Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

"Well, I'd love to miss. It's not often I get to dine with two such beauties as yourselves." Zane replied with a light bow.

"And if you're anything like my mother, I'd certainly love to hear any embarassing childhood stories of Eden you have." he added with a playfuly smile in Edens direction before standing with Laine.
"Mother don't you DARE!" Eden said as she quickly rejoined them so all three now stood together.

Laine only smiled and patted Zane's arm before crossing over and wrapping an arm around her daughter, embracing her lightly, "It's a mother's right dear. I raised you and now for all the headaches you gave me and worry you caused me, I get to embarrass you in front of your friends." Mother and daughter smiled at one another a moment before Laine gave her daughter a tender kiss on the forehead. "I will go make sure a place is set at the table for Zane. You two, be along in say half an hour. We eat in the solar today Eden."

"Yes mother," Eden replied as her mother bowed her head to them both and departed back the way she came. Turning to Zane, Eden seemed to let out her breath for the first time since her mother appeared. "You are very lucky that was my mother and not my father..."
"Why? Would he flay me alive or something?" Zane asked, turning to Eden after watching Laine leave. The way his mother described her, he expected Laine to be some hideous troll of a woman. But, it would seem it was just her jealous ranting as Laine was certainly quite the beauty. He imagined she must have been beyond a looker when she was Edens age as even now, she was simply beyond beautiful.
"Truth be told, I don't really know how he would react to you," Eden admitted watching her mother go before going to collect her book where it had landed during all the chaos of the last few moments. "For all I know he could accept you with a hearty handshake and a pat on the back... or he could flay you alive as you said yourself." Holding the book to herself she came to stand next to him once again, "My father has never had to face a young man that has been seeking my attention before. This is new to me as well."
"Hmmmm, I shall remember that. I'm curious though. Do you resemble your father much? I mean, I just met your mother and all, but you don't really look a whole lot like her. Though, you do have something in common. You both have this.............Well, I guess this air of grace about you." Zane replied, shrugging at the last part as if he couldn't figure out how to explain it. Yet, everything he did, was part of his plan, not matter how minor...........At least, usually. The missed kiss showed that even he could make mistakes.

((Wanna do the dinner with the embarassing stories, or skip ahead to something else?))
Eden smiled and blushed as she started to walk slowly in the direction her mother had left in, expecting him to follow along. "It is strange, yes I know. My sister and I are twins, yet Alicia looks like my mother and I look more like my father. YET, mother has always said that I am more like her at heart while Alicia is more like father." It even made her own head spin a little as she laughed, "Confusing I know. I'm also the elder sibling, yet so many times I feel like the younger. I suppose we just have a very unconventional family dynamic."

((Is Alicia going to be joining them at lunch or not? If not I think we can just cut to the end of lunch, get Zane's reaction to having a meal in a real family setting with Eden and Laine, something I am sure he never got with Narissa, Serena, and whichever man his mother was with at the time. Then he parts with them. Cut to where ever Alicia maybe for a scene.))
((Hmmm, I'm thinking Alicia is still with master, "working" on her anger. We can do another scene with him, or have the scene start with her just leaving the tavern and meeting Serena, so they can have some interaction. How're things going with your whole busted computer situation?))

"Heh, yea, it is making my head spin a little. Bit more simple with my family. I look like my father and my sister looks like our mother, and even acts a good bit like her as well." Zane explained as he followed after her, quite lying. In all honesty.........he never knew his father. He knew that his mother had just slept with some random man and he was the result of it. His mothers actions made him sick. Still, he had been under her thumb all his life. He was damn near brainwashed.
She took a bold step and reached out her arm, linking it with his as they walked, "Sometimes I wish things were simple like that. But doesn't seem like anything is ever simple for us." Together they entered into the palace and on the way to the solar for lunch with Laine, Eden pointed out some things. Painting of her father's family as well as her mother's family. People she had never met, but had been told about.

