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Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((Yea, that works too. As for the Twins section, either way works for me. Though, I don't have title ideas for their RP.))

Krade was right on time, at the door as 30 minutes rolled around. Opening the door and walking in, he wasn't sure what to expect at first. He was taken back at the sigh that waited him. His gorgeous wife in a rather skimpy little dancers outfit. Like the ones he told her about so long ago. He was left utterly speechless and the amazing sight before him.
((I have a few ideas for titles. I was thinking something "Like Mother and Father" cus they are going to have the sex drives just like mommy and daddy :p Or just "Rewards of War: Part 2" I really support having another topic as a separation between the generations.))

Laine lay on the bed, draped just perfect for welcome him into the room, "You thought I forgot about it?" She smiled that devious smile she got when she was feeling like a very, very naughty girl. "I have been thinking about wearing this since the moment you told me about it. How perfect I wear it the first time we make love in our home once more?"
((Both sound great.^_^ Also, looky what I found. Not the same exact outfit she has now.......but doesn't it look awfully familiar....^_^))

"I think tonight will probably be the greatest night ever." Krade replied, a big smile on his face as he closed the door, locking it so they couldn't be disturbed.

"You look...........well, there's not even a word to describe how you look.........or the things it makes me want to do to you." Krade replied, looking her up and down.
((I have that image actually, and a few others of that girl in more... exposed positions. :p Shall we say then that THAT is the outfit she is wearing? I like it as well. It's much more erotic.))

Laine moved to sit up, moving her feet over to sit on the bed facing him, "Mmm Krade I want you to do every last thing you are thinking of to me tonight. I feel like I could go at it all night long." She stood and gracefully walked to him, her jewelry jingling and playing sweet music for their ears. And erotic sound. "But first, I want to dance for you my lover. My master. My soul mate."
((OOO, lucky. And sure, works for me.^_^))

"Then dance you shall, my wife, my lover, my princess." Krade replied, holding her hands for a moment before taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
(( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> For you :p Laine's outfit will look like hers, only the hearts are a little much, so no earrings and the heart on her top would be a circle. No tattoo either. Everything else... *smiles*))

Laine smiled a little and started to move with a slow, erotic rythem before her husband. The few piece of gold she word jingled and jangled against her body, helping them both to hear the music she was dancing to in her head. The skimpy garments barely covered her most most sensual of parts. Hell, she was practically naked already!
((Looks familiar. Think I've seen those before.))

Krade watched with a small grin on his face the whole time. God, was he tempted to just jump up, throw her on the bed, pin her down and just ravage her. But, there'd be time for that soon enough. For now, he just watched her dance, savoring the moment.

Meanwhile, not far away in another small home, Mary and Illiyana were both naked, glistening with sweat under the candlelight as they affectionately held one another, having just concluded their own night of passion, and it was the start of something wonderful for them both. They had fallen asleep, Mary with her head on Illiyanas bosom, arms around her, snuggling as close as could be with Illiyana having an arm around her waist, never wanting to let her go, having found something she had been searching for for a long while........Someone to truely love. Sure, it was only one night, but if Krade and Laines romance had taught the people that knew them anything, it was that love was not limited by time, or anything else.

((Not starting up the yuri scene again. Just giving them a proper ending, since we just kind of.........stopped with them, and didn't mention anything else.))
((Thank you. It's a perfect ending to them in this era of their life. And the images are from a Tony Taka game. Arcadia I think is what it's called.))

Laine smiled as she danced, "I don't know to much about these gypsies that you told me of. I read up about them a bit in books, just to try and make it perfect for you. Only that they dance and make love for money..." she danced her way until she was right in front of him, her hand gracefully brushing his cheek as she leaned her lips in close to his, "But you can have me all you like for free." Her lips captured him in a passionate kiss. Like the kisses of their younger years. A fire and promise in it that spoke of hidden treasures to be found in one another's arms and under the bedsheets.
((You'd know more about it than me. I don't usually pay much attention to the artist in hentai. Well, except for Azasuke Wind, as he has some great high quality stuff of videogame and anime characters. I believe he's even done a doujin or two. Him, and I think it's called Crimson Comics. They're a doujin artist........or perhaps it's just a series of doujins, but it focuses on videogame and anime characters too in naughty situations. Always rape though, like Orihime in Bleach going on a bus and getting molested and raped, or the same with Tifa in a subway car. Not for everyone of course, but the art is amazing. There's also some random stuff, whose artist I don't know, like a series of Chun-li doujins that feature a number of things, from rape to blackmail, to hetero and yuri love. I wish I could actually draw, then I could put all my naughty fantasies into doujin form.^_^))

Krades arms went around her, pulling her into his lap as he kissed back with equal passion. He really just couldn't help it anymore. Whether the dance was over or not, their night filled with passion, love and no doubt hours of sex, was now beginning.

