Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((I've gotta run for the night and don't have time to get out a good post. So, I'll do a character post tomorrow.))
((Yep, just woke up.^_^))

Zane continued to smile warmly, his actions answering for him as his free hand came to rest on her flat stomach a moment, before it began to slide downwards towards her most intimate of areas.
She started holding her breath as his hand started heading to other places. A smile on her face having a good idea where he was going. "Zane..." she whispered breathlessly, before her lips fell about his once again in yet another passionate kiss.
Zane returned the passionate kiss, his hands never skipping a beat. One gently massaged and squeezed her breast while the other drifted lower, only stopping when he gently cupped her pussy over the outside of her undergarments.
It was the first time anyone had ever touched her... there... before. Especially when she was aroused enough to notice. Her hold body jolted a moment as she gasped at the feeling's all of a sudden flowing through her body. Pleasure. He had shown her passion and now he was showing her pleasure. "Oh my god...!" she whispered against his lips, her breathing start to pick up towards a pace that would be considered panting. "Dear.. mmm... sweet Zane...!"
Zane couldn't help but smile at her somewhat cheesy comment, but none the less, it didn't slow him down a bit as he continued to softly massage and rub the two intimate areas of her body, giving her a good taste of the kinds of pleasures he could give her.
Eden moved against his body, nuzzling her breast against his hand and her pussy against his hand. There was very little space for them here on the rock and for a moment she wondered if they should move back to shore. And yet, would that ruin the moment? Would they not be able to get it back? That was the last thing she wanted right now. And in truth, that though frightened as well as excited her even more. Her emotions in a spin, she went back to kissing him and moaning into his lips.
As they kissed, Zane in response, pressed his hands further against her breast and pussy, while massaging and rubbing them quite skillfully. Simple actions, but she loved them none the less. He was slowing letting her experience more and more pleasure. He wished to see just how far he would be able to get on this first encounter. Based on her reactions, even if she stopped it before they went all the way, she had a taste of the amazing pleasure and him bedding her would be a sure thing.
He knew how to play with her well. If he had dove right in and gotten hard and fast with her from the start, she never would have given into him. Not now, not ever. But she was proving to him that it was true what they say. Slow and steady wins the race. He had to work at his target, but in the long run, he'd hold her instread much longer then his sister may hold her sister. But did he realize that? The consiquence's of his game might just be more then a game. Eden was putting her heart into this encounter as she would do everything from now on. He wasn't toying with just her body. This was her heart he was toying with. Even her kisses poured bits of the passion long hidden in her heart into him.
Zane continued his slow, steady pace, continuing to rub her naughty bits, getting a bit harder a tiny bit at a time. It wasn't sure how this encounter would end. He would get as far as he could, but in all honesty, if she stopped it before he got to go all the way, he wouldn't be surprised at all. He had come to find out she wasn't always very predictable.
She was indeed full of surprises, especially right now as her hands started to stray to places a lady should never explore on a man she only just met. While one arm stayed wrapped around his neck to hold herself to him, the the other softly traced a trail down his chest, her fingertips gently brushing over his skin, and kept going lower and lower. Their possible destination? He would have to guess that.
Zane continued to be surprised by how forward she was being. Though, he somewhat expected it. She seemed to be a rather pent up person, and now all those feelings and urges were getting released. She was certainly different than her sister in that regard. Alicia never really kept anything pent up, which was made obvious by her promiscuity.

((When should we bring in that pervy lord from the party to finish what he started with Alicia? I think we planned to have it happen during another formal event. But, when should we do that? I'm in a particular naughty, pervy mood, so I'm itching to do something like that.^_^))
They got as far down at his belly button, but it grew a bit hesitant. For a moment the question was if she would or she wouldn't get it stay further still. As her arm instead wrapped around his waist, it seemed she was not quite ready for that yet. It was all most definitly a start, but is seemed that had gone about as far as they would for this time. The kissing and touching lasted a few more moments before Eden at last pulled back from his touch, though not straying far away, just enough to get some air to her brain once more and let the dizzy bliss subside. "That was... nice..." she had a soft smile on her lips. "No... I lied," she added a moment later, "That was the most amazing thing I think I have ever done."

((Well.... want to have Eden invite Zane to a formal event or something at the end of this. Later in the week. We come in at the party so that Alicia can have her moment, then goes to meet whore but finds Serena instead AFTER the party. If we go with that, I have an idea as well. We end this scene with just the making out, next sex scene is Alica and the perv so we can get you to that scene while the mood still hits you. The scene after that is Zane and Eden at the party as well where they experiment a little further into a bit bolder things, then cut to the scene with Serena? That way we are keeping up with the your character, my character rotation. It's fair if you ask me *nod, nod*))
((Yes, that sounds perfect. Could actually stick with our original plan as now wouldn't be their full first time together. With it being Eden, it would better to stop it now, and then have her and Zane continue to go further and further in future encounters until it finally happens.))

