Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((Awesome! Plot rules!))

The morning sun was starting to rise and yet the pair had only just fallen to sleep after a night of such passion and pleasure, the likes of which Whore had never in her entire life experienced. When Alicia had told her about how the night would be, she never even thought about it being like all that. It was just... amazing. Utterly, earth altering amazing! She was now sleeping lightly, her naked body intertwined with Alicia's still.
((It sure does.^_^))

Alicia was the first to wake, opening her eyes slowly. Due to the effects of the alcohol, her head did not feel that great, but it wasn't overly bad. She felt something heavy next to her, and at first, didn't remember the night before, but it only took a few moments for it to all come rushing back as she looked over at the naked beauty laying next to her, almost smiling as she slept. Alicia couldn't help but smile herself. She remembered how great it felt. Not the sex itself, but just the fact she was able to give something like that to another person. Thus, she couldn't help but just lightly reach over and affectionately start stroking whores hair.
Whore was still a few moments longer, before she nuzzled her head against Alicia's hand a few moments until she still again and her eyes opened slowly, until her eyes met with Alicia's and that smile on her lips grew wider and more defined. "Good morning Alicia..." she whispered, her voice a little hoarse after all that screaming she had done the night before.
"And good morning to you too..........lover.......I'm sorry you seem to have lost a bit of that sexy voice of yours." Alicia replied, smiling back at her as she scooted a bit close to her, arm around her. Like last night, for the time being, their roles were forgotten. Now, they were just themselves. And the looked almost like......a couple.
"Mmmm," Whore shook her head a little as she tightened her hold on Alicia, snuggling closer, "I'm not sorry at all. It was well worth the price I had to pay. And it will come back in time. No harm done." Only good things came from it.
"Glad to hear. It was also a night I myself won't ever forget either." replied Alicia, smiling gently as she continued to lay there with her, affectionatly holding one another.
"I don't want it to end. And when we leave this room, leave this bed," she sighed a little, sounding a little sad really, "It's all going to end and go back to how it was before we entered." She'd be back on the street, opening her legs for anyone that would pay her for it, unhappy.

((I just got an idea... but it's sad... I don't know how you'd take it... but........ what is Whore died? I mean, she's a whore in times of unsafe sex with dozens and dozens of unclean partners. What is when they were getting close down the line, Whore passed on? Brion would be there to comfort Alicia in the hard time, only bringing them closer together?))
((Interesting idea. If we do it, I'd prefer it to not be something sudden. Like, she just gets uber sick out of nowhere. I'd prefer she finds out she's sick and that there's nothing that can cure her, so it's only a matter of time, and Alicia ends up doing what she can to make the rest of Whores days happy ones. God, I'd probably end up crying myself if whore ends up dying in a romantic scene in Alicias arms. :cry: You know, out on a cliff, overlooking the ocean as she sun rises. They're sitting against a tree, watching it together, they mention how beautiful it is, whore senses her time is almost here and tells Alicia she loves her one last time, and smiling, with tears in her eyes, Alicia perhaps even says it back and after one last sweet kiss, Whore just closes her eyes and peacefully passes away in Alicias arms.))

"Yes, I know......" Alicia replied, sounding just as sad.

"Hey, what if we ran away together? Just me and you. We're a couple of smart girls. We could easily manage on your own." she added, smiling and laughing a bit. Of course, she knew neither of them could do that. Still, it was a happy thought that she hoped would cheer Whore up a bit. Who knows........maybe in time.....
((*tears up a little and sniffles* That would be a lovely scene. Perhaps even Brion understands as well through the whole ordeal and is understanding for once of Alicia and her lovers. It would be a slow process, yes. One day she just... won't let Alicia sleep with her anymore. She doesn't want Alicia to get sick as well and then Alicia just takes her on the last few months of her life to make her at peace after a long hard life.))

For a moment Whore thought Alicia was being serious about the whole thing and her heart grew warm with hope. But the light laugh made her realize it was indeed only a fantasy. She smiled back a little, covering the disappointment that it would never really be for her. She'd live this life until the end of her days, she was some how certain all the way to her very bones. "Perhaps... someday. Not today though." She sighed and started to move away, "Not today," she repeated.
((Yes, I was thinking Brion would be understanding of it all. I was even thinking, after the news comes out, for those last couple of months after Alicia takes her away, he kind of steps back and lets them live out those months as Whore wished for, them living it as it a couple so her last days are filled with happiness and contentment.))

