want her to trip or anything. But, they were both in a definite hurry to get out.
She didn't question him, and she didn't dally behind. Keeping right up with his pace, she followed him back the way they came. Once they were back in a more common wing however, she slowed, and stopped, tugging on his arm to urge him to stop as well. There was still no one around, but their were many more signs of other life here. Pantting a little, she leaned against the wall, catching her breath. And then, she tilted her head up to look at him, and burst out in laughter, "Did that really all just happen? Haha! That was wild! It was... it was fun. I haven't had fun or laughed like this in a long time. I can't recall if I ever have."

The ending might not have been the way they would have wanted, but it was better then her usual, dull, boring, event less evenings. And it was all thanks to him. She never would have dared to do anything like that until she met him. "Thank you. Thank you Zane for... everything." She had a little smirk upon her face. "I should ask if there is anything that I can maybe... do for you?"
"Yea, I'm sure that wasn't just a weird dream." Zane replied, laughing himself. When he heard her offer, he smiled. He knew full well what she meant.

"Oh? And what would you be willing to do for me?" he asked.
She got her bashful, shy look once more, "Well, I..." she trailed off as the sounds of someone approaching caught her attention. She gasped a little and linked her arm with his and whispered, "Act natural," as she headed back towards the great hall where the party was really going on. "This isn't the time for it but... meet me, tomorrow? At our place?"
"Sure thing." Zane whispered, with a smile on his face. He then put his free arm behind his back, which was a normal gesture, but since noone was behind them, he slid his arm towards her and gave her a little pinch on the rump.
She jumped a bit, a smile on her face as she lightly hit his chest with her hand. After passing a few more people in the hall she leaned over and whispered into his ear, "You are a bad influence upon me..."
"Now that's just mean. I think it's other way around. Afterall, who's the one here that's not wearing any undergarments and took me to a secret place to give her intimate pleasures?" Zane playfully whispered.
She gasped, but ended up smiling again. Nudging against his shoulder with hers, drawing them both closer together, "You HUSH about that. It's because of you I am like this now. If you had not come along, do you really think I would not... well... you know, what you just said?" She couldn't even repeat it.

((When do you wanna switch over to Alicia?))
"What I just said? Oh, do you mean......." Zane replied with a smile before leaning in and whispering in great detail what all they had done earlier. It was really just too hard to resist teasing her.

((Any time I suppose. I'm actually having alot of fun teasing poor Eden.^_^))
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