Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((I have to go for a few hours myself. If I don't see you again tonight, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully))

"Want a taste?" he asked her in a whisper, his hand starting to tug up her skirt so that she could get a handful of bare flesh in his hands. "I know I certainly do."

Eden had to bit her own lip to keep herself from bursting into another fit of giggles. Even if he thought it was adorable, it was still embarrassing and unladylike. "You get right to the point, don't you Zane? We have only just met one another and," she glanced down at their locked fingers, "you are already so bold to show my such signs of affection. How do I know you are not this way with every girl?" It was this doubt that kept her grounded and from locking her hand with his in a reply of affection.
((Ah, alright. Laters.))

"Depends on what m'lord has in mind. We are in the middle of a party, so it does put a limit to just what we can do. But, there are still some things we can do whilst here." she whispered back, her smile still plastered on as she glanced at him a moment, her own hands remaining in sight, so as to not draw attention, but she did part her legs a bit for him, giving him better access to his inevitable prize. All the while, Alicia was playing out a different scenario in her head. In her mind, she wasn't getting felt up by some old pervy lord. Instead, she was playing out what she believe would have happened if that old bodyguard, the unwilling object of her true affection, hadn't stopped her and Serena. Oh, the stir they would have caused. This made his roaming hand a good bit more bareable.

"No, I do not. As for how you would know I'm telling you the truth, the only way I can think of, would be for you to take at least a peek into my eyes and decide for yourself whether you trust my word or not." Zane replied, smiling, even though she was proving a bit more resistant than he had anticipated. No matter. The caring, affectionate look that filled his eyes soon after would no doubt quash any of those doubts.

"Afterall, I have always liked the saying of how the eyes are the gateway to ones soul." he added, for further emphasis.
The lord's eyes went wide in shock. She was willing? She was going to play along with his advances? Jackpot! Oh he had tried it before with her. Every chance he could get, but this was the first time she was playing back with him. Soon. his had found the bare skin of her perfect leg, "Oh my dear princess... you are a naughty little thing aren't you? Mmm, let's see how dirty you truly are..." his hand started to move in for the final victory.

Eden tilted her head up and did just as he said. Looked right into the gateway into his soul... and she saw a mix of things there. Years ago... Laine had been a naive young thing. And one thing she taught her daughters was to NOT be naive. "No one, NO ONE, that has just met has such affection in their eyes for a total stranger, m'lord." She let go of his hand and stood, walking away. She was not as easy a target as at first she seemed. "I do not know who you are. I do not know what you want..." she paused and turned towards him as the reached the steps once again, "But I will give you a chance to prove to me that the look in your eyes might just be real. Tell me m'lord, do you enjoy riding? Me... I go riding in the north woods every Saturday." Tomorrow was Saturday. "Good evening, Zane. Do enjoy the rest of the party. If you would like, I shall save a dance for you later." She might not have much one on one experience with men, but she had LOTS of experience watching her sister play her games. She couldn't help but smile a little to herself as she re-entered the ballroom and was approached by one of Alicia's suitors who had grown tired of waiting for Alicia to reach his turn in a dance. Eden was soon swept up into the dance floor... wondering if Zane was truly interested in her enough to pursue her.
"Actions speak louder than words, as they say." Alicia replied, smiling as she glanced over at him, continuing to allow him to do as he wished. If things got TOO crazy, she'd put a stop to it. For now, he had free go at her.

Zane didn't even respond. Not only did she not really give him time, he was quite shocked. This.....will be quite interesting, he thought to himself as he watched her go, fully intending on meeting her little challenge tomorrow. It would certainly seem she was this fragile, sweet little thing he had first thought. She had a strength of will hidden underneath that prim and proper exterior.

((just online now for this one post. Don't have time for some late night RPing, sadly.))
"If that is the case my dear," he started a moment before she plunged his hand right past her panties and into her pussy, "Then what does this say for you baby?"

