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Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

((I had some great ideas for some conflicts between the twins at a later date in the RP. We have kind of already laid a foundation for it, but I would love to see it come to a point where the twins both want something or someone and of course Alicia gets them... triggering years of built up jealousy inside Eden. Alicia always getting this or that, a being second best kind of thing. Kind of a, "Just when I thought it was my turn, you steal it from me again." Maybe even using Narissa's son for it. I don't know, it needs tweaking. Narissa's daughter and Jarrek's son set it up so Eden catches her sister and her love in a compromising spot together and she won't listen to either of them.... throw her right into the son and daughters waiting arms to fuck with Eden's head.))

Master smiled wide and wild at her words. "You want it hard my beauty..." He started to pound into her over and over and over again, not letting up for even a moment. His thrusts hard, but not fast. He made sure she felt each and every thrust in all it's full intensity. "You have it my beauty, uuuhhh... aaahhh, fuck you have it. And I have you. Moan. Moan I tell you."

Whore moaned then, responding the same way he wanted Alicia to and it made him laugh, "You moan as well Whore. Both my lovers, both of you..." He slammed himself in three hard and at last fast thrusts into Alicia's pussy, "moan!"
((That sounds like a great plan. Though, with Alicia I was planning on having her care for Eden more than anyone else, despite her wild streak and their constant butting heads. So, it would be kind of out of character for my idea of Alicia if she tries to steal Edens boyfriend away. They'd have to trick Alicia and Narissas son. Which Narissas daughter could do, as she'd have manipulated Alicia into considering her a friend at that point, so Alicia would tell her things, like her love for the older man, and could use that, and the knowledge that Eden and her brother like one another, to cause the situation. Eden then wouldn't listen to either, due to Alicias slutty tendencies, and thinks Narissas son, like so many others, it just cozying up to Eden, for a chance to bang her sister. Also, what things do you have in mind for them messing with Edens head?))

Alica did just as he asked, though not because he ordered her to. It was because it felt so damn good, with a few Oh gods tossed in, a few instances of calling out Master, along with a string of yes', showing various signs of how much she enjoyed being pounded hard into again and again and again in such a dirty situation, which included clawing at the table beneath her, on either side of whore, leaving scratch marks. Princessess tended to be bedded by noblemen or princes they were betrothed to. It wasn't exactly common for a young princess to go into a tavern, let a random guy grope her, then bend her over the table and fuck the ever loving hell out of her. But, Alicia sure was not a typical princess. She hated being in the spotlight, but unknowingly would constantly put herself there, as her wild side and curvy body tended to thrust her into the minds of many men and as shown by this situation and some others in her past, women as well.
((That was the idea I had. The whole... Narissa's daugther and Jarrek's son trick Alicia and the son into getting together in a compromising position that Eden finds them in. It doesn't even need to be full out sex. Just something that makes it look like he was more interested in Alicia than Eden. She'd be so pissed off by it, she'd refuse to speak to either of them and it would only put her in position for daughter and other son... we have GOT to name these folks! I have a few names possible for Narissa's son. You can make the final pick. One of these... Kiefer, Demitrius, or Zane.))

The master as well as Whore were moving and moaning just like Alicia. There was no rhythm or reason to any of the actions they were all making. It was pure, primitive, lusty movement of their bodies. Anything and everything to reach that paradise that all three know could be their's if only they would reach for it. And reach he did. Pounding himself over and over again into his Beauty. It was master that started to show the first signs of approaching orgasm. His body started to shiver and he could feel it. It as getting close, but he would not go there. Not without his two playmates at least. "Beauty! Make Whore cum! Finger her harder! Make her cum first. And then... I will reward you with MY cum so you may gift me yours."