((I have hooked up a fan to cool my laptop to function. I can't do a lot and I have to let it rest regularly, but I don't get the warning messages. I did order a new laptop. It should be here in a week. As so Alicia. A scene with Serena might be good. Maybe not sex, but maybe Alicia tells her to much. Tells her about master and the lord and all kinds of things. Only not Brion. Only the incriminating things, ya know?))
((OOO, me likey that idea.^_^ Aw, that's too bad. At least you're getting a new one soon..........and something is better than nothing. My brother had problems with his comp too..........but those were his own damn fault. He left it running 24/7 ALWAYS. Got bad enough so that anytime it's on, he had to keep like three fans on it.)))

Zane gladly accepted walking arm in arm, listening to her as she pointed all the pictures and other points of interest in her home as they headed to the dining room. As they entered, Zane smiled and bowed politely to Laine, who was already there. He still wasn't quite over just how beautiful Laine turned out to be. He jokingly mused in his head about trying to seduce her into the sack as well, but knew that'd never happen and was just his devious little mind at work. But oh well. Alicia really did resemble her mother a good bit, but had a more.........lustful appearance about her. She'd more than suffice.
((I feel bad for Eden here! He is PLAYING her like whoa. When are we going to have him actually fall in love with her for real not just plotting?))

Lunch was a pleasant affair. As Laine told little stories about Eden falling out of trees, running around in barely nothing when she was little, when she lost her voice and had to use hand motions for a week to communicate and got so frustrated the whole time, she thought about how much she liked this. Her girls had not ever given her the chance to be a mother like this before. Entertaining a handsome young man, watching her child become embarrassed. She didn't realize she missed never having it before.

All the stories she told Zane were not really embarrassing, more adorable in nature. It seemed that Eden had always been a little lady, even when she was little.

Soon they were on their tea. Zane had gotten a good look into the life of a happy family in the short time they had been eating.
((A little down the road. I'm sorry if I'm making him too devious. But, I am trying to make some signs here and there that he's already started to genuinely like her. I'm just trying to accentuate that he's still going primarily with the plan, but is gradually coming to like her more and more. Like, his niceness isn't ALWAYS part of an act. At times, he kind of loses himself in it, and his real niceness starts to show through as he's actually not a bad guy, as you planned. Just, like said earlier, Narissa pretty much has him brainwashed, which will take a bit of time for him to get over. I have tried to make mention that he's not exactly 100% fine with the plan, and is more or less going along with it as he feels he has no other choice.))

"My, it's sounded like you must have had your hands full with her." Zane said, laughing lightly as he sipped his tea and looked from Laine to Eden. This..........wasn't so bad. A simple lunch with a normal family. Certainly not something he had ever gotten to experience. Even when him and Serena were just kids, Narissa had already started grooming them for what she wanted them to be, leaving them really no time to actually have a true childhood.
((No no! I love it. It's only going to make it better when she later comes to hate him. We need to talk about how we are going to handle that as we get closer to it. We know how we are going to split them but we need to think about how we are going to get them back together once more. I had an idea, but it's got a lot of holes in it still and is super dramatic.))

It was nice for Eden as well. It felt at long last night she was a normal, attractive, young woman and not just the future queen of this land. To have a gentelman intrested in her, and not in her sister for once in her life... it was just refreshing.

Her mother was about to go into another story when Eden set the cup down, "I think Zane has had enough story for one day mother. We have kept him now for a few hours. I'm sure he had better things to do that to talk more about my childhood with us."
((I'd still love to hear it.^_^))

"Actually, I quite enjoyed my time here. And while I had nothing to do while we had dinner, I must be leaving for some future engagements later this evening." Zane replied, standing up from his seat and politely bowing.

"Eden, would you possibly mind showing me to the door? I am not familiar with this place and would likely end up lost if I tried to find it myself." he asked, a playful, flirty smile on his face as he looked over at her. Obviously, he wanted a little moment alone to kiss her goodbye.
She smiled and rose, "Of course."

Laine rose as well and bowed her head to Zane, "It was a pleasure to have you join us Zane. I hope to see you again sometime soon."