Eden danced with three other men before she took a seat at the other side of the table where her sister was having her fun. She didn't dare say it, but as she looked about the room, she was seeking out Zane. Perhaps she should have stayed with him. Perhaps she had been to bold? It was not something she was use to. Maybe it just didn't work for her as it did her sister. When she did not see him again before she had to retire to her room for the night, she only hoped she'd find herself with company on her morning ride tomorrow.

Seeing that the first princess retired, the party was starting to die down immensely. It was time to make a move. Serena made sure to capture Alicia's eye as she slipped from the ballroom, heading the direction of Alicia's bedroom, making herself ready once she reached it for Alicia's arrival and the night ahead.
((Absolutely perfect. Just what I wanted to happen actually.^_^ I was thinking this new pervy lord guy could be another reoccuring sex partner for Alicia. Will start with his next meeting of her, with him trying to get what she promised him. She tries to talk her way out of it, but really can't, and ends up having to sleep with him, and things go from there. Will cause her promiscuous choices to follow her wherever she goes. When she's out on the town........tavern guy. When she's playing the princess role........pervy lord. The numerous encounters she has with both would be one of the things that gets her to question her life style and eventually change it. With the biggest thing being a possible engagement and marriage between her and the pervy lord to create all kinds of crazy drama and crazy situations, cause you know how evil I can be.^_^. If you're not up for that, that's fine. Just one of those naughty ideas that popped into my head.))

Alicia almost jumped, having to gently bite her tongue to keep from making any noise at his daring move. When her sister sat down, she did her best not to show any signs of what was going on beneath the table cloth. Though, when she saw Serena leaving, she knew what it meant.

"I apologize m'lord, but I must be going now....." she said, sliding away from him, causing his hand to leave her skirt.

"But I promise to return the favor and more at a later date." she seductively whispered to him, intentionally pretty much shoving her large rack right in his face as she slid in front of him to get out. Though, to others, it would just look like she was squeezing out of the tight aisle. Not like it mattered, The ballroom was pretty much empty at this point. He could have mounted her on the table and got what she promised him, and noone would have known. Regardless, she hurried to her room, expecting Serena to already be there. Opening the door, she wasn't quite sure what to expect of this girl, or how she had........gotten ready.
((Ha! I love it! Alicia's ghosts coming after her where ever she may go. I especially love the bit about her possibly having to marry the lord as a punishment for her actions. It might be a goal Serena would push towards to ruin Alicia's life. Perfect!))

His fingers were just slightly wet with Alicia's lovely juices as he watched her slip from his grasp. As she departed with promises of more to come, he raised his fingers to his nose and took in the scent of her. Mmm, the scent of the woman that would be his. One way or another. She better have every intention of keeping those promises for he was going to MAKE her keep them.

Meanwhile, upon opening the door to her room, Alicia found a totally bare naked Serena laying onto of her perfectly made bed. A sexy, perfect, tasty little decoration. "I hope you don't mine... old friend..." she smiled a little using Alicia's words in the ballroom to make the moment seen funny, "but I have made myself comfortable."
"Oh, I don't mind at all." Alicia replied, almost left breathless at the sight of a naked Serena waiting on her bed.

"As I very well plan to join you." she added, going about the annoying task of undoing all the ties of her dress, before sliding it off, leaving her in just panties, as bras were uncomfortable with those kinds of dresses.

"Time for us old friends to get reaquainted." she added, smiling as she strolled over to the bed, slowly crawling over top of Serena, until they were face to face.
Serena wrapped her arms around Alicia's waist, taking the liberty to reach her hands down into Alicia's panties, grasping a round, soft, perfect ass cheek in each of her hands and squeezing lightly. "You don't even know my name dear friend of mine."
((Thanks for liking my idea.^_^ I was thinking Alicias next sex scene would be that first time with the lord. Not sure when it'll happen though, as we got the Laine and Krade scene after this, then Eden and Zane horse back riding. I figure we could either have it run simultaneous to that, or wait until it's done, as I was planning on it happening while Eden is gone. You know, sis isn't home to keep an eye on her, servants got the day off, so she's mostly home alone. Perfect time for him to make a "random" unannounced visit.))

