Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

Alicia was blissfully unaware of Edens coming upon the seen, gasping lightly when Serena flipped her over. Her response to Serena saying she wanted to play was to smile and wrap her arms around her when the kiss began, returning it with a fiery lust.
Her hands went to work then to excite Alicia's body. Working like magic, she played with each nipple at first then her hands moved slowly down her sides to brush against her hips before straying even further south to her legs, moving her hands to brush the insides of Alicia's thighs, gently pulling those long legs apart for access.
And Alicia was glad to part her legs for her lover, the kiss continuing. She didn't wait for Alicias hands to find thier way back. Instead, she lightly ground her hips up against her, wanting it fast and now.
Serena's hand soon plunged into Alicia's womanhood, not playing it slow at all. Just diving right in to her sweet depths of moisture, a moan escaping he own lips, "OH! So wet for me my naughty girl. That's just how I like it." Serena's fingers went right for Alicia's clit, rubbing and toying with it hard and fast from the start.
God, this girl sure knew what she was doing. The fun had only just started and Alicia had damn near came already. Though, that didn't fade away. She had to use all her willpower to hold it back, but as Alicias hands wasted no time in going for the prize, it wouldn't be long now...
Serena only smiled more deviously and provocatively that before. "You like that, don't you my dear? Show me how much you like it." Serena nuzzled her cheek against Alicia's, "Cum for me my naughty girl. Cum..."
Alicia wanted to hold back, but hearing Serena order her to cum in that sultry voice.........she couldn't help but obey. Quite literally crying out in pleasure, she tightly gripped the bedsheets beneath her as she came, and came hard. Even the events hadn't be quite as........energetic as the tavern, who she was with bumped Alicias orgasm up quite a few notches.
((How many times do you want to do it between these two?))

Serena waited until Alicia was through the high point of the orgasm before at last pulling her hand back. Eyeing it up as it was covered in her juices, she raised them a moment to her lips, but before she took a taste, she moved her hand to Alicia's lips, "Tell me how sweet you taste..."
((For this first night, we could stop here and do a usual time skip to the next day with a small summary of what all they did during the night. That or have them do it one more time.))

At first, Alicia didn't do anything, but soon enough, licked her own juices off of Serenas fingers, this being a first for her.

"Mmmm, like sugar and strawberries." she replied, laughing lightly as she looked up at Serena.
((I don't see a need to ever really go more that one time with any of the pairings, unless it's a really special moment and calls for more. Like Alicia and the older guard's first time or Eden and Zane first. Back when it was Laine and Krade, and the RP was not so plot driven, it was okay to have them go at it once or twice or.... three times... in a row per romp. But now, I feel like we are more about plot and delay that plot is all multi sexcapades will do. Do you feel the same way?))

Only after Alicia took a taste did Serena taste as well. "Mmm, and a little sweet honey as well my dear. You forgot to mention that." And then Serena was kissing her again. The first of many more kisses that night. And of many orgasms as well. For them both. Both were worn out, but Serena knew she could not stay and be found. Tucking a worn out Alicia into her bed, Serena gave her princess one last kiss, "You will see me again my dear. I will come to you. This will not be the last time we make love." Once Alicia was fast asleep, Serena donned her clothing once again and whisked herself away, sneaking from the palace to meet with her brother and exchange progress reports with one another. Serena knew though, there was no way he had made as much progress as she had. Now it was time to let Alicia pine for her. A few days without knowing how or when she would appear again should make Alicia begging for her the next time they are together. All as planned.
((Yea, I feel pretty much the same way.^_^))

Alicia was quite sound asleep when Serena tucked her in and whispered to her, so she didn't hear anything she said. She didn't even know Serena was gone until she woke up later that morning and saw her bed and room were empty. She seemed almost upset for a moment, but soon smiled, having a sneaking hint that she'd see Serena again. Sliding out of bed with a yawn, she walked out on her balcony........still naked, and stretched as she let the warm sun wash over her body. She wasn't worried about anyone seeing her. All the staff had the day off and today was Edens usual horse riding day, so Alicia was more or less alone in the castle. The only other life being the guards that were always stationed there.
((That is a sweet opportunity you just gave me. P.s. We have GOT to name this guy soon. lol.))