((Also, do you wanna do pics for the girls apperance after they've grown up, or just describe them in RP?))
((Do we want to go on with the scene or end it here and prepare to start the girls?))

Laine giggled lightly, not at all resisting him as she landed in his lap. Her legs spread as she straddled his hips and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts into his chest so hard he could feel her nipples were at attention for him, "Krade... I love you..." she whispered, her voice sounding pleasant thanks to the curved smile upon her lips.
((I think end and move on to the twins story. I edited my last post with a last minute OOC question. If you missed it, I was wondering if you wanted to do pics for what Eden and Alicia look like at 18, or if you'd rather just describe them in the RP.))

"And I you." Krade whispered back, smiling before suddenly spinning around, she was on her back on the bed, and he was standing over her, between her legs.

"Now it's time to show you all those naughty things I have in mind for you." Krade said, lowering his body down on top of her to kiss her again. The night that followed was absolutely filled with passion and love. The pair were known for their insatiable sex drives, and during this night, they went full throttle, holding nothing back. Through out the night and even into the wee hours of the morning, the sounds of their passion filled the bedroom. As everyone else in town was sound asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams, these two were making love beneath the light of a few candles. They both seemed absolutely full of energy. Though, it did eventually come to an end. But not really by choice. Only reason they stopped, was that their bodies could only take so much and they ended up literally passing out. This night had marked the end of many things, but it was also the beginning to new story......
((I have been trying to find a picture for Eden for a LONG time now. I can't find any that I like for her. Some that are close or some I like the face of, but the body doesn't fit the style. I am going to keep looking through Alicia's scene for something. Look even harder. I hope I will have something for when we start the scenes of Eden at the ball. This is a perfect ending for the first part of the story. I am going to run now and put a load of laundry in the washer. I will be back in like 10 minutes to write a start post for the next part. And I think we will just keep this topic. I will however change title of the thread to reflect we are in the second arc of the story. BBS))
((Ah, ok. I got a pic for Alicia. Keep everything, but change the hair color to a dark brown. Due to her slutty side, I like the bar wench-esque outfit and the body type. Though, also reduce those ginormo hooters a few sizes so that they're not so exaggerated, but she'll still have an exceptionally large rack that strains against her choice of clothing, and puts her other female family members to shame, and pretty much every other female character, except for Narissas daughter, who will basically be Lust personafied, pulling it off even better than her mother did. To help you out, I'll browse through my photobucket and see if I can find anything that you may like for Eden.))
13 years later...

Since the re-establishment of King Krade and Queen Laine, peace and prosperity reigned throughout their land. Surrounding kingdoms respected them for there reclaiming of the thrown and came to their side as allies. No threat of an overturn of power was left. Their allies far outnumbered their enemy Narissa.

But if an overthrown of power could not happen on the outside, Narissa had set plans in motion to tear their happy kingdom and family apart from the inside out...

A grand ball was in full swing in honor of the princess's 18th birthday. A turning point in many young ladies lives and soon would prove to be one for the twins as well. While they were twins in age, in many ways that was were the similarities ended. It was clear to see just by looking around the room.

Princess Eden was a powerful presence in the room. The princess with the looks of her father but the spirit of her mother. A lady in every way and a born leader. Being the elder of the twins, Eden was destined to be queen. And a fine queen she surely would make. As well as a lucky king that would one day sit at her side.

A number of noblemen had their eye upon the princess and were even at this time talking her up. Like a flock of gull near the beautiful, shimmering sea. But most of them had another thing on there mind. Wedding Eden... but bedding her sister. It was no secret that Alica was a bit of a wild princess and that her... attributes were greater that her sisters. She was the fantasy to many a men so it was no surprise to Eden when Lord Rodshire's son at her right hand side questioned her, "And where is your sister this evening milady? It is her birthday celebration as well."

Eden simply held her smile, even though she knew well the true thoughts running through the man's head about her sister, "She should be along in a short while, so do not fear. You will see her before the night is through." No one realized that Eden had completely ignored his original question. She had not said exactly WHERE her sister was at this time. The truth of that was a family secret. Well kept so far...
Alicia knew full well it was her birthday, but was kicking off the celebration in her own way. Though, she'd eventually join her sister at the party, her unique kind of celebration was taking place in the local tavern. Sipping her ale as she sat alone at her usual table in the establishment, she couldn't help but smile and wink at just about every man that passed her. When she went out like this, she made sure to wear an exceptionally revealing outfit. Tonights making her look more like a bar wench, than a princess. One that clinged to her very large chest, obviously straining with the preassure while the leather skirt barely covered her at all, her legs pretty much fully visible, her choice of panties visible at just about any moment, as all it took was a simple move or gust of wind to show them.