"Heh, that certainly makes two of us then." Zane replied, smiling and laughing softly as he too was a bit breathless. For a newbie, she was an amazing kisser and seemed almost a natural in turning him on. Like mother, like daughter.
((I will reply later tonight. Sorry to leave now, but I have work. Closing the store tonight. Be back around 11 EST. Glad we have a plan though for the direction we are going in. I will get us all set up to make the skip in the next post))
Eden took a few moments longer before looking up and seeing that the sun was well passed the noon high in the sky. "I should go," she said with a sad tone to her voice, "They will start to worry about me if I am not back soon. I'm never away this long to begin with, but..." she smiled and rose her hand to his cheek, stroking his skin a little with her fingertips, "I figure that if I stay out a little longer every day, in time... I could get away for a whole day without anyone wondering about me."

She slid off his lap and back into the water, swimming her way back to the shore, but this time not making a fuss about him looking away as she redressed herself to ride home. There was little smile upon her lips, even thought she dressed with her back to him. "You know... there is a small get together we are having at the castle at the end of the week. And of course, you know that means that a 'small get together' is a large gala event with the local nobles. You could come you know. If you wanted that is. You could think about it." Her voice was playful as she continued on, "Maybe get back to me with a decision when we see each other between now and then? Do you have any idea as to when that might be?"
"Hmmm, hard to say. But chances are good I'll be there." Zane replied, smiling as he dove into the water. Of course, he fully intended to come, but was just being a little playful and playing hard to get.

((Wanna do the skip now, or have them converse a little more for set-up?))
It was a good answer, it was the final answer she wanted, but she was looking for more as well. Perhaps she was just not use to this how, attracting the opposite sex thing. She was going to try and start learning though. Just needed to find the right things to say to get the response she hoped for, "Well, perhaps you should think about it. Maybe give it a day or so then... I don't know... swing by the castle to let me know if we should set a place for you at the table? And if you happen to be there, you might as well stay for lunch or something in the mean time." She was clearly now trying to get him to come by and see her again, before the week was out. She only hoped she was not seeming to desperate.

((Just another post or two, I have an idea for a good skip, but I JUUSSST need to set up one little thing. I want to still include that Eden and Zane see each other at least another time or two between now and then, even though I'll just talk about it happening in the skip.))
((Alrightys, sounds good to me.^_^))

"Sure, I'd love to." Zane replied, smiling as he easily caught on to what she was getting at. She did seem desperate, but not in a bad way. In fact, it was actually cute and endearing.
She was trying to hold back her excitement at his acceptance of the second invitation as well as the first, "Very good then. Well, I suppose I should be off then." Making her way to her horse, she thought about trying to make a graceful exit, but knew her climbing up into the saddle like an idiot would not be it. She paused a moment and glanced back his way, "Would the gentleman mind helping a lady in need?"
"As you wish." Zane replied with his charmful smile as he went to her and helped her up onto the horse before he then hopped up on his.

"Till next time, princess." he said with a little wink before riding off the way they had come in.
Eden sat atop her horse a moment, watching him go, a perfectly content little smile on her face. Oh yes he had her love struck alright. She was a downright love sick little puppy. Once he was almost out of sight, she final nudged her own horse along, back to the castle.

They never set a time for him to come to give her his answer, but she did not need to wait for long. He arrived the very next day, and they had a nice afternoon and lunch, but right before he left, he told her that he still didn't know if he was could. Then with a smile, she invited him to think another day on it and come back tomorrow for a little badminton game. He accepted and returned the next day. Once again they had a lovely time of laughed and fun with one another, and once AGAIN he told her he was undecided... this cycle went on for four days, until it was the day before the gala when he finally told her that he would be there for certain. And by that time, Eden was even deeper in love with the charming Zane. But how did he feel about her after all that time?

The night of the gala arrived and indeed it was not some small affair. It was perhaps only a step down from the girls birthday party not to long before. Eden took extra pride in her appearance that night, knowing she had a real reason to look good now. She has someone to look good for. What a difference it made to have someone.

There was a short bit of social time at the start of the party, followed by a sit down dining in the grand dining hall. Eden had not been able to stray far from her mother, father, and sister during the social hour. Being the hosts, they needed to be there for people to come and greet them all. Even sitting at the table, they were all at the head of the table with their closest allies around them. Eden looked down the table to try and spot where Zane had ended up.

Zane might have landed far, but there was one person a bit closer, and his eyes remained set on the princess Alicia, a certain intent in his eyes, while he sipped his soup.
As was usual for these events, Alicia did her best to put on a good smile and play the good princess. It was a far cry from who she really was, but she had to keep up appearances. And as usual, she caught more than a few lusty glances at her as she sat there, making pleasant conversation, he tight dress accentuated her already impressive chest. So, it was no surprise that she caught the gaze of the lord from her and her sisters birthday party, the pervy one that had fondled her beneath her dress and had only experience a brief taste of what she was like........intimately. Easily catching the intent in his eyes, she gave him a quick smile and equally suggestive look. One that would be missed unless someone were staring at her and looking for it intentionally. So, their actions went unnoticed by everyone else at the table, even those seated right next to them. Not her first choice of lovers, but hell, anything was better than these damn gatherings to her. Any distraction would be welcome.
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