Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

"Well, then if you really would have noticed a dear, you would have been able to notice whatever it was that stole your clothing. Unless you're suggesting a swarm of tiny little insects walked off with them." Zane replied, stopping his undressing, leaving his shirt unbuttoned, giving her a good view at his impressive upper body.

"No, I do not. I had assumed you'd bring one." he replied, holding back a smile.
She groaned a bit it frustration before her face rose up to look at him. There was a noticeable pause in her body as she gazed a moment at him with his shirt unbuttoned. Her mouth went dry as she stared at him. Lord... what a body... she shook her head a little bit and looked away again, that blush growing brighter still, "Well.... perhaps just your shirt to cover myself..."
"As you wish." Zane replied, smiling lightly as he slid off his shirt, holding it out for her.

"No sense in me wading out. That'll just get the shirt all wet and make it useless." he explained. Though, he was just trying to be smoothe.
She pointed without turning her head. She knew eventually she'd need to look and see him shirtless, but she'd feel a bit better about it if she has something on at the time first, "You can put it there. Then.... turn around while I climb out."
((Was this the scene where we decided they'd have their first sexual experience?))

"Fine, as you wish." Zane replied, setting it down and turning so his back to her.
((Yup. I am trying to think how to go about it. I had an idea for a lead in. Let's say he brought some.... strawberries and cream for dessert? A little something to turn her on before he makes his move?))

As soon as his back was turned she climbed her way out of the water once again. She was dripping wet as she came upon his clothing. It would not do like this. She had no choice but to... well... "Keep your back turned Zane, please. I need to ring out my own clothing first or else your shirt will do little good to me." Not waiting for his reply, assuming he'd be a gentleman and grant her wish, she slipped off her shift and started to ring it out. Leaving her topless for the moment, even with her back to him.
((Works for me. Would this be a full on sexual encounter, or just heavy making out with some groping and maybe hand/oral action?))

Zane did try to keep his back turned, but a moment, couldn't anymore and subtly glanced behind him. Even with her back to him, seeing her topless sent a pleasurable chill up his spine as he quickly turned his gaze back away, so she couldn't catch him. Though........very little would be able to surpass the image in his head of her under that waterfall.
((Heavy making out with hand and oral action. Not full out yet. Soon though. I want him to fall a little more for her before the first time. I figure after this one, giving him a little time to have to sit and think about his feelings and struggle with his 'duty' and his feelings first.))

She did not turn to face him again until her damp shift was on and then his dry shirt over that. Her bloomers were still soaked but the picture she was now was not as provocative as she had been before. She was still a sight though. All in white now. "You can turn around now..." she was holding her breath knowing she was about to get an eye full of his body when he did.
Turning around, Zane couldn't help but look her up and down quickly when he saw her.

"As beautiful as always." he said with that handsome, attractive smile of his.
She was silent a moment, a number of things that she could reply with playing in her head, but which one to say? Thank you? Thanks for the shirt? Nice chest? The only thing that came out after a moment of hesitation might not have been the best, but it wasn't the worst, "You're early..."
"As are you...." Zane replied back, chuckling softly.

"You're actually lucky I am. Well, unless you would prefer to have spent an hour walking around the woods in only your undergarments." he added, intentionally trying to embarass her to tease her a bit.
"Well... I..." she was at a lost for words. Both from just a lack of them and memorized still by his body. "I wanted a little time to myself. At least I would have been dry in an hours time." She was trying to prevent the shirt from clinging to her as best as possible, but it was a losing battle and soon, her still hard nipples were showing through the fabrics once more. She didn't realize it as she stood there before him.
Zane certainly noticed, but said nothing for the moment.