"Ah, that is true." Alicia replied, smiling and glancing over her shoulder as she pushed her hips back, putting more of her ass against Serenas hands.

"So then, what name shall I call out all night long?" she asked, licking her lips lightly, quite enjoying the feeling of those soft hands on her firm ass. She always did have a bit of a thing for stuff like that. She didn't like anal or anything, but she did like someone groping her butt and absolutely loved spankings.........but she never knew why. Just.........something she likes.
((I was thinking we save him for the next time they meet socially. Recall the scene with Laine and Krade in the ballroom... something along those lines. Only more... pervy. Perhaps even Serena catching them. Or better yet, Eden catching them))

She moved her lips to Alicia's ear, licking the lobe a little be before nipping it. The same moment her hands peeled Alicia's panties down to bear her ass. "Serena..." she whispered softly into the princess's ear. A moment later, she gave her a swift spank on the ass, "You can call me Serena. It is my name after all."
((Sounds good. What would Eden or Serena catch them doing?))

Alicia sighed pleasurably as her panties were peeled off, followed by a surprise gasp when she was spanked, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"Then call you Serena I shall. Though, I figure I'll be saying Oh god and oh yes more than anything else tonight. That, or perhaps begging for it harder." she seductively said, wiggling her ass for another spanking. Alicia could be quite.........energetic when she got going.
"Naughty little princess..." Serena whispered as she gave her another swift spanking, followed by another right after. "I like a naughty girl. Just how naughty can you get for me?" Serena was shocked, but pleased. She knew that Alicia was a bold girl, but she had no idea that she'd do such things under her own family's roof. Either they were very understanding, or very stupid. This was going to be such a peice of cake. "What do you want to do first my naughty girl?"
"Oh, I can get quite naughty, I assure you." Alicia replied, after gasping and moaning in pleasure from each spank she received, followed by her lowering her head and whispering all kinds of quite naughty and erotic things she could and would do to Serena tonight.

"As for which of those we do first, I think I'll let my old friend decide." she replied, eyes and voice full unbridles lust.
Serena was shocked once again. The rumors how Princess Alicia did not even touch the surface of how this princess really was! This was a blackmail gold mine! And a fantastic time in the sack as well. And it would not be just this time. Oh no. Serena would make sure it happened a good number of times before she ultimately took Alicia down. "I'm honored. Mmmm, I think since you like spanking so much... kneel on the bed. I think someone needs an even more thorough spanking before we go any further."
((As for who catches Alicia doing whatever she ends up doing with the pervy lord, since it won't be full on sex, I think Serena would be better. If Eden catches her do anything, I'd prefer it be full on sex. Like for example, one night, Eden wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to go a on a little midnight stroll. She happens to walk past Alicias bedroom and sees the door slightly open, with a hint of light pouring out. As she gets nearer, she hears all kinds of grunts and moans and walks to door, pushing it ever so slightly open, only to met by the sight of some man furiously humping away between her sisters legs, while Alicia is writhing and moaning beneath him..............Yea, kinda planned that out a bit too much. :oops: But what they's what I do when I'm bored and have nothing to do during the day.^_^))

"As you wish, Serena." Alicia replied, slowly sliding off of her, trailing her finger tips between her perfect breasts, moving off to the side to kneel. She laid her chest on the bed, her goddess like ass sticking up in the air, almost begging to be spanked.
((I am thinking Eden catches Alicia having sex three times. Once with a man, once with Serena (perhaps even this night) and then the third time being the time that is set up so that Alicia and Zane are in bed together. I'm thinking Eden knows it happens, but these are the only time she sees her sister in the act. She never says anything so perhaps even Alicia does not realize her sister caught her in the act. I been thinking about the incident with Alicia and Zane. I'm thinking three notes are sent. One for Alicia saying to waited naked under the covers in the tavern, lights off, and say nothing. Second to Zane telling him to come in and say nothing as they have sex in silent and dark. And the third to Eden telling her to come see what she really means to her loved ones. So will Eden see her sister this time around or not?))