"PLEASE!" added Whore then, moaning against her lips, "OH please!!"
Alicia obeyed for as long as she could, her fingers working whore at a furious pace. Not only was she trying to obey the command, she was also trying to get whore to go first. This furious, animalistic pounding that was still not stopping was taking it's toll on her. It had been the hardest fuck of her life, and she could tell, she'd be having the hardest orgasm of her life. She wasn't even sure if she could make it to the party afterwards, as it was likely to leave her drained.
It was more than any of them could take it seemed, for he was holding on by a short thread as well. He could cum at any second, but held it back just to keep his word. Not until Whore did. But oh she better cum soon! And cum she did just a few moments later, screaming and almost crying in pleasure. It was intense. He knew the moment it happened, for no creature could make such noises otherwise and so only a moment after that, he let himself go. His hot cum filling Alicia in a powerful explosion of pleasure. His fingers digging into her hips as he grunted and groaned out his pleasure. "CUM BEAUTY!" he screamed in his orgasm.
((Ack, forgot to respond to OOC. Either route works. We can do something like that, where it's made to look like he's interested, or go with full on sex in a manner similar to what happened with Narissa in the last arc. Like, alicia gets a note she thinks is from older man telling her wait in a certain room, naked under the covers and blow out all the candles. Narissas son gets a note he thinks is from Eden, telling him to go to same room, get under the covers and screw her, but is tricked into doing Alicia. Eden would walk in in the middle of it, and voila,instant hate for both. As for names..........yea, I know. I'm working on my characters names at the moment. For you guys name, Demetrius and Zane are probably my favorites out of those three.))

And like that, she did, her tight inner muscles clamping down further on him. Crying out in pleasure, Alicia clawed at the table beneath her, leaving deep scratch marks on either side of whore. While her body rippled with intense pleasure, eventually subsiding with her almost collapsing ontop whore, her head resting on the sultry body beneath her, legs weak and shakey.
((I like that idea, because then a note will go to Eden to see what her lover and her sister are really up to and poof... she falls into the hands of Jarrek Jr and the daughter. I think we will go with Zane btw. I like that one.))

The three of them were a pile of satisfied flesh as they laid onto of the table. Silence for a moment besides the sound of there heavy panting and then a thunderous applause from the spectators who approved. And then just the busy chatter of the tavern as everyone went back to business. The master stood, pulling himself out of Alicia and readjusting his pants, being very causal about the encounter, "That was good. We shall have to do it again sometime. Mmmm, or all the time. Once a week perhaps. Mmm, would you like that Beauty mine?"
((P.S.... I REALLY like this image for Zane... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... I-77243858</a><!-- m --> MMMM I could nibble on that!))
((Yea, quite nice.^_^ I don't have a pic in mind for older guy yet, but I do have something in mind for Narissa daughter. And's a girl in a video and not a pic. I'll get it for ya tomorrow probably.))

"Sounds.........acceptable......" Alicia breathlessly replied as she stood up straight on her weak legs, holding onto the table for support. Looking around, she spotted her discarded undergarments and made her way over, bending down to pick them up before sliding them back on under skirt, smoothing out the garment afterwards.

"If you ever spot me here again, no need for introductions, just do what you did. You see me, don't even say hi, just grab me and take me whereever you want." Alicia said with a wink, smiling before blowing him a kiss and heading out the door. She knew she was late for the party, but didn't really feel up for running. Still quite drained. There'd be no dancing tonight. She'd just find somewhere comfy to sit and plant her firm little butt there and not move.
((That invitation the stranger gave her... I see a perfect opportunity for her to be seen by him while she is with her sister or her older man. Awwwkward! Hehe! Shall we move back to the party next with the introduction of Narissa's son and daughter plotting. We need to figure out the plot BTW. Oh look, a total plotting post! Wee! I was thinking that Narissa has been planting vile ideas in their heads for years and has now sent them in to destroy her enemies family. So now at the party, waiting for the second to arrive, they would be observing Eden and plotting about her. Basically that Zane is suppose to focus on Eden and the daughter on Alicia since they have discovered her tastes. They basically want to rip them and the family apart from the inside out. Breaking hearts, throwing them into turmoil and the first step is to capture both their attentions and hopefully there hearts... which when Zane does abandons his families plot to love Eden.))
((All sounds good to me, but with the guy from the tavern, I figure he wouldn't just do her or grope her or anything when she's with someone. I was thinking that he would see her, come up and start a suggestive conversation that confuses whoever she's with, but Alicia manages to talk her way out of it, but the guy ends up finding out she's a princess and the next time he sees her alone, he fucks her hard enough to put this last time to shame. Could even lead to a little roleplaying, like with what Krade and Laine did, with any kind of setting that focuses on the fact she's a princess. I was wanting him to be a reoccuring character, so that when ever Alicia goes slutty for whatever reason, instead of just playing a new random guy each time, she'd just find him, or let him find her.))