The queen gracefully left the room one way and Eden with Zane left another. "I don't quite know how you got in, so I will just show you to the stable entrances..."
"Heh, then the next time I come in, shall I use the front door, or just sneak in again? Sneaking in could make it quite exciting when I come back in a few days to ask you out for dinner." Zane replied, smiling as he walked side by side with Eden, keeping up his normally cool exterior.
Eden smiled, "Well I don't think you'll want to attempt sneaking in once again. I will have to inform my guard Brion of this so he will increase defenses. Don't forget, you could have been an assassin. It's better for my families safety that we solve that problem. However, you are welcome to come to the main gate. I will make sure the guards know you are no threat and will be escorted inside for a formal audience with me." By now, the stables were in sight. She started to slow a little, wanting as much time with him as she could get.

((I am working on making a summery of my idea from before. I will get it to you eventually))
"Aw, ruin my fun why don't ya?" Zane jokingly replied, laughing lightly as he slowed to walk in pace with her, finding himself wanting even more time as well.

"So then, when I do come for a formal audience to escort your highness out, where would she like to go?" he asked, glancing over at her a moment.
Eden got a little nervous then, for she was going to have to reveal that she was a bit of a... well... a loser. "Umm... I... I don't know. I haven't been 'out' in years. I don't do it. Just for my riding or for making diplomatic visits. I don't go 'out' ever."
((When do you want them to have their first sexual experience? I remember we planned for it to start slow with them, only doing oral stuff or what not for a while before Zane became her first.))

"Well, that is alright. If you'd feel nervous going out in public, how bout a nice picnic at that spring from our little race a few days ago?" Zane asked, glancing over at her and smiling at her cute nervousness.
((I was thinking that the next time they are at the spring they do a few things, but she doesn't let him get all the way this time. If you recall my idea that he shows up to find her swimming barely dressed in the spring and he steals her clothing from her. Hehe. As for the first time... *shrug* I don't know when. I think we need to see how things play out the next few times they are together.))

She smiled lightly, "That could be a plan." By now they were near the gate. As much as she had loved this afternoon with him, it was coming to an end now. Sighing, "Well then, I suppose we should part here. I will see you at the spring?"
((Sounds like a plan.^_^))

"Yes, tomorrow around noon." Zane replied, smiling as he politely took her hand and kissed the back of it, winking at her as he released her hand and headed out the gate, smiling the whole while.

Meanwhile, Alicia had just finished.........venting with master in the tavern as she stood at the foot of the bed they had just ravaged each other on a number of times, pulling her usually skimpy outfit onto her tight, sexy body.
"Til tomorrow," she replied a smile watching him walk away for a few moments before turning herself and casually making her way back towards the main part of the castle. She wanted to run and to skip with joy, but she re-framed from doing such a thing. At least not until she reached her room! She was so in his trap.

Serena had paid off a few of the guards and servants at the castle to let her know when Alicia made her moves. It had not taken much to find out which horse she had taken and locating it at the tavern. Upon giving the barmaid a description of her target, she started to find out even more about the little princess. A regular in this place? And popular with the more colorful or characters? It was time to gather just about as much information she could get on Alicia. Taking a seat at one of the tables, she waited for Alicia to emerge from whatever room she was in. A few drinks and she'd be loose and talking.
Smoothing out her clothing and fixing her hair, she looked back at master.........who had fallen asleep. With an annoyed sigh, she opened the door and slid out, trying to stay inconspicuous. She had gotten her frustrations out, and didn't want some grabby guy trying what master did a few days ago. But eventually, she spotted Serena and froze.

"W-What are you doing here!?" she asked, not much more than a whisper as she hurried to her table, obviously flustered at seeing her lover from a few nights back again. Even more so in the tavern Alicia used to vent her frustrations in her special way.
Serena pretended to be surprised to see Alicia as she casually sipped her drink. "Well, fancy seeing you here." She was dressed as if covering up her identity just as Alicia was. "Can't a girl have a drink? Come. Sit. I will buy you one." Serena signaled to the bar for another drink to be sent to her table.
"A-Alright......." Alicia replied, hesitantly taking a seat across from Serena, not saying another word. She couldn't help but wonder if Serena knew what she was doing here, or heard the storeis. Thinking about this made her light cheeks blush quite a bit.
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