She knew the men here lusted after her, and wanted nothing more than to just bend her over her table and fuck her brains out. She liked the thought. Though, her promiscuity didn't come from some sexual addiction she add. It was she dealt with the pain of the one man she truely loved, who she knew had feelings for her as well, flat out saying there was never any chance of them being together due to his damn duty and honor. Not to mention, he was fourty........while she was eighteen, and that he was personally assigned head of protection for both princesses, so she saw him every single day. That's what tore at her the most. To see him everyday, to feel the love she had for him well up in her chest, but to know he chose duty over his feelings for her just tore her heart up.

So, she found comfort in the bed of strangers. It was a temporary fix, but after she slept with someone, she got a brief relief from her constantly shattered heart. Which, was why she was at the tavern and not at the ball. She was simply looking to get laid, as she knew HE'd be at the ball.
A regular at the tavern sat at a table near her, downing his fifth ale of the night. He had seen Alicia before, knew what she was all about. Had seen her slip into the rooms upstairs and into dark corners with others. Never had he been with her, but tonight, he would be. He knew what she liked, and he knew he'd get into those pants tonight. For he had the ultimate way to tempt her... the whore those company he had already purchased for the night that even now sat in his lap, her hand down his pants, making him ready. Even if Alicia didn't join her tonight, he had this consolation prize. But a threesome was the goal.

Soon he was so hard it hurt and he could wait no more. With his whore on his arm, he crossed to Alicia's table. The whore had been instructed on how to do go about it and sat herself right on the table in front of Alicia, her skirt just as skimpy and riding up so Alicia got a fine look at her thigh. The tavern goer meantime came up behind her and starter to massage Alicia's shoulders, "I have seen you before my lady and I wonder if tonight you would like to join me... and my friend. I promise you it will be a good time my dear. Mmmm, I can make you cum like no man has before..."

"As can I..." added the whore on the table, smiling lusty down at Alicia.
"A daring couple, aren't you?" Alicia replied, raising an eyebrow, sipping her ale with one hand while the other crawled up the whores thigh like a spider, stopping only after it dissapeared in her skirt and playfully tugged at her panties, not trying to remove them, just teasing..

"I hope you two can live up to that promise, as I'd hate to be dissapointed." she added, leaning back in the chair a bit so the man behind her got the perfect view down her shirt.
His mouth watered as his hands snaked down her shoulders and into the front of her shirt, firmly grasping her breasts and squeezing them firmly, "I have yet to disappoint my beauty." Leaning his head down, he started to nip at her ear and growl into her ear. "I have a room down the hall. Or would my beauty rather make a scene here? I doubt anyone would care. Every man here wishes to see you in action for themselves."

Meanwhile, the whore grew bold, reaching her hand under her skirt to Alicia's hand, pushing it past the panties and into her wet heat, just to show her how hot even she found Alicia to be, and how ready she was to fuck.
"Well, it is my lets make a scene. Celebrate it with a more ways than one" Alicia replied, smiling devilishly, the smile growing bigger as she allowed the attractive lady of the night to lead her hand along, glad to rub where it ended up, while she let out a pleasured sigh from the man groping her beasts and the feeling of his hot breath on her ear. This was just so naughty and was exactly what she was looking for. As for doing it with them right then and there and putting a show on, she didn't care. Noone ever recognized her anyways. Afterall, when she was here, she fixed herself up to look like low class peasant woman. So, noone ever expected she was royalty. Though, she had toyed with the idea of letting it be known who she was. Afterall, she figured even more men would be after her if they knew she was not only gorgeous, but a gorgeous princess.
"I warn you my beauty," he started to whisper as his hands seemed to grow rougher with her breasts, "I want you so very badly... I want you hard and now..." his nipping of her ear went then to her neck and the nipping was suddenly a possessive, lusty, bite. "Just say the word, and I will be inside that pussy of yours, fucking your brains out right now."

Meanwhile the whore was started to lay back upon the table, moaning, but speaking as well while her hand helped still to guide Alicia's hand, "What may we call you? I want to know what to moan tonight with you."

