Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((Well, the only thing that comes to mind that we had planned to follow this was maybe Eden and Zane having a little picnic or some such. Honestly, I can't remember either.))

"Hmmmmm, another show, huh? Could be fun putting on one of our own without Master here." Alicia replied, smiling as she raised her face away from Whores lovely cleavage, moaning softly when she felt her hand on her naughty nethers.

"Though, I think with it being just the two of us, a private room would be better, as it has more room and I can do some absolutely wild things given enough space." she added, smiling seductively. She wasn't bluffing. Sure, whore no doubt knew alot, but Alicia herself knew some..........moves that would surprise even her.
((Okay, that sounds familiar.... yes... yes I remember what I was planning now! Okay, I'm more back on track then I was before now *thumbs up* P.S. How many times you want whore and Alicia do go at it this time around?))

Whore's eyes grew a little bit. The idea of being alone with all kinds of room to romp and play with Alicia was highly appealing to her. She smiled and nodded a little and started to reach for the money in her cleavage. There really was much more than enough, "Should I get the room from the money that woman gave up?"
((I figure the usual. Once or twice, then a skip to morning after thing.))

"Nah, I'll pay for it." Alicia replied, gently taking whores hand away from the money.

"Keep it. Consider the extra a tip for your amazing services." she added, smiling up at whore as she ran her hands through her hair

"Or, you can consider it a little extra compensation cause'll barely be able to walk in the morning after I'm done with you." she added with a devious, seductive smirk. Of course, she didn't mean she was going to hurt her or anything. Just that Alicia planned to go absolutely all out on her. Whore would be a mess afterwards. But the good kind.........the kind after a night filled with wild, animalistic sex between two highly skilled, gorgeous women.
Whore smirked at her and looked about, "Then I suggest you get us a room so that you speak with the inn keeper to get us that room. The sooner we get it... the sooner I wouldn't be walking straight. And mmmm, I can't wait for that."
((I may have mentioned this before, but I can't remember. I was thinking we could have whore end up being more of just a person for Alicia to screw from time to time. Basically, she'd end up perhaps becoming Alicias friend, like Mary did with Laine. Though, if we do this, it wouldn't really happen until after the shit has hit the fan. You know, when Eden hates her, when she finds out Serena is an evil bitch, everyone knows about her promiscuity, and Brion is his same, stubborn self. Which leaves only Master and Whore for her to seek comfort with. And she gradually gets to actually know whore, and the two develop a bond, due to neither having that great a life at the time, which leads to a deep friendship between the two. This would then lead to another idea I had, where if we go with this friendship idea, after things are back to normal, and she's happy again, there'd be a bit of a love triangle between her, Whore and Brion. Basically, Whore would have feelings for Alicia, and Alicia and Brion still love one another, but with Alicia, there's also an underlying understanding and attraction to Whore. So, they'd end up as more than friends, but not lovers. Basically, right on the line where they're GOOD friends, but won't take that next step, as Brion is the one Alicia really loves. Until then, Alicia would be confused about her feelings between them both, as Serenas betrayal would have messed her up, since I was thinking we could have Alicia full on fall in love with Serena, and is even willing to move past her feelings with Brion to be with her, but then the betrayal stuff happens and her trust gets royally fucked over. But, as we've planned, it would end happily for the most part. Alicia and Brion would end up together and start a family outside all this royalty stuff and whore would still remain a VERY good friend..........Though, by that point, we'd actually have to give her a name.^_^))

"Well.........I'll see what I can do." Alicia replied with a wink as she lightly sat Whore on the edge of the table before sliding out of her chair, heading over to where the inn keeper was. Leaning over the counter, she intentionally gave the older man an absolutely amazing view down the top of her shirt, at most of her marvelous breasts hidden beneath.

"Got any rooms available?" asked the sultry, intoxicated young princess.