"Do not stay to far princess!" the older guard as he watched Eden on her horse heading for the open north gate.

She only smiled and waved to him, "You know I never do. I will be back in a few hours." With that, she kicked her horse into a gallop. A beautiful tan and white mare that had the same grace she did as the rode off into the woods together. Eden could not help but wait and wonder if and when her dark, handsome Zane from last night would appear to her.

Meanwhile, like always the princess' guard took his place upon the top of the outer wall to keep watch. He always did this, just to see what direction Eden would ride off into should she not return in a timely fashion. Once she vanished from sight, he turned to go about his duties for the next few hours.... only to find himself looking across the way to Alicia's balcony, watching the young beauty, naked, stretching her limbs to the sky in all her glory. His mouth went dry as he watched her a moment, longing to be there to wrap his arms around her and take her with him back to their bed. But he looked away in shame. There was no their bed. They could never be! Never!
((( bout Brion? Not prounounced as Brian, but as bree-on. If you want, we can have now be the time they do it the first time. All men have urges, and even with his great self control, going years upon years without that kind of satisfaction.........he can only take so much. Perhaps he can't keep his gaze away from her long and keeps constantly gazing back and that leads to them soon doing it. I was wanting it to happen fairly soon, so now would be as good a time as any. It's up to you really.))

Not long after entering the woods, she passed by a path off to the side........with Zane soon emerging from the path on his horse, which was black as night.

"I'm not late, am I?" he asked with a smile, getting into pace next to her.

Alicia failed to notice Brion up on the wall opposite her. She just stood there, smiling as a small breeze picked up, whipping her beautiful blonde hair here and there gracefully while her soft body almost seemed to glow under the sunlight.
((I was thinking... perhaps they can start it now, but his morals stop him and he does not finish. Only runs away in shame. It would only drive her to one of her other lovers for a destructive sexual scene where she takes out her frustrations. Or lets them punish her for not being good enough. I don't think THIS moment is the most passionate for them to finally give into their love for one another.))

Brion was trying to look away, desperately. Perhaps she was gone. Perhaps she had gone back inside. But when he noticed two of the younger guards nearby glancing in the direction of Alicia's balcony, smiling and joking with one another, he knew without even looking what they were gazing at. This had gone far enough! First, he went to those guards and made it CLEAR to them they were to NEVER look in the direction of Princess Alicia's balcony EVER again! And then... he started on this way to make it CLEAR to the princess she was NEVER to make such a spectacle of herself again.

Eden had to work HARD to not let her utter excitement that Zane had taken the time to come join her show on her face. "No, I have only just begun my ride," slowing her horse down so they could travel at a more leisurely pace. "I honestly did not think I would be seeing you again."

((For Eden and Zane, recall that I mentioned them finding a place in the woods? I was thinking one of them initiates some kind of race on horseback and it takes them further that she has ever gone in the woods before, leading them to the little spring I spoke of. The place I wanted to use to Laine and Krade but we never got around to it? I still want to use the place. Mmm, I just picture them playing the the water. OH! Great idea for a scene! Not this scene, perhaps in a weeks time in the RP on her next ride. She comes out to this place alone at first and goes for a swim in only her underclothing. Then Zane comes alone and finds her like that, taking her clothing on the bank and messing with her. Hehe.))
((OOO, me likey those ideas.^_^ How far do you think they should go before he leaves? I was thinking he'd leave before any actual penetration. Just kissing and groping and the like, with the farthest he goes being him playing with her boobs using his mouth or some such.))

