Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

"Hehe, yea. You gotta find just the right mix. A big enough sip so that you get plenty of flavor, but not so much that you end up drunk before you finish one glass." Zane replied, taking another good sized sip from his cup. He wasn't really surprised she couldn't seem to hold her alcohol. She was the good one afterall. Alicia on the otherhand, could down multiple glasses in a matter of minutes and only be slightly buzzed.
She laughed a little and smile. Already her eyes were glazed over just a hint. The laugh went on a little longer then it should have, and so she just put the cup down, "No more of that for right now. How about that fruit you brought along? I could go for something a little sweet about now."
Zane watched her closely, noting she already seemed to feeling at least some of the effects of the beverage before he grabbed the container of strawberries and handed them too her, as well as the cream in case she desired that as well while he went back to sipping his wine.
"Why thank you," she smiled now as she took them from him and pulled one sweet strawberry. "Mmmm," she moaned a little, raising it to her lips and not realizing how alluring she was making herself as she started to rub the ruby red fruit along her lips a little bit before she finally bit into it, "Mmmmm, it's just as sweet as I thought it would be. You simply must try one of these Zane."
".......Ok......." Zane replied, having watched the little display with a cocked eyebrow before she offered one to him. Was she doing this because of the wine, or for some other reason?
It was the wine. Wine made her.... a little more like her sister. More loose and well... a little wild at times. It was why she hardly ever did drink. She was no proper lady any longer when she was buzzed. With a smile on her face, she took a strawberry and held it up towards him, only then noticing how he was looking at her like she had two heads and her behavior was suddenly getting through to her. "I'm.... making an idiot of myself aren't I?"
"No, not at all. I was just surprised that you REALLY seemed to like that strawberry. Are they that good?" Zane asked, not waiting for an answer before leaning over and taking a small bite right out of the one she was holding.
Eden raised the strawberry to his lips a little more, basically feeding it to him. "Taste it and you will see. It's so very sweet. I have not had one this good in years. The last few, all the strawberries were grew in the gardens have come out sour."
"Then that could explain why these are better. I didn't actually get these from our gardens..........They're wild strawberries. I just happen to come across them on the way here, thought they looked good.........and picked them." Zane replied, chuckling lightly as he rubbed the back of his head, trying to put on a show of him being a bit of a goof as well.
Eden's eyes went a little wide in surprise, "Wild? Truly? You must show me where. I could get use to these. Mmmm, I could wake up everyday and have one for the rest of my life and it would be a happy one."
((After we finish up this picnic, what do you want to go to next? If we do something with Alicia, I wouldn't mind some naughty fun with Serena, or another amazing, romantic night with whore...........whose name I already forgot........despite me naming her. :oops: ))

"Well, I could try, but I can't really make any guarantees. I just randomly happened upon them, so I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to find my way back to the same spot." Zane replied, smiling lightly. Even though it was due to the wine, he was enjoying seeing this side of her. An Eden that was more relaxed and easy going than normal.
((Hmmm, that is a good question. I do still want these two to get a little naughty before the end of the picnic. Perhaps he suggest they go back in for a swim. She does still owe him one from the bet. A little splashy splashy, swimmy swimmy, makeout makeout in the water. Her ambitions are a little loose right now that he moment could take her. She'll initiate it. Then.... hmmm I'm assuming it would indeed go back to Alicia, but the question is when and where? Perhaps we right a slight time jump for maybe a week later. Summarize that Zane and Eden have been hanging out. Alicia has been spending time with Whore and maybe OH I have it! She goes to see Whore like they planned one night but when she goes into the room, Serena is there instead. She 'gave whore the night off.'))

"That is fine," Eden replied with a smile as she picked up another strawberry and partook of it. Soon they were down to one last strawberry. She felt like she had already eaten more then him of them, so even though she could have taken it, she smile to him and offered it to him, "You may have the last one Zane."
((OOO, sounds great.^_^))

"I'd love to. Now, should I take it, or bite it out of your hand again?" Zane asked, laughing softly.

((Ugh..........sorry for the one liner.))
Zane smiled as the raised it to his lips, slowly parting them before taking a big bite out of it, more or less taking it all in one bit.

"Quite delicious." he said after chewing and savoring the taste.
Eden was frozen a little, looking at her fingers and finding only the little bit of green leaves left there. Her heart skipped a beat against her will. She knew she said she just wanted to be friends with Zane, she knew that, but it didn't help her at all that she found him so very attractive. And that he had been such a gentleman after she had asked him to be... that scored such points in her book. "You liked it hmm?" she asked, finding her mouth a little dry.
"Very much." Zane replied, smiling as he wiped off the bit of juice leaking out the corner of his mouth from the strawberry.

"Well, now that the meals over.........I think it's time for us to have a little fun. Care to join me? Afterall, there was that bet we made." he added slyly, laughing softly.
Eden looked at him, a bit confused at first before memory of the bet hit her. "OH! The swim!" She looked towards the water and also recalled not that long ago when she went swimming on her own. A blush covered her face as she looked down at her just starting to dry clothing under his shirt she wore. "Well... as long as you promise not to look when I am getting in and out of the water. AND you help me find my real clothing. They could not have gotten far."
"I promise." Zane replied, smiling as he stood, offering his hand out to help her stand. This was turning out to be a rather pleasant day for him as well. Not all of what he was doing was fake. He was actually enjoying himself, able to relax and forget his "duty" for a while.
She smiled and took his hand, rising up to her feet. "Come, we should look for the clothing first, so I have it when we get out of the water." She moved away, towards where she had left her clothing. They place he had stolen them from, "There were right here. I just don't understand how they could have vanished."
"Well, neither do I. It's certainly a rather unique little mystery." Zane replied, acting innocent as he walked with her. He had stashed her clothing in a tree not too far away so he could find them later. Plus, incase she found them on her own, it would allow him to play it off as if an animal actually did steal them away and tried to drag them up a tree, but wasn't successful.
Eden seemed to go right in the direction of the tree. Like she was reading his mind as to where he had put them and soon she was at the base of the tree where he clothing was. She still had not seen them yet though. She was looking low to the ground, not high. Eden was burning hot yet out in the cold as well. "Find anything yet?"
((Sorry for the lack of posting. I finally got my hands on a PSP and well......I've been quite addicted to it.^_^))

"Not yet." Zane replied, glancing at her to see her oh so close to where he had stashed them. He wasn't sure how to proceed. He could say he saw them where they were and go with his story of an animal accidentally placing it there, or he could play dumb for now and let her find them on her own.
((It's fine. Everyone has their moments. Hehe. I vanished for like a week when Kingdom Hearts 2 came out))

She sighed a little, not thinking to look up at all. She almost passed them but only to glance up by chance as she was turning away, catching a glimpse of fabric. "Wait.... ho-how did they get up THERE!" she finally saw them and started to try and climb her way up the tree to get them, "They are up in the tree! This is ridiculous!" Reaching for them, she was a little short. Eden tried to reach further, but it was just a little to far and he grip slipped, stumbling she started to fall out of the tree.
((That's vidya games for ya.^_^ Though, I didn't really vanish. I have been here, but I only really responded to one or two PM RPs during my breaks from the plastic crack that is a PSP.))

Luckily, since she was so close to where he had stashed them, Zane had slowly made his way over there. It was fate that he ended up so close when she slipped, as he only had to dash a few steps forward to catch her gently in his arms.

"Quite a little tumble." he said with a smile, looking down at her in his arms.
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