"Mmmmm, I wonder where the younger one is." said a goddess like young woman, about the same age as Eden and Alicia.........and ever more sexy. Her perfect body wasn't well covered by the skimpy little dress she wore, which bared her midriff, showed lots of leg, and other.......things, and her incredibly large breasts seemed to strain against the thin fabric of the top. This was none other than Narissas own daughter, Serena. Like her mother, she pretty much radiated sexual energy, the very embodiment of Lust. If anything, Serena was actually more attractive than her mother when she was this age. While she shared her mothers sultry appearance and skimpy taste in clothing, she didn't share her mothers promiscuity. Serena was picky about who got to see the lucious body of hers. Occasionally, she would use her sexual wiles to get what she wanted, but never anything more than a bj or the like. Only the greatest of men........and women, would be allowed to truely experience the pleasures she had to offer.

And with that, she was currently looking around the ball room for one such young woman she believed might fit that. She had never met Eden and Alicia personally, but had heard stories of how while Eden was miss prim and proper, the definition of a princess, Alicia was a wild child with a body that made even the strongest willed men and women crave naughty desires, like herself and had heard the stories and rumors of what she did when she snuck off by herself at night. Though, she wasn't just looking for Alicia for a good lay, her plans were much more devious, cunning and flat out evil. Eden was a looker herself as well. But, there'd be time to see what treasures lay beneath that outfit some other day. For now, her sights were more on the sister that was closer to her own personality.

((And here's the video for what I want Narissa daughters appearance to be. Keep pretty much everything. Her general appearance and her skimpy outfit..........after she takes off that coat at the beginning. Also, bump up her rack a few sizes so that they're bigger than even Alicias.))
"Who knows," said the handsome, yet dark as sin, young man next to her. He was slightly younger than his sister. In fact, much like Eden and Alicia... he two was a twin with his own sibling. Dark as sin really was the only way to define him. Totally different from ever other young man there. He was dashing and handsome, but while all the others were light, he was darkness embodied in the ballroom. He stood out in the crowd, when he placed himself in it that is. He was skilled in keeping a low profile when needed but being the center of a attention when he needed that as well. He was Zane. Narissa's son. His sisters partner in the crime they were soon to commit.

In truth, Zane was rather upset about getting pinned with the elder sister to work his magic on and lure into the trap. He liked himself a good lay from time to time and knew it would take work to get that from Eden. His sister would be all over Alicia by the time he got just a kiss. This was all for the long haul.

He was feeling a little less worse now that he had seen the treat he was meant to tempt. Eden was not that bad at all. Not at all. He would have to see the second to judge but he thought that Eden would not be bad to bed. It was going to take some sly moves, but he had them all. "I hope she will get here. I need her to make my move on the elder. If rumors of her are correct, the moment she steps into the room, the young men currently occupying Eden will flock to Alicia. Then... I can fill the lonely gap she will suddenly feel," he smirked.
And not long after that, Alicia had finally arrived. Though, she tried to slip in unnotice, but that was far from easy, especially in her typical ball gown seeing as how the thing just accentuated her already impressive cleavage.

"Sorry I'm late. Last minute birthday shopping." Alicia whispered as she seemingly suddenly appeared behind Eden, soon standing beside her with a wrapped present outstretched to her sister.

"Hope you like it." she said with a smile, knowing she was full on lying to her.

Her sneaky entrance had let her avoid a good few stars, but Serena spotted her instantly. She quickly felt a tinge of anticipation over what things would come from their soon to be.........relationship. She could tell just by looking at her, that Alicia was an absolute animal in the sack. And while there were really no outward signs, Serena being alot like Alicia in the regard, could tell the princess had just made some man very lucky. She didn't wait to see if her brother noticed. Instead, she immediately started to move through the crowd towards her target.
The moment Alicia hit the floor, Eden was now old news in the eyes of the gentlemen.

A chorus of greetings rang out in the room from all the noblemen. "Hello your highness!" "Good evening princess." "Happy Birthday Princess Alicia."