Serena sat up on the bed and looked at Alicia's perfectness. Licking her lips, she wanted to lean in and bit it. It looked that tasty, but she held her self back. That would be for another time. Instead she teased it with the palm of her hand. Brushing over it a few moments before pulling her hand back and giving her another slap. "How many spanks does a naughty girl get? One? Two? Ten?"
((OOO, that all sounds amazing.^_^ As for whether Eden catches her this time, I'll leave it up to your judgement.))

Alicia couldn't help but moan lightly when she felt Serenas palm ghosting over her rear. The moan quickly picked up volume when she spanked her.

"I don't know. I have been a very bad girl." Alicia replied, smiling as she looked back at Serena. For a moment, she was tempted to tell her how she had been a bad girl twice tonight already, but thought better of it. She knew there were all kinds of rumors about her promiscuity, but she cared nothing for them.........they were usually true anways. Still, she possessed a bit more common sense than to go around, shouting from the roof tops, that she had let a man and woman ravage her infront of a tavern full of people, as well as that she had set there and let a pervy old lord explore her nether regions for a moment. God knows what would have happened there if this encounter with Serena hadn't of happened.
"I am thinking.... right in the middle there. Five spanks for my naughty princess. One," spank to the left cheek. "Two," spank to the right. "Three, four," two quick ones to the left then the right. "Five," a spank of both cheeks at the same time. "Tell me princess, do you think you have been naughtier than that? Do you deserve a few more? Or should be explore of things as well? I am more that willing to spank you all night long if you like."
Alicia moaned louder and louder from each one. When the question was asked, her response was swift.

"More, more......" she almost begged, her ass wiggling in the air. Spanking her all night long was quite inviting, but so was exploring other things. Both were quite fun, and both would have their turns. All that mattered, is which would be first.
"Tsk, tsk, naughty naughty..." Serena whispered as she started to spank her once again. There was no pattern to it. A playful tap then a hard smack. Two in a row then a long pause before three quick hard slaps. It went on four a good 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, Eden was in her own room not to far. Ready for bed already, she was just brushing out her hair, walking out on her balcony to get some air and one last look at the stars for the night when she heard sounds coming from a room not to far. Slaps? Moans? Glancing over, she noticed her sister's balcony door open. Eden was shocked! She wouldn't! In the palace?! She would dare! Eden returned to her room and donned a robe, putting the brush down. She had to see for herself. If her sister was that out of control or not...
Alicia made little attempt to keep herself quite. Her moans got louder and she continued to beg for more. She felt too good to care about being proper or just how far gone she really was with this action.
((OOO, hope it's delicious.^_^ I'm gonna be running soon, so I probably won't be on when you get back. In that case, ciao.))
While Serena continued to spank her little princess, the other little princess was nearing the room. Walking down the hallway, she spotted the slightest of cracks in her sisters door. Gently, Eden pushed it open just enough to peek in. Her eyes went wide and she had to place her hand over her own lips to stop them from hearing her gasp. Not ONLY was her sister indeed having a liaison in the castle, but... with another woman! How could she!? Was she that wild now that she was this out of control? She watched just long enough to see Serena stop the spanking and flip her sister over, crawling on top of Alicia and looking down. "Enough spanking Alicia. My hand grows tired. And the rest of me wants to play as well." Serena lowered her head and captured Alicia's lips. It was all Eden could bear. She closed the door so no one else could see her sister's sinful behavior and quickly retreated back to her room, trying to think in her head what she should do? Should she tell the gaurd? Should she tell her parents? Or would it be best to not say anything at all?
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