Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

He was going further this time indeed. Soon his hands moved from stroking along the outsides of her legs to stroking at her inner thighs, making there way up and up until they were almost at her womanhood. Would him reaching out and touching her there push him further, or send him running?
Alicia couldn't help but shudder lightly in antipation under him. Finally, he was at least touching her intimately. Othertimes always ended at just passionate kissing and the such.
With a gasp, his hand reached her there. It was a ground breaking moment for them both. This was the furthest they had ever gotten with one another. And he wasn't pulling away. His fingers actually started to sink DEEPER into her heat!

((Heading to work. TTYL))
And with that, the worries of it ending abruptly vanished in a flood of pleasure and relief, pressing even further against him and parting legs wider to give him better access.

Perhaps her worries should not have vanished so quickly. They were still a ways off from actually getting to the main event. True, this was the farthest they have ever gotten, to this point, but that was no sign that this was going to be IT. Any yet, he continued to press onward, moving his fingers slowly, rubbing at her inner walls, testing her out. Seeing what kinds of reactions he could get out of her.
((What did we have planned for after this?))

The pleasure covered up any apprhension she had over this ending like the others. Though, if it happened, it wouldn't make her any less mad. But, considering how far they were going, she was likely gonna end up doing something really wild, even for her, to work out the anger and frustration. God know just what that'd be. A tavern she frequented full of men ready to do her at any notice and her pissed off more than ever before and looking for a good banging to get her frustrations out. A storm was brewing....

For now, she just moaned in absolute ecstasy, living in the moment.
((Hey Stranger! A scene with Eden and Zane going further then last time but still not all they way and then Alicia at the inn though we didn't decide for sure if it was gonna be a scene WITH Serena or a scene of her getting gang banged while Serena watched. I am assuming from that last post... gang bang it is ^.^))

He groaned, smiling happily from her responses to his touch. This was how he wanted it to be. Him. Her. The pleasure and passion he felt for her. Her feeling it back for him. How long he had wanted her like this but was always too afraid of the consequences. But he was not making the move to go any further then this. It was like he was stalled out. Could he take it any further? Not on his own was clear, but could he take it any further at all?
((Hehe, sorry for the dissapearance. Took me a while to come up with something.^_^ Yea, I'd really prefer a gang bang in the middle of the tavern while Serena watches with that evil smile on her face, and the other tavern goers cheer. Afterwards, with Alicia taking the group of two or three men up to a room where they ravage her over and over and over again during the night and early morning. We'll only play out that first scene in the tavern, and maybe one scene up in the room, then mini-skip to the next morning after they all finally passed out and summarize what all happened during the skip.))

With him apparently "stalling" here, Alicia began to snap back to reality, her hopes for more dwindling by the second. She just knew this was gonna happen. Still didn't make it any easier though.
((Works for me))

With it not pushing forward, it started to slip backwards. With every passing second, the chances of them finishing drew further and further from their grasp. He's fingers slowed, his actions started to withdraw. It was the signs of his doubt. And then, without any more warning, he pulled back and withdrew all his advances. His face as he backed away from the bed had a look of utter torment on it. Inner turmoil rising to the surface. Without words, he started for the door...
Alicia didn't make a sound either. Though, her eyes were filled with anger. She said and did nothing as he walked for the door, and when he left. Moments after he left, she got up and hurried to her closet, looking through for the most revealing, provocative, slutty outfit she could find. She was pissed on a level exponentialy higher than anytime before, so tonight was gonna be something beyond crazy and naughty.

((Would you mind setting up Zane/Edens scene? I don't have any ideas for it myself.))
Brion hurried back down the hall towards the dinner. How long had he been in there with her? He stopped before the hall, turning and ducking into a guest room to find a mirror and pull himself back together. What had he done? What had he ALMOST let happen? Why did he keep on letting these things happen between them? He looked like some crazed beast when he finally looked at himself in the mirror. And old beast. That was it. That was what was holding him back. He was almost twice Alicia's age. She was young and vibrant, full of life. He was reaching the top of the hill. He could never ask her to be his and let her shackle herself to someone who would grow slow long before she. She deserved a man that would keep up with her. Satisfy her. What if he couldn't give her that?

Meanwhile, he had been in there much longer then he might have thought. Dinner was over and everyone was now mingling in the grand hall with after dinner drinks and small desserts. Very classy. It was the first time that Eden could slip away from her parents the whole evening. Now that they were busy keeping up social smiles with their allies. She had been unable to see where Zane had slipped away to once the dinner was over, so she casually walked about the room, trying to spot him. She had thought a lot about him and what had happened between them in the woods. Just remembering it made her mouth go dry and her body tingle. One thing had become clear to her. She wanted it again. She wanted even more then what they had already done.