Eden just put on a smile, she was very good at turning on the smile at the drop of a pin. Reaching out her hands she accepted the gift her sister presented in her direction, "Last minute every year isn't it. But I am sure I will love it. My gift to you is upstairs. I will present it to you later, but thank you for this."

"May I have the honor of being the first to dance with you this evening Princess?" came the voice of the son of Lord Andre. A number of the others groaned at their missed shot of being the first. Then they started to take up the rest of her dance card. Lord Gordan's son called second. Earl Harvard's son called the third dance. Duke of Hunterson himself called the one after that...

Eden silently bowed out of the crowd now gathered around her sister. No one seemed to notice. That smile never faltered. Her sister didn't mean for it to happen, Eden knew that. Her sister loved her and cared about her more that anyone else in the world, minus her mother and father of course. But it still couldn't help but to hurt when the noble men would make such a spectral of her sister and her alluring appearance.

Pulling herself away from the rest of the party, Eden flagged down a servant and handed them the gift, asking them kindly to put it in her room. Once they were gone, Eden was alone. She glanced again towards the hustle and bustle around her sister before she turned and headed towards the gardens. Some fresh air always made her feel better when things like this happened.

((We have so many characters to juggle now we need to figure out how we are going to play them in different combonations. We will ALWAYS play our own main girl I am assuming, correct? Then when it comes to the others, if you are playing Alicia, I will play the character opposite her for you... so you don't have to play with yourself. The same goes for scenes when I am playing Eden on her own. But when the girls are not involved... you have control of Serena and I of Zane? We can share Jarrek's son since he is pretty much a mutual opportunity character. And then I would think control of the older man would go to you? Or would you like me to play him?))
((Well, that could work. Or we could each play certain characters no matter what. Like I play Alicia, Zane and Jarreks son, while you play Eden, Serena and older guy. If we go with your idea, when it comes to the older guy, may be best if you controlled him, as a good portion of his interactions will be with Alicia. He'll interact with Eden on occasion of course, but for the most part, his appearances will be based around Alicia. Like him catching her trying to sneak out, or the inevitable scene when he can no longer hold his feelings back and they have a night filled with passion. When he interacts with others, sure, I'll play him. Though, as I just said, you'll likely end up playing him more than I do. Either way is fine. Both are easier than the other in certain regards.))

"Perhaps later m'lords. I am awfully tired after being rushed to and fro around the castle all day in preparation for this party. If you'd be so kind as to let me rest my tired legs a while, I'd be glad to take a spin around the dance floor with you all and......return the favor." Alicia seductively replied to the various men, giving a polite bow afterwards. Though, it wasn't to be polite, so much as show the guys a great view of her cleavage to tease them. As she stood back up, an extremely attractive young woman caught her eye. Serena, in fact. Eyeing her a moment, she gave her a bit of a sly come hither look before turning and making her way through the crowd of men to the head of the party, taking her seat on her reserved little spot, noticing that Eden had dissapeared, knowing she likely went out somewhere to get a breath of fresh air. She was oblivious to her sisters feelings over the attention Alicia got due to her looks and reputation, so she never thought much about her dissapearing like this, or that her drawing attention to herself hurt her sister.

Zanes eyes had been locked on Eden the entire time. He noticed Alicia come in, and how all the men flocked away from Eden and went right to her.

"Perfect......" he whispered to himself with a light smile as he slid through the crowd, watching as she left and entered the garden.

"Pleasant evening, isn't it m'lady?" he asked as he exited into the garden as well, a dashing smile gracing his already very handsome face.

((OOO, and how was the the move? Everything go smoothely?))
((I thought you wanted to play Serena though? You seemed looking forward to playing her. That was my original intention in the plan to share control of multi characters. If you are okay with my playing Serena, then we can go that route then. The way you just suggested in that last post from you.))

Serena smiled a little devious grin. Perfect. The first contact had been made. Even though it was just a glance from across the room, Alicia had noticed her and had responded just perfectly. Serena knew that look and it was just what she wanted. Alicia's interest was hers now and she was going to milk it for all it was worth. Watching as the princess took her place sitting at the head of the room and watching as the dancing began to commence once again, it gave Serena a perfectly devious idea. A little show for the little princess. Finding herself some handsome young buck, she invited herself to dance with him. And the show began...

