Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

She blushed, but tried to cover it up. Linking her arm with his, she guided him away from the floor to a place that there were no to much the center of main people's attention. "It's after dark, we'd never find our way to that creek at this hour." Pausing, she had to think of something. Then, it was like a light suddenly flickered to life in her head, "I think I know a place. Follow me, and just... try not to draw attention." She started to guide him again, towards the hall this time. There was a wing of the castle no one ever resided in. Not in a long time.

(I have to run, but I'll be back in a bit)
Zane only smiled as she lead him around. He rush to get to the naughty pleasure he promised brought a genuine smile to her face. She seemed to have an almost childlike excitement for what was to come.
She felt a little odd, dragging him along knowing that at the end of the journey they were going to do... something. She didn't know what exactly that was, but she had ideas. She had heard her mother and father plenty of times when they were living in that little house in the woods. But it just felt odd knowing soon that was going to be her. She had to do something, something to transition into it. Small talk! Yes! Small talk! "You know why no one resides in this wing of the castle and longer?" she asked. It took her a moment to realize that of course he didn't, so she went on further, "It's haunted... or so it's said..."
"OOO, sounds scary. But don't worry m'lady, I will protect you from spirits that may bother us." Zane replied, playing along. This was all rather childish, but Zane............was actually having fun. Being Narissa male heir meant he basically had no normal childhood. He was groomed from pretty much day one to be royalty.
She laughed slightly at that, "I recall, when Alicia and I were little, coming down here and trying to see ghosts. We never have, but others claim they have. No one knows who exactly the ghost is, though that has not stopped the rumors. Some say, it's the ghost of the late king, my grandfather, watching over his castle and making sure that my father is good to his daughter. Others say it's ghost that has been here long before even my parents were born. A servant girl that loved a prince, but died of a broken heart when he married another. I personally don't think it is any of those... I think the ghost is someone else... someone far worse... who died in this very wing not to many years ago..."
"Well, if it actually is your grandfather, should I fear for my life for what I plan to do with his sweet little granddaughter?" Zane replied, his joking, playful tone adding a bit of flitryness to it as well.
She smirked a little more, "I don't think it's him. For the things that have happened to people sleeping here in this wing are not the kind of things a man that was good in his life would do from beyond the grave." She stopped before a door, opening it and urging him inside, closing the door behind them. It was a common guest room one would see in a castle, but cold. No one had been in this wing for a long time to spend a night. "You know who I think it is?" She didn't wait for a reply, but went on telling her scary tale. It was a little theatrical the way she spoke, like trying to scare a small child to behave. "There was once a man who had been placed in charge of ruling this land when it was not under my family's control. He was a vile, cruel man that killed countless innocents and forced many a gentle, unwilling maiden, into his bed. Many of his women did not live to tell their tragic tales once they crossed his path." She crossed to the bed and started to slowly walk around it running her hand around the edge of the bedding. "Until, one night, one of his prey fought back and cut his throat, ending his reign of terror. Ever since then, anyone that attempted to stay in this wing over night, was plagued with nightmares, heard things, some even say there see the spirit hovering at the end of their bed, watching them. Waiting for something. Sure you can protect me from someone like that?"
"Sure. That is, if your brave enough to stay here." Zane replied, playfully challenging her as he stepped forward, standing in front of her, bodies almost touching.

"Does the princess dare take a walk on the paranormal wild side? Will she risk the ghosts wrath to experience pleasure greater than she's ever felt before?" he added with a raised eyebrow for added effect.

"Or, will she run away and only dream of the things........the oh so wonerfully naughty things I plan to do to her?" he added, his playfully challenging tone returning.
Her face softened as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself close to him, "To be with you? I'd tempt angering the ghost. Even if you didn't have pleasure to offer me. I just want to be alone with you..." she was falling alright. Falling hard and deep in love with him.
"Then the only question I have left to ask is.............shall I lay you down gently and go at you all romantic like, or just push you onto the bed and give you my surprise like a wild beast?I must warn you though, option two comes with likely shredded undergarments." Zane asked, that seductive grin on his face as he arms went around her waist. When it came to falling, she wasn't the only one. It would be hard to overcome his mothers brainwashing, but at least.........there was that little spark of free will.
Her face went to full out shock and well... delight as well. She couldn't say why, but his second option suddenly made her whole body hot. She felt like she would melt from the heat of his words. "I don't understand how you have this kind of effect on me. How I want to forget every proper thing I have even known in life and just... be wild with you." Giving him a little surprise of his own, her grip tightened, pulling them close as she started kissing him. It was no gently peck either, but ravenous and wild from the start. Instincts kicking in full force this time.
And Zane returned it with equal wildness. She had obviously chosen the second option. He VERY much enjoyed the kiss, but wanting to show her his "surprise" after quite a while, he eventually pulled away, only to grin and wink at her before giving her a gentle, yet firm shove onto the bed. As she fell back, he caught her legs, holding them up and a bit apart as he stepped forward, standing above her.

"Time for this wild animal to devour his prey." he said with playful little growl, all the while, his hands pushing her dress up her legs, revealing more and more of her slender legs beneath. He only stopped when it was bunched around her waist, following by him giving another little growl before gripping the waist band of her panties, slowly sliding them down her legs. He was going to give her wild oral ravaging, but he wanted to get her all antsy, get her to CRAVE it. Though, she had yet to figure out just what that craving would be.
A fine, proper lady, should be shocked by his words and behavior. She should never consider doing things like this with someone she had only just recently meet. But tonight, she didn't want to be the proper lady. She wanted to be free and daring, two things she had only heard about up until now but never tasted for herself.

