Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((I definetly think it would be a bunch of small rendezvous rather that an open relationship. At least at first. I think that maybe while they are having there relationship, she tries to keep her other relationships as well with like the man from the tavern, the lord, and Serena. Let her try and balance it all out? But she MIGHT then have to make choices for what she wants. And I leave that to you to decide what kinds of choices she makes))

The robe pooled in a pile around his princess's feet. Raising his hands once more to her shoulders, he gently pushed the fabric down just enough to kiss her sweet skin there, making a trail of kisses on one side leading from her shoulder to her neck up to her ear before he moved to the other side to do the same.

For a good five minutes they were neck and neck. Occasionally one would pull ahead of the other, but it only lasted a few moments before once again they were neck and neck in the race. The whole while they were racing, Eden's head danced with ideas of what his prize might be. She almost wanted to let him win, just to see what it would be and so she let him get just the SLIGHTEST bit ahead of her. But suddenly, as they came through a line of trees, her eyes went wide! "ZANE! LOOK OUT!" There was water only a dozen feet ahead of them! A GIANT spring of water! Swiftly, Eden yanked on the reins of her horse, stopping the mare only a few feet from the water's edge. Her eyes shot to Zane to see how he fared.
((OOO, sounds really fun.^_^))

Alicias hands returned to his shoulders, moaning softly as he kissed up and down both sides of her neck. God, this felt amazing. It was a different kind of pleasure than what happened with Serena and the guy at the tavern, but it was just as good, if not better.

Zane spotted what she called out, but just smiled as he took his time stopping. When he finally signaled his horse to stop, it ended up pretty much skidding into the spring, but not too deep. Though, Zane had to hold on for dear life to keep from getting thrown off and into the water. Take a deep breath, he sat up straight and looked over at Eden before a grin spread across his face.

"This mean I win?" he asked, his horse slowly backing out of the water.
The second trail of kisses never ended. The trail kept on going up the side of her face, across her cheek, up onto her nose for a number of almost playful kisses there before he finally moved for her lips but RIGHT before they touched, he became even more playful and moved to her other cheek, showering it with kisses and attention, a smile on his face as he waited to see her response to that little trick.

Eden was a little disappointed. She would have loved to see Zane all soaked and embarrassed in front of her. Still, she would not let him claim victory so easily. "Oh no, I think I am the winner here. After all..." she indicated to where she and her horse stood on dry land, "My mare and I are not the wet ones, now are we?" Her grin back in his direction was just as wide as he gave to her. "So, we have a dilemma... who wins the prize?"

She still sat high atop her horse, not exactly sure how to go about getting down for Eden was sitting astride. She should have gone side saddle today knowing there might have been a noblemen joining her. She loved to go riding astride when it was only her. There was no one to judge the future queen in the middle of the woods. But now, someone was there. Perhaps she could spend the entire time atop her horse. Still, this spring was so tempting. Eden had never been this far north before. It was new and excited. She yearned to explore it on her on day of freedom.
"You're evil......."Alicia softly said with a light laugh as he made his little detour just before reaching her lips.

"Well, I propose bout we call it a tie and we both get our prize? If so, I would suggest we go with mine my prize was to simple request taking a dip here with you." Zane replied, leading his horse out of the water to stand next to her.
A small laugh escaped Brion's lips as they started to move back, "Every now and then, yes I can be." He stopped the playing and took her lips with his, giving her a passionate kiss.

"And just what to you propose I wear for this little dip? I was not prepared for a swim today. I did not even know this place existed." She looked down are her riding clothes, "You don't think I can go swimming in this now do you? I'll be soaked the whole ride home."
Alicia laughed at his little joke, immediately returning the sudden kiss with equal passion and fire. Things seemed to be going the same as always. They'd make out a little, sometimes do a little more, then he'd suddenly regret and leave, which would leave Alicia pissed off and looking to get laid to release her frustration. Time would only tell if this would play out the same way, but all sings were pointing to yes.

"Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind waiting till a later date when you're more prepared." Zane replied, smiling before hopping down off his horse. Then, he started to remove his more fancy clothing, eventually in just a simple shirt and pants, his other clothes neatly folded and laid on the ground.

"As for me, I think I'll take a quick dip." he added, now slipping his shirt over his head, his rather amazing upper body now shown to her.
A blush covered Eden's face, and now she didn't know what to say. He was striping right before her eyes. She had never seen a man bare chested before. Well, minus her father when they would go swimming years ago BUT THAT WAS DIFFERENT! This was an attractive nobleman. Her eyes glanced his way as he was removing his shirt. OH correction... VERY attractive nobleman! The blush across her face was even brighter then before now and she was no longer looking his way. "That's your choice. Perhaps another time for me." She was still not getting down off her horse. Suddenly, the confident young woman that had challenged him to a race not 10 minutes ago was the shy, embarrassed little girl from the ball last night.