Alicia noticed the tone and her moving away and knew immediately what it meant. Sliding her arm back around her, she pulled her right back.

"But someday...........That, I promise you." said Alicia, making it obvious she was serious now, a determined, yet very warm and caring look in her eyes as she gazed into whores. She really did wish she could just take her away from all of this, but it was quite impossible with the current way of things. But, she would keep her promise. Someday.......she'd take her away from all of this.
Whore was caught a little off guard but Alicia's move and bold statement, but the truth was... looking in to her lovers eyes, she truly did believe her. Her heart fluttered and grew warm once more as she smiled and went in for another kiss, "Thank you."
((Hehe, now would actually make a good time for whore to give her a real name. If you agree, I've came up with one for her. Teresa Invilar. If you think now is a good time, just have her mention it in your next post. Also, since we've decided that Alicia really will fall in love with her, we should change things abit. Basically, just cancel the idea of her falling full on in love with Serena, and just have it be a friends with benefits type of thing. Though, her betrayal will still effect her greatly. Also, I need a memory refresher. After Eden catches Zane in Alicias bed and Eden runs to Serena and Jareks boy, would she end up sleeping with one, or both, or neither? I don't remember what we decided on there.))

Alicia gladly leaned forward and returned the kiss.

"Anything for you....." she softly replied, smiling at her. She knew these feelings welling up inside of her. They were all too familiar. They were the same as what she felt when she thought about Brion. By the grace of god.........she was falling for her.
((Well... I would think she starts with the boy then he pushes her to corruption, perhaps even into a threesome with Serena. Once Zane returns and she realizes he is in the same house as the boy and Serena, she starts to get a little more wild to make him jealous. And he would be, but can't show it cus it would blow his cover to his sister. Don't forget, he is coming back in as a sort of double agent. Pretending to be one Serena's side, but really on Eden's. As for the name, here is comes!))

"I best go Alicia," Whore said as she pulled away at long last. Sad to feel the loss even a moment afterwards, it was just painful, but it had to be done. She started to redon her clothing slowly to say in Alicia's presence as long as she could until at last she was all dressed once more and there was no more reason to remain. "It was a pleasure Alicia. Really was. I will see you again I am sure. And... if you are looking for me... Teresa.... tell the inn keeper you are looking for Teresa Invilar. He will be able to get us together for another night like this."
((And that gave me an idea. Actually, I had the idea a little while ago, but now is a good time to mention. What if while Eden turns wild...........Alicia starts to act like a true princess in a kind of reversed roles thing? Eden acts wild to make Zane jealous, and Alicia starts acting like a typical princess to try and impress and make-up with her sister.))

"And I gladly shall........Teresa." Alicia replied, smiling brightly at hearing her true name before sliding out of bed and coming up behind Teresa, slipping her arms around her waist and resting her head against her from behind.

"You can probably guess what I wish to say, but it'll only make it harder to leave. So.......I'll just save it for the day when I make good on my promise. So till then......" she softly side, releasing her and spinning around her like a graceful ballerina to be in front of her now.

"Don't hesitate to call on me if you need anything either. I'm quite a resourceful little thing. Though, you may have to ask around outside of the tavern to find me. Still, I'm an awesome and unforgettable person. I'll be easy to find" she added, giggling lightly.
((At last! We are on the same wave length again! I had the same idea! Oh how I missed moments like this! P.s. I am gonna set up for the next scene in the woods while it's on my mind. I might be going to sleep soon and I want it out there before I go.))

Teresa smiled and nodded, understanding totally what Alicia ment. "You truely are not a forgetable person. I am sure I will find a way to locate you." She bowed her head a little and reached for the door knob, getting close to Alicia's lips one last time for a light kiss as she turned it and pushed it open, "Until then, I leave you with that..." a smile crossed her lips as the door opened and she slipped out into the hall. She was a ways down the hall before she added to herself, "...princess."


Eden arrived at the spot they had said they would meet a little over and hour early. A part of her could not wait to see him and yet a part of her still wanted a little time by herself before she lost the solitude. She had always had this time alone and she was not ready to go totally cold fish and give it all up at once. After tying her horse off to a tree, she approached the water's edge and looked at her reflection in the cool water. It was so tempting. Before meeting Zane, she never would have dreamed of it, but after meeting him... she bit her lip as she decided...

