Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

Laine shot to her feet, "You can't come down here! Are you crazy?!" She looked around to see where the guards were. As usual, not many were close at hand for her. Everyone trusted her. Only the ones on the fair wall were around to make sure no one got in. They clearly failed there job. "You come down here and you're head will be separated from your body! Do you have some sort of death wish Zane?"
"The things one does for love...........I've always liked that saying." Zane said with a smile, hopping off the last branch and landing quite gracefully directly in front of her, dusting himself off afterward and straightening his clothes.
The sound of him landing, Eden noticed made a guards head turn. They had some protection from the willow leaves, but Eden was still scared for Zane's neck. She pushed herself into him and to the other side of the tree trunk, out of the line of the guards sight. "You are insane!" she whispered to him as she looked out over his shoulder, holding her breath. She only let is out when the guard went back to his patrol. She still did not realize that she was pressed right up against him so close they would be making love if they were naked.
"Well, I do owe you a kiss I failed to give you during our time after that race." Zane replied, smiling lightly down at her when he realized by her reactions that the guard was gone. He certainly realized how close they were, but wasn't going to say anything about her body being against his.
She was so frazzled, she seemed to completely miss all the word of affection. She had missed his talk of love. Jumped right over his talk of kisses. And right to her worry, "And just what were you doing to do if you were caught?! They would have killed you to breaking into the palace! You... you..." The things he had previously said to her were just then sinking in. "Kiss? What are you talking about? You could have gotten yourself killed. All for a kiss?"
"A simple act that can affect people in profound ways." Zane replied, smiling lightly as he lowered his head, leaving their faces barely inches apart.
Eden was frozen. She had never been in a situation like this before. Inches from a handsome man's lips. All she needed was to lean ever so slightly.... this was where they had been before. She couldn't let the moment pass her by again. There might never be another chance. Watching his lips as she closed the gap, Eden's lips were soft as they pressed against his in a gentle, small, tender kiss.
Zane instantly returned the kiss, hands lightly resting on her hips. While he didn't want to move things too fast, he deepened the kiss a bit, wanting it to be at least a little more than a prolonged peck.
The moment that he moved to deepen that kiss, something inside Eden just seemed to click. The moment she knew that he wanted to kiss her just as much as she wanted to kiss him... she raised her hands to hold onto his face, deepening the kiss even MORE then he had. The slightest of moans escaped her throat.
With her sign of accepting, Zane deepened further in return, obviously losing himself in the moment, the plan of him and Serena momentarily forgotten. For at least the time being, he kissed her because he truely desired to, not because it was part of some scheme.
Time seemed to stand still for awhile under that tree. The kiss in reality only lasted a few seconds. Maybe 10 at the most, but it felt like minutes worth of time. Glorious minutes of heaven in his arms, against his lips. This was what a kiss felt like hmm? It was nice. Very nice. She pulled back when the moment felt right for it. Tilting her head up to look in he's eyes, she was panting ever so slightly. Just enough to notice a difference.
"Profound indeed......" Zane said, taking a deep breath as he looked down into her eyes.

"Profound indeed........" he softly repeated, raising a hand to gently stroke chin and around her jawline with the back of his fingers.
"Indeed," she whispered back, shivering as he grasped his fingers over her. This moment was perfect for a first kiss. The winds were blowing gently, the sun shining down upon them. After a few moments, Eden smiled at him and whispered, "Was it worth risking a hanging?"
"More than worth it." Zane replied, still smiling as he lowered his hand from her chin to rest on her shoulder.

"You gonna turn me in now?" he playfully asked.
"I should," she admitted quickly, but then she only smiled more, "But any guy that would risk his own neck to sneak into a well guarded castle just for a kiss from a princes..." she shook her head a little bit and almost laughed, "He's someone worth keeping around. Even if only to see what he'll do next."
"Really now? Are you a fan of surprises.........of the unexpected? Perhaps you also like to live dangerously..........a thrill seeker." Zane replied, laughing lightly as they joked around.