((Speaking of which, we still have yet to introduce Illiyana and Mary again, despite planning for Illiyana to be a primary character...........Ah well. I'll get to working on some ideas for it.))
The inn keeper swallowed slightly, thankful that the counter was there to hide the erection that has suddenly sprung to life in his pants. He nodded his head and reached under the counter, coming back up with a key, "Always have room for you..." he smiled a little at her.

((Sounds good to me. All of those mentioned are characters for your girl mainly so I will gladly play them for your desired plotline. I'm thinking perhaps we don't name her until the shit hits the fan as well. In that first conversation they have that is deep. And would master be one of her "friends" at that point? I mean, she's a good fuck, I don't know if that would make him wanna be her friend. And when he finds out she is royal, he could turn into a douchebag.))
"Thanks. Maybe you can share one with me some day." Alicia replied with a wink and little giggle before turning and heading back to whore.

((Nah, Master wouldn't end up being a friend. All he's interested in is getting Alicia to spread her legs for him, so he wouldn't really care about what's going on in her life. When he finds out she's royalty, he'll crave her even more and basically want to screw her at every turn, which will create some akward situations when she's out in town with someone, after moving out of the castle with Brion, as she won't have told anyone about him. So, having some random guy come up to her and whoever she's with and act as if he knows Alicia, will require her to make something up on the spot. The affair she has with Master, while she's with Brion will eventually come to light and she'll have to deal with it, but it'll last for a while.))
Whore scooted off the edge of the table and meet Alicia half way. She gave her a peck on the lips while taking her hand and leading Alicia along off towards the room that was now theirs for the night.

((You got a good plot line for after the shit hits the fan. I ain't got nothing for my girl in mind yet >.<))
((Heh, it's no biggy. You got lots of time, considering all we have to do before then.))

Alicia couldn't help but giggle at the little peck before whore lead her along, them eventually reaching the room. Unlocking it, she then lead whore in before shutting the door. And once that happened, Alicias sex switch was flipped. She whore pressed against the door, her lips kissing and nipping at any bare skins he had access to. Lips, neck, shoulders, cleavage, she left no part of her untouched.
Alicia moved when need be to allow Whore to get her down to her bra and panties. Though, before she could get her naked, she gripped her hips and spun towards the bed before shoving whore onto it. Quickly hopping on with her, straddling her waist, she returned the favor, using both teeth and hands to remove her clothing as quickly as possible.
Whore was happy to let her do as she pleased. Both because she was getting paid to let her and because she enjoyed it. She dared to say it was more for enjoying then getting paid. It was a first. Enjoying her profession... Alicia was something alright.
It only took minutes before she had whore as undressed as she was.

"Have you ever such lust in your body, that it just built this fire inside of you, getting hotter and hotter until it was ready to consume you?" she asked with a grin, looking down into the eyes of her lover for the night.

"And then give in and let that wonderful feeling wash over your entire body......." she added, eyes full of lust and a multitude of other feelings.
Whore's mouth went dry as she tried to picture was Alicia was talking about. She shook her head, "Never..."

It was the truth. Before meeting Alicia, Whore was all about the getting in, getting out, and getting paid. She never really enjoyed sex before. It was a job with everyone else in the world, but not with Alicia. It was, for the first time, a pleasure.
"Heh, then just lay back and let me show just how wonderous it can be......." Alicia whispered, face mere inches above whores. Of course, this was no romantic encounter, but still........there was something more here than just some random drunken night.
Nipping at her lower lip, she did as she was told and laid back upon the bed, smiling up at Alicia, "As you wish beauty... or... should I call you master this night? Or mistress?"
((OOOO, this is such a fun way to start Whores feelings for her, with Alicia being the first to actually give her true pleasure. A nice little way to have a special bond start.^_^ With Alicia being special to her, because of this night and whore eventually becoming special to her, because when the time comes later, she'll help Alicia find her own path in life. Heck, Alicia could do the same for her. Perhaps when she finally stops her affair with Master, she asks whore to come with her, so they both can start over. And since she's in love with her, and would want nothing more than a second chance at a better life, she happily agrees.^_^ That's when the love triangle stuff would start with Alicia and Whore being the primary focus of it. Brion would be the understanding one and basically just stand back and let them work through it. He'd be able to tell what's going on between them and can sense there's something deeper than friendship between them, and that without each other, they wouldn't be where they are today, so it's for the best they work out their true feelings for one another.))