Soon she had stripped down to her undergarments only, folding her dress and leaving it on the bank and she slipped into the water. It was just the perfect temperature for the fair weather of the day. What could it hurt? There was still an hour before he would arrive. She was only going to be in the water a few moments.

She swam about the shallow waters a bit. laying back to float on her surface, eyes closed, daydreaming.
(('s 3:30........I should really be going to sleep soon myself........but it's just so rare nowadays for me to get to use the comp this late......And I loved the way you ended with Teresa.^_^))

Zane had gotten just about the same idea. He decided to come to the meeting spot early, and relax himself a bit, get away from all the stuff involving Serena and his mother. So, he was quite surprise to spy Eden in the water already through the trees ahead of him. Being quite and careful, he snuck forward and got a closer look, but stayed very well hidden. He was pleasantly surprised to also find her in only her undergarments, floating in the water. Boy, did she ever look amazing.
She had not heard him, had no idea he was near as she moved herself to stand in the somewhat shallow water. It came up to just about her belly button when she stood on the bottom. She walked a ways out into the water, the water only getting deeper and she came to the rocks on the far end. A small waterfall emptied there into the spring.

Climbing up onto the rocks, Eden took a seat right under the falling water. It cascaded down onto her, making her undergarments cling to ever curve of her body. She resembled more of some kind of enchanted creature of the forest bathing in a spring then a normal girl.
Zane had to bite his bottom lip from groaning at the unbelievable sexy sight. When they first met, she looked so graceful. But now.......good lord, did he ever wanna take her. The fact she was the more reserved of the twins drove him wild as he knew it would take time before he'd get to experience her in the intimate sense. So for now.......he kept still and quite as his eyes locked onto her.
She remained there a few more moments, before she realized if she wanted to be dried and in her clothing by the time he got there, she'd need to lay a while in the son. Now was the best time to start that. Slipping down off the rocks, she started to swim her way back towards the shore where her clothing had been left.
Zane was a bit dissapointed when she swam away from the waterfall, but got a devious little idea. As she was submerged, swimming back, he hurried to the shore, scooped up her clothes and then dissapeared back into the woods, stashing her clothes next to a stump before finding a new hiding place.
He hid himself in just enough time before her head popped up above he water again. Reaching shore, she rose up, like a Venus rising from the sea in all her glory. The clothing revealed much now. Her nipples were hard and tight against the wet cloth of her shift and her bloomers were so soaked they just clung to her legs. She might as well have been naked, but this was perhaps even more provocative, for things were still left to the imagination.

The first thing she noticed as her feet hit dry land again was.... her clothing was not there! She gasped and started to look around the area they had been laying, getting a little more frantic and looking in a wider range when she could not locate them.
And oh so casually acting as if he just arrived, Zane came strolling through the trees.

" I.......interrupting anything?" he asked, feigning confusion over just what she was half naked and frantically looking around.
Eden froze at once before slowly turning to the sound of his voice. Her face was priceless, a shy look mixed with red cheeks of embarrassment. She was left speech less a moment, just looking at him in shock before looking down at herself and realizing she was still without her clothing. She gasped and turned to run and slip quickly back into water, yelling as she ran, "A gentleman would look away!"

With a splash she was back in the water, lowering herself so she was up to her shoulders in it, her hands over her chest to boot as she looked up at him, "My clothing have gone missing!" She spotted a rock along the edge and made her way to it, hiding behind it as she looked out cautiously from behind it. "I went for a swim and I got out and there were GONE!"

((...and this was my last post for the night. NIGHT. Good play. Sleep tight!))
"Well, that's certainly troublesome. My guess would be a curious deer came up while you weren't looking and nabbed it all. Possibly for a snack." Zane replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Though, I can always give you mine to wear." he added, casually started to remove his own clothing.

((It's 5 am here need me go night night.......See ya later.^_^))
"A deer?!" She clung to the rock like it was a life raft in the middle of the ocean. "I think I would have noticed some deer walking up and stealing my clothing Zane. AND-" she blushed a bit and turned her face to look away when he started to undress himself, "You can keep your clothing on. Don't you have.... a blanket or something instead?"
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