Alicia didn't notice any of the staring, but did eventually step back into her room and since the castle was so empty, decide to just slide some undergarments on and only wear a loose fitting robe over it that made her look absolutely stunning as it hung loosely off certain parts of her body, and clung to others, a perfect outfit to accentuate her body. Then, she decided to go grab some breakfast, opening the door, only to run smack into Brion.

"Hey watch where...........oh, it's you. What the hell do you want?" she angrily asked, crossing her arms over her chest, one sleeve of the robe hanging off her shoulder, her hair in such a way that it eased her features so she didn't appear so angry. In fact........she looked rather graceful for the moment.

"Well, a promise I make is something I'll never break." Zane replied, smiling over at her, finding she looked quite lovely today. Though, his mind was still filled on the revenge his mother had sent him and Serena there for.
((I'm thinking she goes to free his cock from his pants after some kissing and groping foreplay and he freaks out))

She looked even better up close and dressed in her robe then she did from a distance wearing nothing at all. Brion was speechless a moment, just looking at her and taking in all of her. Mouth was dry again! How he wanted her! But her held his urged back and pushed her back into the room, closing the door behind him, "I have something I need to show you Princess." Gently grasping her arm, he directed her to the balcony right where she had just been standing. "There," he pointed to a set of guards on the outer wall, "There," another set," and "There. Every single one of them can see you from this spot princess. Understand what I am saying?"

"A rhythm... adorable..." she commented as she tucked her loose hair behind her ear, letting him see a hint of the creamy skin of her neck and shoulder visible above the start of her sleeve. "And how was the rest of your night Zane? You never took my offer for a dance." She almost sounded a little disappointed.
((Works for me.))

Alicia seemed quite pissed as he lead her to the balcony and was surprise when she saw what he was pointing to, immediately realizing what he was getting at. Though, something very surprising soon followed.

"I'm sorry......." she actually replied, sounding and actually being quite sincere. Normally, she wouldn't have cared, but since the man she loved more than anything was with her, she seemed to change. When it was just the two of them, she was definitely a different person.......the real Alicia. The promiscuity was just her misguided way of working out her frustrations.

"For that, I apologize. But, the reason I did not request a dance from you's kind of embarassing." Zane replied, laughing lightly.
Brion was shocked... utterly... shocked. This was a first. She actually felt... sorry? How could that be? Alicia never felt sorry about anything she did. With a sigh, he led her back inside, closing the balcony door as well, locking them up in solitude together. A place where no one could touch them, "Alicia, you MUST be more careful. You are a princess. A princess Alicia. You can go about like a common-" he stopped himself from saying whore that was not her, no, she couldn't be. She was his beautiful princess. Raising his hand, he stroked her cheek, "I know you are better than that Alicia. I just know it."

"Oh now, good sir," Eden said with a playful smile on her face, "do not try and tell me you cannot dance. I will not believe that lie... unless you prove it to me yourself. I will not be satisfied until you step on my toes with BOTH of your two left feet." It seemed that Eden really did have a pleasant personality under the polished exterior. It was certainly one that was not seen often and not just by any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Her family knew about it, but no one else seemed to. Not even Zane and his meddling mother would have heard about this. How would Zane think about this turn of events? That his prim, pristine little target was more than he originally thought her to be.
"And I know you're just looking out for me. You always have" Alicia replied, smiling sweetly as she put her hand over top of his.

"That's what makes it so hard......" she added, still smiling, her eyes suddenly getting a bit watery. Both her and Brion knew full well about their feelings for one another. This wasn't the first time they shared a little romantic moment. So, they'd known about their strong feelings for a while, but both knew it would probably never happen, which is why they didn't speak of it. Still, that didn't prevent it from tearing Alicia up inside.

Zane was quite surprised by her response. He certainly expected her to a stereotypical prim and proper princess, but she seem to be shattering that pre conception.