((Any reply from Alicia from before? Or should I move onward with Brion?))
((I edited my last post to have a response from I kind of forgot to do it when I made the post.))

"That is certainly alright..........Are you planning to leave soon or something?" Zane asked, turning to face her, seeing she had not moved off her horse yet, also noticing the blush across her face.
While still kissing her, Brion's hands moved to Alicia's breasts, firmly wrapping his fingers around them and squeezing them slightly. Oh how he loved the feel of her breasts. They just seemed to fit his hands perfectly. As if they had been made for his hands.

"I... I umm..." she sighed a little in frustration, "Would you mind looking away? If I am going to get off my horse... it is not going to be to graceful."
Alicia moaned into the kiss, sending light vibrations through his mouth, her hands drifting up to cup his head and pull him further against her, their bodies almost flush against one another now.

"I'll turn and close my eyes. Afterall, the water is clear and reflective. If I turned around, I'd still see everything." Zane replied, smiling lightly as he closed his eyes and turned so his back was to her.
Brion gently started to push Alicia to the bed until they were pressed right against it. A little push more and they were both lying down all of a sudden. He pressed down on her so close... she could no doubt feel his hard cock by now.

"Thank you," Eden said as she watched him, making sure he was indeed doing as she asked. When she was sure he was being true to his word, Eden went about getting down. Swinging both her legs to one side, she slide down the side of her horse and with a thud, landed upon the ground. Taking a moment to readjust herself, making sure her skirts were straight and well put together... "Alight, you may look again."
Alicia was half tempted to ask Brion if he was willing to all the way this time, but decided against and her hands just drifted down his body, aiming to free his manhood, now more or less craving for it to be inside of her.

"Sounded like a hard landing." said Zane, turning to look at her. While he had been turned around, he had gotten some water on himself to cool off a bit, his impressive physique now glistening under the sun light.
Feeling her hands reaching for his pants... it was the trigger that snapped him back into reality. She was a princess. He was her guard. He was twice her age. It couldn't be! As quickly as it all started, it ended as he pulled back. He was a few feet away in what felt like a heart beat. Bowing towards her... "Forgive me Princess. I dishonor you. It... it will not happen again..." he swiftly turned to leave.

"Not very..." Eden turned her eyes towards him and felt herself staring at him before she could stop herself. What a body. What a BODY! He was a God on earth, even more so then she had originally thought him to be. She had no idea that such a perfect body was under his clothing. For some reason then, she started to wonder what he would think of her body should he see it. It made her grow even more embarrassed. He'd more that likely prefer to see her sister's body instead of hers. Eden was a master of bringing herself down like that. Whenever there was a moment she might be able to give herself a little boast of esteem... she always thought of her sister and the esteem was gone. Finding a rock along the waters edge, Eden sat herself there, back towards him in the water.
"You bastard......" Alicia said through clenched teeth as he got up and she left. She should have known this would happen, it always did. After he exited, she pounded her first into her bed, fuming beyond belief. Stopping for a moment, she went to her closet and grabbed the absolute sluttiest outfit she could find and quickly put it on, putting a robe on over it to hide her choice to make it easier to leave.

"I'm going out.......I shall be back in a few hours......." she told the guard at the entrance, before heading off into town, towards the tavern from last night......

"Is something the matter? Is my lack of clothing making you uncomfortable?" Zane asked, surprising she was turned away from him. she was a tougher nut to crack than he thought.
It was only the early afternoon at this point in time... the tavern was basically empty minus the few dedicated tavern dwellers. And most of them were still hung over. She'd have the pick of the litter at this time. Just when all seemed lost, the woman from last night came out of one of the rooms, money in hand and a smile on her face. Seemed that had been the room she and master stayed in last night...

"No, it's not that. It's... other things..." Eden said, glancing over her shoulder towards him. "Sister problems that suddenly came to my mind. That's all. I'm sure you know the feeling."
Alica looked around, sighing that there really wasn't much to choose from, but then saw the whore from the previous night. Without hesitation, she made her way over and without out a word, pushed her up against the wall and pinned her there, her head quickly moving forward to capture her lips in a fiery, lustful kiss, her hands already roaming over her lucious body.

"That I do. While it certainly depresses me at times, I try my best not to let it paralyze me and keep from having fun. I'm not saying you should come swimming with me if you don't want, but I find it helps to do something fun and relaxing to take your mind off it. Can drive you crazy when you sit alone and think only of it." Zane replied.
The whore was shocked. After a night with her paying customer after Alicia left, she was not expecting to ever see either partner again now that she was leaving. But suddenly she found herself wrapped up in the moment with the passionate beauty once again. Took her a moment before she let it all sink in, but then she was kissing her back. How she wanted this, but she had spent the entire night with her legs open. She was a working girl and her job was at night. "Beauty!" she tried to pry her lips away and speak, "Beauty! I can't! I... the master is in the room! That one there!" she pointed towards the door, hoping against hope that Alicia would go for him instead of her.