((I set up a few things here. One, Brion's state mind about Alicia. I was wondering if would be interested at some point of him coming across her with another man and Brion freaking out. Not at her, but almost like going into a sort dashing savior mode thinking he needs to save her from not only the man she is with but from herself as well. I don't know where a good placement for that would be. Definitely before they finally get together themselves. Maybe... right after the episode with Zane. It would trigger not just this wildness between them, but he can finally just tell her why he has doubts every time and she can put them at rest, finally making him able to be with her at long last. Then of course, I set up for Eden and Zane. I don't know where we can have them slip off too, but I figure they slip from the party to a more secluded place to play. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to throw in a Laine/Krade scene anywhere around her. It would be a good spot to toss one in if we wanted one for old time sake.))
((Damn, that's alot. Really would make a great romance novel.^_^ Sorry I haven't done an in character post yet. I do have ideas, it's just one thing after another keeps coming up and taking up what time I have. Not really surprised though, as it's due to thanksgiving coming up in a few weeks. I'll try to get the post done today, or tomorrow.))
((Trust me... I am working on it. More then you think. I am working on an outline and adding in characters, expanding sections and eliminating others and I am thinking of making it a trilogy. The first book being Laine and Krade and the second two being the girls. The two books of the sisters would be the same time frame but one would be Eden's side of the story and the other Alicia's. At points they will overlap but you see the scene from both their sides after reading them both. Though... I would have to severely tone Alicia's wild side down for her's to work as a romance novel. Her's would be more of an erotic novel :p))
((That it indeed would.^_^ How far do you want Eden and Zane to get this time? I'm guessing you don't want it go all the way just yet. So, what about him going down on her, or a more thorough finger lovin?))

Zane meanwhile, had already spotted her and made sure to stay out of Edens sight, wanting to sneak up on her. When she had her back turned to him, he moved, sliding up right behind her, but remaining inconspicuous as well so as to avoid drawing any attention. Leaning over, he made his presence to her known.

"Miss me?" he whispered into her ear in the most seductive, charming tone he could manage.
((I was thinking at least that. Perhaps he goes down on her this time, she goes down on him next, then the time after that is when they finally go all the way? By that time, in play they would have gone long enough time knowing one another to make it reasonable. After that it's just good times until we decide to play the trick.))

She jumped only slightly from him sudden surprise attack, heart beating fast, and it remained like that even after the moment passed. He had that effect on her. "All my life," she replied with a smile, turning to look right at him. Having spent so much time with him these past few days, one would think she would be sick of seeing him, but she only wanted to see more of him. After all, he had a bet to pay on. "I think someone here owes me a dance, no?"
((Sounds good to me.^_^))

"I think someone who was that again? My memory is sometimes spotty." Zane replied, smiling as he rubbed his chin in fake thought, joking around with her.
"Well," she played back with him, "if you can't recall who it is, perhaps I should just go ask someone over there..." she pointed towards the other side of the room and started to move that way. She had never been a playful person before, but he was changing her.
"Oh, but it won't quite be the same as having me step on your toes." Zane replied, chuckling softly as he casually came beside her and looped his arm into hers and began to walk with her onto the dance floor, not waiting for a response.

"But then again, I do have a few moves that may impress even you." he added, the wink that followed and the tone of his voice making his flirtyness obvious.
She gladly followed him to the floor, gracefully bowing a curtsy to him when they were there, "We shall see." She held up hands, waiting for him to step forward and take her into the dance, "If I need to soak my feet later, it will have been a small price to pay."
Zane smiled, bowing to her before taking one hand in his, with the other going around her waist as he stepped into the position.

"I shall try not to step on them too much. Afterall, can't really do what I have planned for us tonight when you can barely walk." he added with a smile, making sure to sound nice and mysterious.
She was usually a good dancer, only this time, it was she that stumbled a little first. His mysterious hint that caught her off guard, but she quickly recovered, "And... just what do you have planned?"
"Well, remember our time at that creek.........all alone? Imagine how it all felt? Now, imagine that times ten and you got at least a small idea of what I have planned. And I won't even be using every.......tool at my disposal." Zane whispered to her, smiling. He had to be flirty and kinda subtle about it all. She wasn't like Alicia. He couldnt' come out and proposition her. But, the though of of a "feeling" that surpassed that last time by leaps and bounds would no doubt interest her. The last part of his comment was to let her know he wasn't going to pressure her into going all the way. He hadn't planned to tonight either. He wanted her to wonder just what he could do that could feel so amazing, but at the same time, wasn't full on sex.
And there was stumble number two, stepping on her own skirts. The recovery of it had her drawing herself even closer to him, her body pressed close against his in a way that was not exactly proper. A few eyes around the room caught the moment. Something like that was expected of Alicia, but Eden? It was shocking. But that was not on Eden's mind at this moment. No, the only thing she could think of was all the deliciously naughty thoughts he had just placed there. A blush covered her cheeks as she nipped at her lower lip. She struggled to find her voice once more, "O...oh... really? Well then..." she cleared her throat stopped the dance, "Perhaps we should save our dance for a time when I am not so clumsy with my feet. Should we... go somewhere?" She was taking the bait.
"I believe so. Shall we return to that creek, or find somewhere new for you to experience the new feelings I plan to give you?" Zane whispered, head lowered next to her ear, lips lightly brushing against her ear, his arm still around her waist. Bold enough to get her hot and bothered, but subtle enough to not draw any attention. Not like it was odd to see someone whisper into a ladies ear.
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