They were dancing all the proper steps, but Serena added more that a hint of seduction to each one. But it was not for her dance partner, even if he thought it was. No, it was all for Alicia. Serena's glaze locked with the princess's every chance she could, sending her own little reply to Alicia's first come hither look. If her's was a come hither... Serena was a come and get it look.

Meanwhile, Eden had been totally oblivious to the fact that she had been the center of Zane's attention. She was never the center of any man's attention once Alicia entered the same room as her. Jumping a little in shock as the sound of a man's voice behind her, Eden turned, she had a hint of moisture in her eyes. Not enough for tears, but enough to make them glisten in the light of the moon. Clearly, she was surprised to see Zane there. "It... it is... m'lord..." she struggled to place a name to the face before. My, what a handsome face. While all the other men at the ball were light in appearance, this man was dark. Truely the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. "Forgive me, m'lord, but I do not think we have had the honor yet of meeting. I thought I knew all the gentlemen of court, but I fear I do not know you."

((The move was okay. I hate being back in my home state though. It's like.... hillbillie breeding central here. I am just bidding my time to move back to FL again. Hopefully within the next 6 months))
((Then share control we shall do. Your idea would be best.^_^ And at least you've gotten out of state. I've lived in the same town my entire life and only been out of state once for a week long vacation a while back.))

Alicia fell right into Serenas trap, just about hypnotized by the seductress' dancing. Her eyes never left Serena. When the dance was over, Alicia was up and sliding through the crowd, reaching Serena as a handful of men crowded around them both for their own need to dance with either one.

"Sorry m'lords, but I must pass on this dance with your gentlemen. It's been an awfully long time since I've seen my dear friend, and I'd love to welcome her back by sharing this next dance with her." she replied, smiling sweetly as she playfully wrapped her arms around Serenas waist from behind, quite skilled at lying to these nobles. While dissapointed, the men just bowed politely and went off to find other dance partners.

"You wanna stay here and dance, or would you rather sneak out and have some REAL fun? Or better yet......have some fun out on the dance floor, in full view of everyone." Alicia whispered to Serena, unaware she had quickly fallen right into Serenas trap. She had never really had the desire for such public.......displays like what she was propositioning, but her ravaging not long ago, in front of the entire tavern was quite exhilarating and sure got the blood pumping. Doing the same or something similar with Serena would certainly be quite exciting.

"Forgive my lack of manners, I am Zane." replied the dark young man as he smiled and walked over to her, taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

"It is quite the honor to meet you, miss Eden. The tales of your beauty and natural grace pale in comparison to meeting you in person." he added, kissing her hand again, but taking his time as he released her hand.

"And I also apologize for giving you a rather cliche greeting, that you've no doubt heard many times before." he added, chuckling softly at his corny greeting, it rather obvious that he was certainly not like the other nobles.
((You name the bodyguard? Or me?))

Senera smiled deviously. This was too perfect! Alicia was offering the perfect opportunity! One taste of embarrassment for her family's enemy coming right up. All she needed was one kiss in the middle of this crowded ballroom for all the noblemen to see, and the truth of the little princess would be revealed! The allies would start to fall away then. She was about to lean in and capture her victory when...

The clearing of a throat stopped Serena. Turning her head, an older gentleman was standing there, dressed in a regal royal guard's attire. Serena might not know him, but she would soon discover he was going to prove to be a bit of a road block in her attempts to get Alicia into her snare. "Princess..." the guard said in a stern voice as he cut in between the two women, capturing Alicia's arm and pulling her from Serena's grasp and away even further still. "Princess you are needed elsewhere..."

As he pulled her out of range of Serena's ears as well as everyone else, he leaned into her and whispered, "Princess, I understand it is your birthday and you wish to have your.... band of fun... but you made a promise to your family to not make a public display." His eyes indicated to the people around them. Women whispering behind fans, men licking lips, "Dancing with another woman... and one dressed as so is not the wisest of ideas in your families own ballroom."

He was the princess' bodyguard. Well, really he was more of Alicia's body guard. Eden had proven to be a wise, self sufficient young lady. She didn't need to be watched over like her sister. He devoted his time to Alicia for he worried about her safety. How she grew into such a promiscuous girl, he did not know. She grew into... a beautiful young women as well. He was perhaps the only man that looked at her and did not see Alicia as sexy, but as a stunning, beautiful woman. But it was his job to make sure she was safe and that she did not make a spectacle of herself in compromising ways. After all, she was still a princess. And half his age. It could never be.