"Oh yes, I'm sure that'd make pleasant entertainment for a future ball. You and I dancing, with your constantly saying ow as I step on your toes every other step." he replied, smiling.

"But perhaps I could stand on your feet while you dance like a little girl dancing with her father." he jokingly added, laughing lightly.
"Alicia..." she whispered as he leaned in close. He didn't mean to. It was against his morals, his better judgment, but he leaned his face in and captured Alicia's lips in a kiss. Once again... it was not a first for these too. This had happened a hundred times before and certainly would happen a hundred times after. The real question was how far they would get this time.

Zane's last comment brought a smile to Eden's face, "My father use to do that with me when I was very little. He's not as tough a guy as he seems. Sometimes I think he loves my mother, Alicia, and I more that life itself. I would not put it past him to sacrifice himself for anyone of us."

Could Zane say that about his own mother? Did he even know who is father was?
Alicia basically melted at the gentle kiss, returning it immediately. Every time this happened, she reacted the same way. She actually felt true happiness. Though, that always ended as he'd leave in shame and she'd get pissed and go off to start her sluttiness again.

"Sounds like an amazing man." Zane replied, smiling. He knew of Krade. His mother spoke of him quite regularly. Though, she spoke more of the twins mother, Laine. Of course, never anything good. Always talking about how they were scum, how they didn't deserve everything they got. Hearing Eden talk about her father like that, Zane was actually........a bit envious.
Feeling her give into the kiss, just like always he gave in as well. The kiss was so soft and sweet at first, but soon it turned hot and passionate. The love he felt, but never spoke of, poured into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her whole body closer to his.

Hearing a little pain in his voice, Eden turned her head to glance at Zane. He tried to mask it, but Eden knew the look of envy far to well. She had looked at herself in the mirror to many times to not know what it looked like. She knew she had said something wrong right away and felt bad, even though she did not mean to do it. Somehow, she had to save this moment. "I'll race you!" she suddenly cried out as she kicked her horse into a run. There was no real point to this race, just to run away from that moment. To run away from everything. There was no destination, no end point. It was just... running away...
((Since this won't end in sex, at what point do you think we should have them make it all the way?))

Alicas hands resting on his shoulders, letting it all flow forth like he did. She didn't really need to give into anything. She was the one that wanted them to be together, and he was the one that always resisted it and said it would never happen.

Zane was a bit surprised at first when she suddenly took off, but with a YAH, his horse bolted as well.

"What does the winner get?" he asked with a smile as his horse gained ground on hers, more or less side by side, though he was just a bit behind.
((I was thinking after he catches her in the act himself, they have a confrontation where they just lay it all out on the table and let it all hang out in the open. They confess their true feelings and fears and it finally happens.))

Brion's hands rubbed Alicia's sides softly, smoothly. "Oh... Alicia..." she whispered against her lips as his hands found their way to the cord that held her robe together, slowly untying it until the cord went limp. Nothing held her robe on now so he rose his hands to her shoulders and just as slowly started to slip the garment from her.

"The winner names the prize!" She called back to him, giving another YAH to speed up her horse. "If I win... you will dance with me at the next ball. A solo dance. No one else on the floor but you and I!" She had not had fun such as this in years! "And what shall you name as your prize? Though it does not matter... for I will win!"
((OOO, that sounds perfect.^_^ As for the aftermath, would you like that to be the start to their relationship? If so, I was thinking them becoming a couple wouldn't happen over night. Perhaps instead of being a full couple, they just have naughty little rendezvous in secret from time to time, with an actual relationship coming further down the road.))

"Brion...." Alicia softly replied, her eyes almost sparkling as she let her arms hang at her sides so he could slide the robe off, leaving her in just her recently put on undergarments.

"If I win.......well.........I'll just save that for my inevitable victory." Zane called out, laughing as he kicked his horse into a faster pace, now truely neck and neck with her. He was actually having alot of fun himself, his evil intentions momentarily slipping out of his head.
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