"Oh, then are dissapointed that I'm early? Should I leave and come back in an hour?" he asked, sounding as if he was actually being serious. Again, it was just to tease her.
"Well.... you are here and it would be rude to your horse to make him travel all the way back and forth once again," she gave him a very small smile as she came a little closer, "I thought a good spot for our picnic would be over here." She indicated with her hand to a flat, mossy area right along the bank of the spring.
((I'm gonna go ahead and turn in now. Still haven't recovered from signing off at 5 am last night and only getting two hours of sleep. :oops: And those two hours weren't even when I went to bed...........It was a nap I took in the middle of the day....))

"Yes. It would be mean to hurt the horses feelings." Zane joked back, laughing lightly as he looked to where she motioned too.

"Hmmmm, does look like a nice choice." he added, looking into her eyes, the two just standing there like that, getting closer and closer
"Thank you," she spoke in almost a whisper. The air was tense to say the least. Sexual tension beyond belief! It was new and confusing for her, and yet exciting in many ways as well. She never felt like this before and it was, to sum it all up, wonderful. He was something wonderful in her life now. "I guess there is nothing to do but set up and have our picnic?"

(Night to you.)
((Ugh..........I'm gonna have to turn in early again tonight. My arm is freaking KILLING me.........not sure why though. Gets like that sometimes where it suddenly becomes sore as a bitch. Anywho.......night.))

"If you wish." Zane replied, always with his handsome smile as he just stood there, looking back at her. He made sure his tone alone could tell he that they could eat.........or do something else..........something naughty.
The innuendo in his tone was, for once, not completely lost on her. Only a LITTLE lost. She could tell there was something there in the way he replied, but she didn't necessarily know he meant naughty things. Eden was not the type of girl that had ever really done such things before. Slowly, she was learning from him though. "Yes, I do." Silence... awkward... "You... you brought food right?" She mentally smacked herself in the back of the head for that one. She sounded like a total dork.
"Yes, of course." Zane replied, unable to hold back a light laugh. He had to admit........that was a funny one. Though, in the good way.
She sighed a little, hearing the laugh in his tone. It hurt a little bit really, deep inside. She didn't mean to be so... awkward. She just couldn't help it. It was who was was, as much as she hated it. She was just as bad at hiding her feelings. It could be read all over her face in that moment she she was embarrassed. And not in a cute, blushing way, but in the humiliated wanting to hid under a rock way. "Well then..." she said walking towards his horse to help him unpack their lunch and carry it to their spot.
Even as he could tell just how deep her embarassment, he still had a light smile on his face. So, as she turned and began to walk away, he reached out and wrapped an arm around her waist and spun her around to face him before pulling her in and placing his lips to hers in a gentle, but quite fiery little kiss. Like their first kiss in the garden of her castle.
"What-!" was the only word she got out before she found herself in his arms once again. At first her instinct was to push away, which she lightly did, but once his lips against hers registered inside her head, the struggling quickly stopped and she was once again his little puppet of passion. Her tense body melted in his arms and her lips soon returned the simple passion of his kiss.
Zane was half tempted to let his hands drift lower, to her backside, but he prevented his urges from making him do that as he kept the kiss gentle and sweet. She really seemed to dig that type of stuff. Serena had already described in graphic detail what Alicia liked........Why could't he get the super busty, wild one? Though, wasn't all bad. Eden was quite the looker herself.
((Oh he is a jerk inside his head! That one hurt. Good thing she can't hear his thoughts))

She started to push at him a little bit, pulling her lips away to speak, "Why do you keep on doing that?" she asking, a little breathless. She couldn't understand what it was about her that appealed to him enough to make him purse her like this. No one ever had before. Perhaps somewhere inside her, she didn't believe it was real. And at this point, that instinct inside her was correct.
((Hehe, yea. That was intentional. Just to show he's not quite the good guy he'll become yet, but he's getting there alright.^_^))

"Well, why wouldn't it? You're incredibly beautiful, an all around fun person to be around..........You're pretty much the perfect woman. So.......why wouldn't I want to kiss you?" Zane asked with a smile.

"Though, if kissing ugly ol me is oh so horrible, I could stop from now on." he jokingly added, poking fun at himself.
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