Eden gave Zane a totally confused look as he showered her hand with attention. It was not the first time a gentleman had kissed her hand, but it was the first time lips had sent sparks into her skin. Her flesh seemed to tinkle even long after his lips had finished there attention upon her. But then, he said something that raised a bit of a red flag in her head, and she looked at him with almost a little hurt in her eyes. "Pardon me, m'lord Zane... but there are no great tales of my... how you say... 'beauty and natural grace.' I believe you are thinking to tales spoken of my sister. Forgive me sir, but I am NOT my sister. If you wish for THAT kind of attention, you may find he in the ballroom." Eden turned from him and started to descend the steps, going deeper into the gardens, trying to ignore that her hand still tingled from his kiss.
((I'll name him.........when I can think of one.......While we're on the subject of him, the instance where he and Alicia first do it won't be too far off, with my plan for it. Won't happen in the next few post or anything, but ain't terribly far off. Still working on the details, as it'll be some kind of situation where he just can't resist making sweet love to her. Of course, after it happens, he'll adamantly be against getting in a relationship, which will be a catalyst to her realtionship with Serena.))

"Yea, yea, whatever old man." Alicia replied, jerking her arm away from him, obviously not exactly happy to hear him. She glared daggers at him before slipping back through the crowd, take her seat back at the head of the party, her gaze always shifting back to Serena in the crowd. One way or another, she was going to have her fun tonight. If need be, she'd go back to the tavern and find Master again, or some other random perv. Serenas actions had certainly got her a bit hot and bothered and she was gonna need company to extinguish that fire.

"Then I greatly apologize. I do you say........over zealous. I apologize if my exaggeration may have caused your undue distress, but regardless, it is what I believe, even if I may be the only one. And I am aware of the.........stories surrounding your sister. Truth be told, that's kind of why I'm out here." Zane replied, casually following after her with a dashing smile on his face.

"Don't take that the wrong way though. It's just.........wrong to see the men flock to her as they do, while one such as you is ignored. I have a similar relationship with my own sister. A provactive style of dress, the habit of being overly nice to any suitor. Would I be wrong in assuming you've felt the hardships of constantly being in a siblings shadow, as I have?" he added, standing at the top of the steps, looking down at her.
Old man. How he wished he was not. How he wished he could be a young buck instead. How he would shelter her with love and kisses. He'd give her a reason to stay with only one man. She would be his and he would be hers. But that was impossible. Old Man.

Serena whispered quickly her reply that she would not be late. And she certainly would not be. It was a few steps back in her plans from where she had been while they were together on the dance floor, but it was no problem for her. This was more the pace she was anticipated. Mmm. And now it was time to wait until the fun could be had later in the bedroom of her prey.

As he spoke of being the shadowed sibling... Eden was frozen at the bottom of the stairs, her hand upon the railing, her face forward. He spoke as if it was from her own heart. No one ever understood how she felt and yet he had just done it. The first person ever to understand it seemed. Turning, she glanced back up at him. Her heart seemed to skip a beat as she looked up upon him. He was even more handsome now than he had been only a few moments ago to Eden. He was more that just that as well. Dashing, understanding, so much everything she had been looking for, but had never found until this very moment. She was bathed in moonlight where she stood looking up at him, radiating the beauty and natural grace he had said just to bait her with not but moments ago. She truly was a beauty and elegant in the moonlight, a light smile on her lips and a sparkle in her eye.

"You would indeed assume right, m'lord Zane. It is indeed a hardship to undertake, especially when you have so many other weights upon your shoulders." She turned then and continued into the garden, glancing over her shoulder as if beckoning him to follow and join her for the moonlit stroll. "Tell me, Zane, where do you come from? I have never seen you at court before. Are you not from around here?"
((Since Alicia is just sitting around, playing the good little princess for the time being, I'll not post as her for a few posts, before I have her retire to her room and the fun that ensues. Though, if you want, we can have her deal with the pervy lords. Could be fun.^_^))

"Oh, a fair distance away from this lovely land. My mother was just recently wed to a lord where I come from, so I'm new blood, as these older nobles like to say." Zane replied with a polite smile as he followed after her, lying his ass off. He didn't know if Edens parents had spoken of Narissa before, but didn't want to risk it, so he made something up. Narissa had pretty much ducked out of the spotlight after losing power years ago, so there was really no risk of Eden finding out.

