Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

She thought at first she had hit the ground, but then that did not make sense. She had not felt a blow of pain. In fact, she felt cozy and safe. It was only then, after Zane spoke, that she realized he had caught her. She blushed a little, embarrassment once again. "It's the wine..." she tried to make an excuse for herself, thought she knew there really was none. "Thank you... umm... think you could be my hero again and get my clothing for me?"
"Sure. Though, haven't heard to many heroic stories of a man fetching a ladies clothing from a tree." Zane joked, laughing softly as he set her on his feet and climbed up the tree. He was able to nab her clothes with ease and get down without incident.
She smiled a little sweetly as she came forth and took the clothing from him. Without a warning, she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Much like a lady would to her knight in shining armor. It was a simple kiss, but her lips seemed to linger on his cheek a little longer then was socially acceptable. "Thank you," she said before turning away and putting her clothing back down on a rock again, "This time I will keep an eye on these silly things." Eden made her way to the water's edge, waiting for him now to come join her for their promised swim.
"Yes, that would be wise." Zane replied, smiling lightly as he came to stand beside her. He was glad she didn't ask too many questions about them ending up in the tree.
Eden sat down on the edge of the spring once more, her feet in the water and he hands on the bottom edge of the shirt her had given her. A little more loose now, she didn't bother to ask him to avert his eyes. Still, she was quick about removing the shirt and slipping into the water once more before much of anything could be seen. She waded out a ways into the water, and turned back to him, "Well, are you joining me or not?"
Zane just smiled in response before removing a few pieces of clothing like her and wading out into the water, before diving in, dissapearing a few moments before he popped up right behind her.
Eden jumped a little startled from his reappearance and spun around, laughing a little bit and splashing him before swimming away. Her body language playfully told him to give chase.
And he did just that, laughing and actually truely having fun as he swam after her. He could easily catch her, but he liked chasing her. Actually having her play a little hard to get instead of just giving herself to him actually made him want her even more.
She was heading further and further across the water, heading for the waterfall she had frolicked in earlier. This was genuinely fun. Eden had not had such a good time with anyone since.... heck... she couldn't even remember when. Zane was something special. And the way he respected her request to be friendly, well in truth, it made her even more attracted to him. Almost made her wish he hadn't backed so far off her with his advances. She might be a little more inclined to take one or two of them now.
Picking up a bit of speed, Zane timed it where he reached the rock she was on earlier just barely ahead of her.

"I guess I win again." he said with a playful smile as he pulled himself onto the rock, offering his hand to her to help her onto it as well.
She raised an eye brow in his direction as she reached out and took his hand, letting him help her up, "I didn't know we were racing. I would have tried-" she paused as she plopped down upon the rock next to him, or rather on his lap. The rock was not really that large and to them to both fit upon it, she ended up plopped down in his lap. "....would have tried harder..." she didn't know what made her do it, but she wrapped her arms around his neck then and leaned her face in towards his, "Since you have won... what prize do you want this time?"
"Oh, I don't know........" Zane playfully replied, his arms gently slipping around her waist after she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I do have a few ideas in mind." he added, keeping that playful tone. Though, it was quite obvious that they were both thinking the same thing.
"Will this do?" she whispered a moment before her grip tightened about his neck and it closed the rest of the gap between their lips. Eden pressed her lips at first gently against his, but after a moment, the wine made her bold once more ans she pressed harder against him, a light moan escaping her throat.
Zane was quite enjoying himself, kissing back just as deeply a few moments before eventually breaking it off.

"Yes, it's quite satisfactory." he replied, smiling before going right back in and starting the kiss right back up.
Eden had a smile on her lips before he captured them once again. She had to admit, this was exciting. Something inside her started to burn like a fire, making her blood boil in her veins and she only wanted the fire he made her feel grow hotter still. "Zane..." she moaned against his lips while she moved in his lap, instincts within her taking over as she moved to straddle his hips, pressing her wet body against his.
Zane could tell she wanted more and he was happy to oblige. Though, he had to go slow, since she wasn't open as Eden. So, he kissed her once more, very deep and passionated, his hands sliding up and down her body, brushing close to more intimate areas of her body. He was trying to get that fire to grow, to grow so much she would need him to take her to satisfy it.
It was growing indeed, but she was so reserved and innocent, the truth was she didn't quite know how to quench it. But from the way she kept going, she wasn't inviting him to stop anytime soon. If anything, she was inviting her to show her more of this world. The one her sister seemed to live in. Passion. Zane was showing her that she could be a passionate person after all.
As the kiss intesified, Zanes hands settled on her hips, gently pulling her body further against his, which got a moan out of himself. He had originally felt cheated that he was stuck with Eden, but now, he would really have it no other way.
Being the offspring of Laine and Krade, Eden had certainly inherited much of them and their sexual instincts. She pressed her body against his, softly starting to grind her hips against his. Pulling her lips back, she had to take a moment to gasp for a little air. He was making her head spin with his intoxicating kisses. Resting her forehead against his, she whispered, "I should do things like this.... but lord how I want to..."
"You and me both......" Zane replied, a bit breathless. For someone inexperienced in this stuff..........she sure knew how to kiss. It seemed to come natural to her, somehow. Though, with him not knowing of the almost legendary sex life of her parents, it came as a surprise to him.
It surprised her a bit as well. Mostly because... well... she liked this. Like it a lot. "When do we know when to stop?" she questioned him nipping at her lower lip, "How far is to far?"
"Well, they always say you'll just know when the time is right.......That seems to apply to this situation." Zane replied. Boy, had he wanted her here and now. But, if that wasn't something she wanted to do, he wouldn't pressure her into doing it. That would mess things up beyond repair.
"Well... I know I'm not ready to stop..." she smile a little, a blush on her cheeks, "But... I don't know where to go next." Yet, she knew that he was the one she wanted to make a next step with. "Can you show me what the next step is?" I couldn't hurt to go just a little further. She was not ready for the full leap by far, but a dip in the deep end was feeling right.
"Well, the next step would be something like this." Zane said softly, smiling warmly as his right hand began to slide from her hip, up her side, heading towards her breast. While he was just rounding second base, it was still a big step, so he still took things slow. Not to mention, she looked almost like she'd have a heart attack if he had just reached right up and grabbed her boob.
She held her breath a little as she looked down and watched his hand reaching up, licking her lips in anticipation of it, even before his fingers wrapped around her plump breast. When it finally came, she gently closed her eyes and moaned, tilting her head back a bit. "Mmmmm," it felt good, but that instinct was coming from within again, telling her there was more and even better feelings to want. "And... the next step?" she whispered.
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