The man heard that and put in his two cents, "No names. Tonight, you will be Beauty and nothing more. And I... I will be master. She," he indicated to the hired body on the table, "will be simply Whore. I hope you don't mind, but I have played our first sexual encounter as a fantasy in my head time and time again. I know just what I want of you."
"Then master.........fuck away." Alicia replied, letting a moan slip out as he started to actually bite her a bit. It would seem he was going to be the rough type........she liked that. These little moments of her where she sought relief.......the harder the better. Though, she didn't like to be hit or anything. She just liked to be ravaged hard and fast. As she said that, her fingers had found their way into the whores pussy, sliding slowly in, curious as to just what this man had planned in his scenario.
Whore gasped and laid back, her legs spreading as her hands grasped the edge of the table. Master at the same moment, moved fast in excited lust. He pulled Beauty up out of her chair, kicking the chair she had been in to the side. Her hands went back to her shoulders to move her where he wanted her. He placed her right between Whore's spread legs and bent her over so Beauty could still pleasure Whore while he sought his pleasure. Hands leaving her shoulders, her reached for her skirt, tugging it up, bunching it around her hips. "Mmmm, you have a beautiful ass my beauty." Hands stroking her firm ass a bit bit before he gave her right cheek a quick spank. "It is just as I dreamed it to be."

His hands grasped her panties and in one swift move, tugged them all the way down her legs and off, tossing them aside without a thought. "Spread your legs my Beauty so I may enter you properly..." His one hand stroked her ass while he waited for her to do as he said. The other hand meanwhile was freeing his large, hard cock from his pants, preparing to enter her paradise.

Meanwhile, Whore was wrapping her arms around Beauty's shoulders, "I want out tongues to dance while he fucks you. Will you let me kiss you Beauty?"

((I am LOVING this, but a warning, I will be leaving soon. I have friends in town and they will be picking me up in a half hour or so.))
((Ok, see you later then. And I am absolutely loving it as well. It's so dirty and naughty.))

Alicia gasped as he quickly positioned her. He certainly had been planning this out the whole time. She moaned when he groped and spanked her ass, her giving him a smile over her shoulder. Without hesitation, when she heard him tell her to spread her legs, she did just that. When whore asked to kiss her, Alicia just smiled and lowered her head quickly, pressing their lips together, her tongue darting out first. By this time, people were starting to watch. Some of the men, had been with her before, but were certainly interested in watching the sight while others hadn't, and were praising their luck at being able to get a front row show to how this gorgeous young thing that frequented their tavern was as a lay.
The moment her legs were spread enough to expose her womanhood to him, he first took two of his fingers, plowing them into her hole and feeling around, testing her, "Mmmm, Beauty. So wet for me already? Mmm just how I want you to be." He toyed with her pussy a few moments with his fingers, pumping them in an out a few times as he rubbed his cock, making sure it was as hard as could be for her.

Whore's hands grasped onto the back of Beauty's head, holding their lips together. Her kiss was firey and lusty, her tongue licking Beauty's lips before pressing at them, wanting entrance into her mouth to meet her tongue in a sexy dance.

A moment later, Alicia was filled with her Master's cock. 9 inches of hard manhood, plunged all the way into her in one, swift stoke. "AHHH!" he cried out as his hands went to grasp her hips, "FUCK! That feels good my Beauty! So very good! Tell me how it feels. Tell me how you like it."
Alica couldn't really answer him at the moment, as she was busy making out with whore. Though, a loud moan and her bucking her ass back against him made her enjoyment of the rough, sudden penetration obvious. Alicia could certainly multi task. While kissing Whore quite skillfully, she was still fully aware of everything around them. It was a little skill of hers. She could concentrate intently on many things at once, and not be hampered. It also left her to be quite the capable fighter, but when it came to politics, she left that to Eden.

Her mind for a moment, went to thinking of Eden and how she was handling be the only one at the ball. Though, it was just for a moment before she bucked her ass back against him again, not wanting him to be gentle with her, but to instead do as he promised, to fuck her absolutely senseless. Breaking away from the kiss for air and to answer him, she looked over her shoulder at him.

"God, it feels great. Just fuck me.........fuck me hard, fuck me with everything you have. Don't hold back. I want you to plow into me with all the strength and lust your body can muster. Truely become my master, and I'll be your beauty forever." she said, moaning as she did. Yea, she could certainly get........into the moment, regularly spouting out things like that in the heat of things. But, since they had the whole tavern watching, part of it was to put on a good show for the audience. But, to actually become nothing but his sex slave........not something she'd do. But, if he was looking for a sex buddy he could have a romp with here and there, she was his girl. He wouldn't be the first. Despite her numerous lovers that she had had over the year or so since she started doing this, she was as tight as one would expect one of her young age to be. That was due to her constantly training to stay in such perfect shape.
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