As he threw her down on the plush bed, a light puff of dust flew into the air. It had been some time since this room had been used last it seemed. But that didn't matter. It was gonna get a lot of use right now. If she had any idea that something like this was going to happen tonight, she would have worn something a little sexier for him to find. Stockings and garters or something. She wanted to be sexy for him, but there would be another time for that.

He wanted her to crave what was coming and oh did she ever! The feeling of his hands on her skin, the first hands other then her own to ever touch her legs... it was making her hot and wet. "Zane... what are... oh... you are an animal! I like this!" Playfully she growled back, having no idea that this was only the start. If she was enjoying it now, the main event might just kill her.
Zane just smiled at her, continuing to slide her panties down her legs before they came off and he tossed them away. Then, he started to kiss his way down her leg, quickly nearing her pussy. He was half tempted to playfully tell her to brace herself, but he figured just springing it on her would get her that much hotter. So, he continued to kiss her inner thigh before his face suddenly dissapeared between her legs and without warning, he lapped his tongue across her pussy, every so lightly pressing it inside of her.
It was a very, VERY good thing that this wing of the castle was deserted other then them for the noise she made at the moment he pressed his tongue into her her hot, wet, untouched folds... what they were doing certainly would have been known. Before that moment, the way he kissed his way up and up, drawing ever closer to something she did not know, it got little moans and coos from her lips. He had her nipper he lower lip and breath quicken. It we building, something inside. And anticipation for something. And then, in one glorious moment, she knew what that something she had been waiting for was.

"AHHH!!" she cried out, her back arching up off the bed, hands grasping and twisting the dusty covers as a feeling of pleasure like nothing she had ever felt before in her life coursed through her. "Oh God! OH!! Oh my God Zane!"
Zane couldn't help but stop and smile and just how into it she got from one lick. So, he went right back to it. Doing it again, but following it immediately after with a second, then a third. He was starting to slow, wanting her to get her nice and warmed up before he just let loose on her.
This had never happened to her before. It was as if she had no control of her own body. Her head rolled from side to side, hips starting to gently buck against his mouth, sounds coming from her lips. Not words, just sounds. Almost like whimpers, "Ooooo... ooOOOooo..." her legs trembled.

((I was thinking, should she perhaps offer to let him have sex with her this time? He wants to, but decides to play it off as if he was a nice guy and tell her something like she'd regret it later.... leaving her thinking about it, wanting it even. Ha, something to keep her intrest peak until she down right begs him for it. Toying with her her. Good times.))
((That would work. But for the reason he doesn't do, I could see him instead of being mister nice guy, he's being mister smoothe guy. She offers, and he smiles and winks before telling her all in due time, making her know that he does want to and they will eventually, but she doesn't know when. Giving her time to crave it.))

With her continued reactions, Zane saw no reason to hold back any longer. His tongue darter into her, working her without stopping. She wanted it, so he was gonna give her all he had to fofer.
((Smooooth. I like it!))

The whimpers went back to full, all out, cries of pleasure once again. Everything turned up in volume and intensity. Every inch of her body writhed and tossed about in intoxicated pleasure. It was all so raw and wild! One taste of it and she never wanted it to stop. She didn't even know what the feeling inside her, starting to grow with each passing second was. Had no idea of the untold sensations it was going to bring her. No clue at all.
((And alas, I have to pull the same teasing move myself on her. Meaning, I gotta run for the night. It was great having one of our late.......ish nights again. Sadly, it'll go back to being uber rare again. Anywhos, ciao.^_^))
((Well, it's not cause I'm busy. My inability to be on nights anymore comes from there being no internet on the computer I would use at night time.))

Zane didn't let up on her one single bit. He was giving her everything thing he could with his tongue. Wirling it around, thrusting it in, hitting all the right spots. This was her first time experiencing this, but he didn't see that as a reason to take it easy. Especially considering just how much she was getting off on it.
((Aww, which is my opposite. With my connection, I can't use it much during the day. Hence why I stay up all night just to get my net surfing in.))

He was going to drive her mad at this rate! It was like some kind of torture. A good, wonderful, pleasurable one, but torture never the less. "Zane! You're AHH killing me! Oh God! I think I'm gonna burst! I mean it Zane! AHH!" It was the honest truth. Something was building inside her. A pressure in her gut, like something was about to burst through her skin. "I'm dying!" she whimpered. Yet, what a way to die!
((Makes sense. I'll probably start being on nights again at some point, but god only knows when that'll be.))

Zane couldn't help but mentally laugh over her dramatic reaction to what was no doubt her impending climax. Still, the humorous aspect of it didn't deter and he continued eating her out full force.
((Until then, we keep moving forward ^.^))

Then suddenly, he had pushed her over the edge into a place where there was nothing but pleasure. No rhyme or reason. Just pleasure beyond anything she had even known. It was as if in one second, ever nerve in her body tensed and then suddenly, she shattered into a million pieces. It lasted just a few, wonderful moments, and then it passed. She was left laying limp, spent, and highly HIGHLY satisfied on the bed. The only sounds were that of her heavy panting starting already slowing once more until, "Wow..." she whispered, letting out a sigh then a small laugh.
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