Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((I like the angry idea, but OOO, how bout instead of making him turn and brings those naughty desires for her to the service and kisses her with a fire. They make out passionately against the wall before she shoves him onto the bed, and crawls ontop of him, with her being naked by now. They make out some more, she starts to strip him, he lets her and just as their about to do it............he suddenly rolls her off of him, gets dressed and more or less storms out without a word. I want to show that while he's mister knight, he still has trouble controlling his overwhelming urges towards her and they just........burst out at times until eventually, he just lets loose and they FINALLY do it. Since she'd have been literally seconds away, it leaves her more frustrated ever, which leads to one hell of a wild night with Serena.))

((Also, for her encounter with Serena, I was thinking we could alter it a bit. Instead of Alicia paying for a night with whore, but getting Serena, I was thinking Alicia would go to the tavern, intending to that plan, but before she can, Serena appears again, they chat and Serena gets Alicia drunk. Not to get her in the sack, but cause she knows that Alicia gets very.........floozy like when she's drunk and just sits back while Alicia does things like flirt with strangers, make out with strangers, let strangers grope her body. Or hell, if you want to get particularly dirty, a gang bang in the middle of the tavern.^_^ Either a group of guys ganging on her, or Serena creates a repeat show of the opening of the RP, where Alicia first met Master and whore.))
((No worries. I gotta run out myself. Well........not really. I don't HAVE to go anywhere. I just don't have anything to do here, so I'm just gonna go out.^_^))
((Ugh, I got some realllly stressing news today that had pretty much killed any kind of posting bug I had from now until I hopefully get this whole thing figured out. I will get back to posting when I can. This is just.... ugh stress! Stress I did not want OR need!))
((Okay, my problem is solved. Not the best result, but it will do. So here I am! Okay, it's technically post to you, but let's talk out the plan then one last time. Alica will head off to change in her room, Brion follows after, catching a glimpse of the lord on the way, walks in on her perhaps partly dressed, but he stays. Perhaps they have a conversation while he is trying to be a gentlemen and not watch her change. Let her get all the way into something else, then when he turns back to look, he sees her marks on the neck and perhaps it's just like... something that totally sets him off. He starts yelling at her, angry that she did something with that lord and ends up saying something like, 'you should do that kind of stuff with me,' and the making out starts. Take it to almost the point of no return but they yeah, he changes his mind again.))
((OOO, she is gonna be so pissed after that.^_^ He yells at her cause he wants to be the one she does those things to, but it's his fault she doesn't as she's more than willing to, but he keeps chickening out. I think she's gonna need to do something exceptionally wild that night to release her frustrations it brings on.))
((Before I do, do you wanna pick from my earlier ideas for what she does in the tavern, or just wait till it happens and decide then?))
((I leave that you to pick cus I am okay with either. Which would you rather have for your character to have happen to her. Why don't we just wait and see how the moment hits us? We have this scene and the scene with Eden and Zane between now and then. We might come up with a third idea by then even. Ha!))
((Yea, wating and seeing would be best. Currently, I'm leaning towards the public gang bang scene. But as you said, I'll just wait and see how the situation plays out when we get to it and decide then.))
((That's sure the truth.))

Alicia stayed in the store room for a few moments, just catching her breath and fixing her dress up before hurrying off to her room, wanting to get changed and back to the party before anyone got suspicious. Though, little did she know, someone actually was suspicious and looking for her.
When Alicia had not yet returned, Brion took it upon himself to go find her. He left another he trusted to watch over Eden at the dinner, like she needed it. He should have had all his men focused on Alicia if he were smart.