"Hmmmmmm, tonight is a special night, one where both our roles are temporarily forgotten. So, just call me by my name..........Alicia. As for you, since this is a night that's ALL about your name for a later date........a special date. If the need shall arise tonight......I'll just call you lover...." Alicia replied, smiling as she leaned down even further, lips ever so lightly brushing against one another. Not like telling whore her name would reveal her status. Afterall, Alicia was far from a rare name. Not to mention, who would ever expect a girl like this to be one of the princesses of the royal family that governed this land?
((Hmm... you just gave ME an idea. What is Whore is smarter that she looks? And she uncovers who Alicia REALLY is all on her own, but says nothing. Not even to Alicia. She'll eventually tell her later on in their whole opening up phase. Maybe when Alicia confesses it herself, Whore is just like "I know, but I didn't say anything. I didn't want you to think I'd judge you around that fact" or something along those lines.))

"Alicia..." Whore whispered breathlessly. "Mmm, a name that rolls of the tongue so very well." She smiled and closed her eyes and waited for their lips to touch.
((OOO, freaking perfect.^_^))

"Mmmmm, and a name I hope you come to love....." Alicia replied before giving whore her wish and pressing their lips together, kissing her quite deeply right from the get go. Of course, her comment of loving her name was in regards to how this would only the first of many more encounters based around breaking from their respective roles for a night. But, it could be taken another way as well.....
((Before I post, are we going to make the whole night about Whore's pleasure? Or will we focus back to Alicia at all? Just cus... I don't know how to put it... what I am thinking here. Let me try. Sorry if it comes out weird in translation. If you like giving another character pleasure, then cool we will continue, but in my mind, Whore is a bit character rather than a main. At least for now. And playing out her pleasure is not as important to me as playing out Alicia or Eden's pleasure since they are the main characters.

So basically I am asking... if you want to play out Alicia giving pleasure cus you like that kind of thing, let's go on, but if you are only playing out giving her pleasure to get to Alicia getting pleasure or other, then we might want to jump to Alicia's pleasure or another part of the plot? Does that make sense at ALL? I don't even know! hehe)
((Well, we could do that, I don't mind. Skip past this first scene, where whore has had her first taste of true sexual pleasure, and then she returns the favor, then we skip ahead again to the morning after. Or if you like, do both. This first scene be about whore getting her first taste of pleasure, and after, she returns the favor and then we skip the morning after. Either way is fine with me, but I definitely at least want to do the morning after part with some cute snuggling and a little pleasant conversation before they both go their seperate ways again.))
((In truth, I would in truth rather skip it to Alicia's pleasure. I'm new to girl on girl and it doesn't make me comfortable on the receiving end for some reason. Okay giving. I could give all night, but not as much so receiving. >.<))
((Sure, we can do that. If you'd prefer to skip anything that might be uncomfortable, I wouldn't mind skipping past it all. The cute snuggling is what I'm looking forward to most.^_^))
((That is TOTALLY up to you. Like I said, it not in the giving that makes me uncomfortable. I don't know. It's odd. And this is gonna sound nuts but... overall I have been craving sex scenes LESS then I ever have before >.< In all my topics. I have been drooling over plot line and little things more then sex. Which are you in the mood for cus I could go with either tonight))
((Personally, I'm kind of in the same mood right now. I'd rather get right to the cuddling and friendly little talk they have in the morning after, rather than the sex scenes.))
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