"If you like, I could swing you over my shoulder and make a break for it and act like I'm kidnapping you. I'm sure that would be get our hearts beating a mile a minute, with the guards chasing us and threatening to run me through.." he added, chuckling.
"NO!" She said slapping him on the shoulder. "I just said I wanted you alive! Something like that will get you killed on the spot!" All this joking around and yet they were still pinned close together against the willow tree trunk.

((Hmmm, I wonder if someone should find out about them together? What do you think Krade's reaction to his daughter and a boy kissing under a tree would be?))
((Someone finding out about them sounds like a great idea. As for who, not sure. Krade could work, in a protective father type of thing. Though, can't say I'd see him being genuinely angry over it. Also, I gotta run. I'll do an in character post in the morning. Ciao.^_^))
((Well the options would be Alicia, Brion, Laine, or Krade. Alicia wouldn't really be anything dramatic. Brion might be a little too dramatic. Which leads the parents. We hadn't seen them yet so might be nice to use one of them. I think we either use Laine and she thinks it's so romantic that she keeps her daughter's secret... then have Krade find out on his own later and go fatherly protective, but still cool. Or option two would be that Krade finds them and is just happy to see his daughter happy, but still gets fatherly on Zane's ass.))
"Feels good to see you oh so worried about my well being." Zane replied, laughing lightly.

((Hmmmm, both are good routes, but I like the sound of Laines better.))
((Laine it is. That actually works well because Zane gets to meet the woman his mother bad mouths so badly and she'll welcome him with open arms. Hehe!))

"Well like I said before... you're someone I think I might like to keep around." Her nose nuzzled slightly against his, "My life certainly has more excitement in it with you-"

"Eden? Eden are you out there?" Came a woman's voice.

Her eyes instantly went wide and she turned. "My mother!" she gasped and turned back to look Zane up and down and then look around. She did not know how her mother might react to having Zane there. She didn't want to take any chances and so she pushed on Zane, "Back up the tree!"
"It took me twenty minutes just to get up there the first time. I can't make it back up in time." Zane replied, sounding worried. In reality, he wasn't. He hadn't seen her, but had a good idea that it would either be Laine her mother, or Illiyana her aunt. Either way, knowing more about the family would help his plans.
"Try?!" she asked, actually worried. Especially since her mother was now making her way down to them. "Umm... ah... stay here!" she said as she quickly grabbed up the book and went sprinting out from under the willow branches to greet her mother. "Yes mother? You were... umm... looking for me?"

"I was," she said as she looked over Eden's shoulder. "Eden who were you talking to?"

"Talking to? Me?"

"Well it's going to worry me if it was the tree trunk that you were speaking too," Laine said with a smile as she walked around her daughter and before Eden could stop her, parted the willow leaves and looked...
"Oh.......uh...........hello madam." Zane replied, smiling lightly before waving at Laine. With it being her mother, he had to take a bit of a different approache. Smootheness wasn't likely to win her over.
Laine was a little shocked. If it had been Alicia with a boy, that would not be anything out of the ordinary. But Eden with a boy? It was something new and in truth... a little refreshing. Laine had seen this boy before. At the girl's party, yes. She had glanced at him following after Eden the other night. Of course, she had not said anything to Krade about it. He had enough fatherly troubles worrying about his wild child. She didn't want to let him know he had to start worrying now about his other daughter with boys as well.

"Hello there young man. A friend of my daughter's I assume?"

"Yes mother, this is Zane. We became acquainted just the other night but we, umm... we seem to have much in common. I um," she should not let her mother know he had snuck in. Well, she COULD but she did not know how her mother would take it. This was unfamiliar territory for her. "I invited him to come for a visit this afternoon."

Laine looked him over a moment, clearly thinking before smiling warmly at him, "Well if you had a young man coming over Eden, you should have told me."

"It was sort of.... last moment mother," Eden gave Zane a slight glare.

"Zane," Laine walked right up to him, the warm smile still on her face, "I simply insist that you come inside and have lunch with us." Before Eden could protest because of her father, Laine went on, "I do hope you say yes. If not lunch will be very lonely for us ladies. My husband the king is away for the day and will not be able to join us." Eden's sigh of relieve was heard off in the background.
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