Eden thought about it a few moments before deciding... turning back to water, she walked to the edge. "I might not be able to swim with you today, but I can put my feet in." Sitting down upon the bank, Eden lifted her skirts to remove her shoes. She did not let him see all the way up as she reached under to un-clip her stockings from their garters and slip them down her luscious legs. Lifting the skirt up the her knees, she lowered her feet into the water and splashed her feet around a bit, a light smile on her face. "It's just the perfect temperature."
((Before I do an Alicia response, who'd you prefer she go to. Master or whore? I'm equally fine with either.))

"Yea, it sure is." Zane replied, taking a seat next to her, dangling his feet in the water as well.

"Feel better now?" he asked, smiling over to her.
((Master. I was trying to play whore as just that... a whore. She's off the clock so she could care less type of thing. Master is the one she is going to be with in the long run anyway so I figure now is a good time to establish that one. He'll be asleep in the bed if she goes into the room... still naked from the night before.))

Eden took in a deep breath of the fresh air and let it out on a happy sounding sigh, "I do. I actually do." She didn't know what more to say after that. She as never very good at conversations with men. She rarely had them.
((Alrighty o, works for me.))

Alicia just stared at her a moment before shrugging lightly.

"Sure, whatever you say. Though, keep your schedule open tonight, as I plan to come back and reaquanit with you properly." Alicia replied, smiling with a wink as she walked off, heading towards the room whore had shown her.

"Yep. Sunny day, not a cloud in the sky, a decent breeze going and nice little spring. I wonder if this day could get any better." Zaren replied, chuckling lightly, moving his right foot around in circles to play with a little fish that was nipping at his big toe.
Whore stood, slumped against the wall, dazed and a little confused. More then a little actually. That was totally out of nowhere. And now she'd see her again later? So very confusing as she departed the inn, going to get a few hours of real shut eye before setting back out to do it all over again.

Meanwhile, inside the room, master lay, face down in the small bed in the small room he had rented for the night before. It was still his for the next few hours, but he had originally planned to sleep it off...

Eden watched what he was doing with the little fish and started to giggle a little when two little fishes started to nip at her toes as well. She just wiggled her toes to play with them. "Best day I have had in a long time." She leaned back on her hands, looking up into the blue skies with a sigh, "I don't get out into the world like this often. Most of my time is spent behind castle walls. I am destined to one day be queen... and I want to be the best there can be. Doesn't really leave much time for things like this."
For a bit, Alicia just stood there, looking at him, the memories of the night before where he ravaged her thoroughly in front of the entire tavern came rushing back, as well as the thrill of said act. With a smile, she quickly and casually stripped out of her outfit, remaining in only bra and panties before she went to stand at the foot of the bed.

"I hope last night didn't take all your energy." she said, loud enough for him to hear and wake him.

"Yea, that's understandable." Zane replied, his tone showing he knew what she meant, and understood her feelings.

"Heh, I think they really like you." he added with a light laugh as the fish that had been playing with him swam over to her.

"Can't say I blame them." he added with a flirty smile.
He woke with a start. Clearly he had a bit to drink the night before after she had left. There were some bags under his eyes, but after glancing around a little bit, his eyes stopped on her and he smiled. "Well hello there Beauty. Am I dreaming still?"

There were four little fish now all nipping at her toes as she wiggled them. They seemed to think it was some fun game she was playing. She couldn't help but giggle as nipped, "They tickle a little! The more they nip at me! Hehe!" She turned her face towards him, and her giggling stopped. They were sitting much closer than she thought they were originally. If they both leaned just a little bit, they could kiss. That sudden thought was so out of place. She had never thought about kissing a man before this moment, but now it was all that was in her head and it made her mouth go dry as she stared into his face.
"I can assure you, you're quite awake. Though, the things I plan to do you, will make you feel like your dreaming." Alicia replied, smiling, hips cocked to the side.

Zane could feel the sparks as well. He too, thought about kissing her. But, he wasn't sure if he should. He felt a strong urge to do so, but kissing her too soon could cause serious problems, as she wasn't quite as open as Alicia.
His eyes went a little wide as he raised his arms up to rest behind his head, "Really now? Couldn't get enough of it last night Beauty mine?"

If he had gone about leaning the rest of the way in and sealing the deal, she would not have minded. He his hesitation lead her head to tell her that he didn't seal the deal, because he had no desire to kiss her. Turning her head away, she flicked her feet a little, scaring all the fish away as she sighed. The moment was passed and he missed his chance.
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