"And yes, it can be be a great weight indeed. I suppose it's up to each individual suffering such hardships to find that pillar of strength that holds them steady and keeps them strong." he added. Even though he was being quite fake, the sight of her blessed in moonlight below him down the stairs was breathtaking. He had never seen such beauty before. Sure, Alicia had her own kind of beauty, one than most men preferred, but Eden..........Eden was something special. To be could say she was his type.
((Either is fine. I also figure after this bit in the gardens with the two of them we can put these to down for a bit of an RP nap while we focus on Alicia and Serena. THEN... perhaps we can have a Krade Laine scene? I'd like to see how they think of their daughter. Hehe.))

Eden bought his lie. There was reason for her NOT to believe him. It sounded perfectly legitimate, it happened all the time. If he had mentioned Narissa however, that indeed would have been a red flag. Mother had warned her of Narissa. To this day, Laine still waited for the bitch to strike again. Eden had no idea this was how it was to happen.

"It is so nice to have someone to finally relate to," she said as she took a set upon a small bench built for two. It was placed near a small fountain and rose bushes. A lovely setting. Romantic. But she didn't even realize it. She was just to happy to find someone she could talk too openly. "My sister certainly doesn't understand. Nor does my father. My mother is the only one remotely close to understanding me... until you... Zane..." she smiled sweetly again, a slight blush on her cheeks. Was she flirting with this stranger? This was so uncommon for her, but she liked it. Was this was it was like to be Alicia? How lucky her sister was to feel like this all the time.
((Sounds good.^_^I'm in the mood for a little bit more naughtier flirting, so......up for one of the lords coming to speak to Alicia? It'll kill time before she goes off to be with Serena, and will end up being why she goes. She can only take so much.^_^))

"It's understandable. I feel the same about my own situation." Zane replied, returning the smile and making a mental note of how she seemed somewhat nervous before he took a seat next to her on the bench.

"It's good to know I provide at least some comfort to you Eden." he added, gently place his hand on top of hers.

Meanwhile, back in the ballroom, Alicia seemed quite bored up on her chair as she surveyed the crowd, always keeping an eye on her lovely target. She didn't really care too much about the large amount of stares her sizable chest got as well as the rest of her perfect body. But, it was always entertaining to see an older noble check her out, then get whacked by his wife for doing do.
While Alicia's attention was on Serena from across the room, she missed old Lord Farpscord coming up and taking the seat next to her. One of the older, plumped, and pervy-er men in the room, he didn't waste any time placing his hand upon Alicia's leg under the table. Out of view, but bold never the less. Wetting his lips she leaned in close to whisper, "Princess, men are like wine. The older... the better..." his hand inched closer to her more private parts.

There were the sparks again. The moment his hand touched hers. She bit her lip a moment, smiled... and then couldn't stop herself from suddenly giggling like a love struck little girl for a few moments, before she caught herself and cleared her throat, trying to mask the embarrassing thing she had just done. The blush on her cheeks was burning bright now and she had to turn her face away to save herself even more embarrassment. And yet, it seemed almost adorable the way she was acting.
((I'm gonna be leaving soon, but I'm not sure when. So, if after you post, you don't see me post soon means I'm gone. And in that case, I'll see you later. Likely not later tonight, but tomorrow for sure.))

"So I've heard......" Alicia replied, her fake smile masking the annoyance she felt. She wasn't surprise when she felt his hand snaking it's way up to her naughtier bits. Normally, she would have stopped it somehow, but he was like a damn could never get rid of him. Only way she could ever succeed in getting him off her case was to let him have a little bit of fun. Of course, she wouldn't let him get too far, but with the earlier events, and the promise of a night with Serena, she was in at least a slightly more......friendly mood.

Zane couldn't help but smile at the perfect example of cuteness.

"No need to feel embarassed. That was quite adorable." he told her, still with his dashing smile as not only did he keep his hand on hers, he also interlocked their fingers abit so they were kind of......half holding hands.
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