Walking down the hall towards her room, it was not long before he crossed paths with the lord that Alicia had just shared a moment with. The two men shared passing glances and just something in the lord's eyes... Brion knew. He didn't know how, but he knew. He only hoped the lord had not hurt her

Picking up the pace, he rushed to Alicia's room, and burst in without so much as a knock, sword drawn, "Alicia!"
"Uh..........yea?" Alicia asked, confused but not really startled by Brion bursting in with his sword out. It was far from the first time he had done something like this. One of the things that added to her believing he took his job WAY too seriously. He had certainly picked a fine time to bust in. Alicia had just slipped her dress off and was just about to pick something else to wear when he burst in, which left in her undergarments, back to him. Still, he got quite an eyeful of her magnificent body.
She had not even turned! Brion stood there, flabbergasted to say the least. "That is all you have to say?" He just could not understand how she could be so casual. Especially since her, her personal guard, had just burst into her room, sword draw, ready to fight for her safety with command and power in his voice... and all she could say was uh yea? There she stood, barely dressed, back vulnerable to attack and...... barely dressed. Brion only then realized that as his manly instincts started to take effect upon his body. He stared at her curved from behind, sword slowly starting to lower to rest at his side. With his free hand, he closed the door behind him.... just staring at her from behind and wishing he could see her from the front at well.
Alicia was about to make another smart ass comment when she heard the door shut and noticed the look in his eyes. She knew what it meant. She only hoped he'd finally have the guts to go all the way this time. Giving him his wish, she turned to face him, letting him see the front of her marvelous body clad in her skimpy undergarments. She said nothing as she smiled at him, starting to slowly walk towards him.
He took a deep, slow breath, and then slowly released it. As if he was attempting to calm himself. Which he WAS trying to do. There was still a bit of restraint in him. He could still hold himself back, but if she continued what she was doing... "Alicia," he almost seemed to moan out, trying to get her to stop her approach. But soon she was right in front of him, and he saw the marks upon her neck. His face changed in a snap! His hand rose to her neck and started to inspect her there, "You did... didn't you?! You did things with that man I passed in the hall! Didn't you?!" His tone was not really fatherly or anything like that. It was more like he was hurt. Like he was possessive of her.
"And what business of it is yours? One second your mister possessive, the next, you become distant and don't seem to care at all. You really need to make up your damn mind, as I'm reaching the end of my rope with you." Alicia replied, her tone changing in an instant just like is, hands on her hips and they stood toe to toe. They were much more alike than either would care to admit. Both were possessive of one another, and both were stubborn as all hell. They really would make a good couple if Brion would admit his feelings and Alicia would tone her behavior down a good bit.
"What business is it of mine?! YOU are my business Alicia!" He grasped her by the wrist and yanked her close to him, getting right up in her face, "You throw yourself at an almost total stranger! You could have gotten hurt! He could have had more in mind for you then just a quick fling! Assassins! Enemies! Alicia you don't think before you do these things! You don't think about how your family would feel if you were hurt! You don't... you don't think about how I would feel..." His tone started to soften, his grip started to loosen. Having her so close, the thought that he could loose her one day. To an unseen foe. Or even to another man. "I'm reaching the end of MY rope with YOU..." he almost hissed to her before grasping the back of her next and forcing her mouth to his in another one of there now famous stolen kisses of passion.
Alicia didn't have time to spit out a fiery comment of her own when he kissed her so passionately. She melted in an instant, arms sliding up over those broad shoulders of his as she immediately kissed back. Sure, these moments always ended the same way and she knew that, but it never stopped her from giving in and having at least a little hope the old coot would pull that stick out of his ass.
Kissing her always flooded his head with thoughts of all the things he really wanted to do with her. It wasn't nameless strangers she should be doing things with... it was him! He wanted her more then he could ever say in words and so he said it in his actions like this. His hands quickly wrapped around her waist and his hands got their grip on her sweet ass, picking her off the ground and holding her against his body as he started to walk her towards the bed.
Taking his hint, when those strong, protective hands gripped her perfect backside and lifted her off the ground, her legs wrappedd tightly around his waist. Such amazing passion, but doomed to end just like the other times.
Reaching the edge of the bed, the two of them toppled over, him pinning under him as his hands started to explore her more and more. Running his hands up her legs to the hem of her undergarments and reaching within them. He didn't take them off, yet, but reached into them and reveled in feeling skin on skin.
Alicia certainly enjoyed the feeling as well, which was made obvious by her muffled moaning and her arching her back, thrusting her sizable bosom against his muscular chest. This was quickly going farther than any past encounter. That's one of the things that kept her hope alive. It seemed that every time one of these moments happened, her would go further and further. It gave her hope that he was coming around, but it still hurt when he inevitably freaked out and left.
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