Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

Nipping her lower lip, her movements went small to larger and larger ones. "Mmmmm. Oh... oh baby..." leaning her head in, she started to go from nipping her own lips to nipping his a few moments before the nips turned to kisses. Slow, deep, longing kisses as he hips ground deeper, and harder into his. His cock slipping in and out of her as she moved against him.
Krades pleased reactions were a bit more naughty and hands on. As they passionately kissed, his hands squeeze and groped her backside, even giving it a slap every now and again. The years had not dimmed the lust he had for his wifes body. She could still drive him wild when wearing certain things. Of course, being completely naked was just as appealing.
She smiled and went about more or less bouncing on his cock rather then grinding against it. He motion not only pumped his rock hard cock in and out of her, but it gave him a nice look at her ample breasts... playfully bouncing up and down with her movements.
And the bouncing of her breasts was almost hypnotic to him. So, it was really no surprise when he lowered his head, lips latching onto one as he began devouring it. Combined with his hands and his cock, he was ravaging a good bit of her body as they made love.
Ravaged, just the way she liked it. Totally and completely. "Krade, Krade, Krade, Krade!" she just kept repeating his name on a moan with each and every bounce on his cock. It was actually, slightly comical to someone watching from the outside. Just, limps everywhere, sounds, grunts groans, and her voice just, calling his name set to their own rhythm. And then, she smiled. She didn't say it out loud, but it was in her eyes. The competition was on. Who would loose... and cum first?
Krade continued to devour her breast for a big longer, but seemed to sense her smile and mood, which caused him to raise his head and return the look. Though, he wasted no time moving into her trust spot on the neck, working it over at full intensity. It was common for them to have these little competitions. There never really was a winner or loser. Sure, one would cum first...........but then the other person would be rearing for more and they'd just start right back up. Many a time, it had lead to them spending an entire night doing it, going back and forth for hours and hours.
She laughed slightly before whispering, "Cheater," to him. He was playing dirty, just like he always did, and hell she loved him for it! "One day..." she groaned a bit, biting at her lip, "I WILL find the spot on you that drives you crazy. Then... OOOOH than, I'll get the upper hand on you." She had been vowing that for years now. Perhaps one day she might by her head was suddenly so clouded, it was not going to be today.
In reality, he did have a "spot" of his own, but it wasn't like hers. It wasn't just a single spot on his body. It was more along the lines of her doing something to him. Specifically, a certain position. While he enjoyed the one he was currently ravaging his wife in, there was another that just drove him wild. But, considering just how wild they were in any position, chances are she wouldn't have been able to figure it out. Afterall, he did a pretty good job of hiding just how much he liked it. Not to mention, it would be hard to focus ones mind on figuring it out at the moment.
((You just blew my mind being online this late at night :p P.S. I think I know the position he is thinking of))

He was right, her mind was to focused on the pleasure of here and now that she'd never think to swap positions now. Her mind was to focused on not loosing herself his kisses at her neck. She always started this friendly compositions, yet she was always firs to fall. One would think she would have learned her lesson by now. "Ah! Ahh! Krade... dear God Krade!" she cursed, feeling herself losing hold already. "Damn man!" She cursed in the most loving way possible.
((You may, but I haven't actually decided on it yet. I came up with that right on the spot. So, right now, I'm trying to decide between my two favorites, reverse cow girl and doggy style. And whichever of those two I pick, will be his favorite position that was mentioned. He just generally likes her on top, but he also likes the view of her on her hands and knees with him gripping those sexy hips.^_^'s hard to pick out of two favorites.))

Krade said nothing, only snickered playfully before his mouth continued expertly working that spot. Just as he knew her body inside and out, so too did she know his. Which was why their sexual encounters were always so wild and filled with fiery passion.
((Sorry it's been a few days. I hit some writers block. And I had it figured it would be doggy. After that time on the bathroom floor, I figured he REALLY liked that position.))

"Go on! Ah! Laugh! Laugh all you, UH all you want!" she had become pretty good at being able to hold a conversation with him. Most of the time it was one sided conversations since he was always to busy messing with her spot to talk back. Perhaps she thought it was some kind of strategy to hold back her own climax and maybe win this once and awhile. And so, she attempted it once again, "You'll see! One day mmmm I am going to- to- make you- Oh Krade!" She was nipping her lower lip and moaning, sounding almost desperate as she struggled to hold on. Her hands held onto his shoulders, clutching them tight. She was getting close again. Damn! She could hardly ever win!
((You know, I actually had a rather evil idea for an alternate RP based on this. Basically, it'd be a kind of alternate universe thing that would split off from this one at the point where Laine met with Jarek before killing him. In this one, everything that happened during that meeting was a lie to allow her to kill him. In this alternate one..........the things she said about being unable to get him out of her head, seeing him when Krade fucked her and how she wanted him would actually be the truth. The starting scene of that RP would play out the same as the original, with her saying all those things, but meaning them until she starts riding him on the bed. She'd drop the knife on the bed, and soon have a chance to reach for it........but she doesn't take it and ends up going all the way with Jarek, liking every minute of it. The RP would play out as what would have happened if that did indeed happen. It'd get pretty evil, as Jareks first action with his new lover would be to take Laine down to the dungeon and do her right in front of Krade, while Laine moans and begs for more while calling out Jareks name. It could even be worked into this RP, like by having that intro scene and doing her in front of Krade happen as part of a bad dream, or a kind of what if arc that's not canon to the rest of the RP, like that happens in comics alot.))

Krade was close as well, but she would end up cumming before him. Stilll, his hands held onto that marvelous backside as he thrust up into her again and again and again, both wanting to get the best out of this he could, and push her further over the edge.
((Sorry it took so long. Writer's block, then vacation. Back now ^.^. Will comment on your OOC AFTER my IC reply so... look below for that.))

How would it hit her this time? I loud powerful climax? Or a soft sweet one? Perhaps just a mix of both. Yes, that was good for now. She tried her best to hold back being loud and screaming when she knew others were nearby. She saved up all the screaming orgasms for when it was for his ears and his ears only in some private secluded place. And so she pulled herself to him and pressed her lips to his ear, letting him hear her climatic moans nice and clear. "Ahhhhh! Krade! Oh Krade!!" Sure, it was frustrating to be the loser yet again. But she was weak when it came to the things he could do to her body. And how she loved the things he could do to her! Ever so much! "You're turn lover..." she cooed to him as hers started to fall back down again, grinding her now soaking wet walls against his hard cock within her.

((I'm sorry. I like Laine to much to play her character like that... ever. Alternate universe or not. I'm really sorry, I just I get really attached to my characters and just refuse to do anything so far out of character for them that I would actually hate them afterward. Even in alternate time line. I could never ever use her like that. I would have to create a whole other character that never loved Krade in the first place or even had the capability to love at all. Totally different personality and everything. To use Laine, as she is now and has always been, would ruin how I feel about playing her in this time line. Even using the NAME would kill her to me. I'm weird like that.))
((Oh, no worries. I wasn't trying to force it on you or anything. Just kind of thinking out loud about my idea. No worries that you REALLY don't like the idea.^_^ Thinking on it, it'd probably work better as an entirely new and original RP instead of basing it directly on something else. Not to mention, easier to find someone to do it with considering I have no clue if anyone else has even followed this RP long enough to have said evil RP idea be based off this.))

Indeed, it was his turn, as he thrust up into her one last time, before his climax came, jerking and twitching inside of her body a few times before it subsided.

"How shall I take you now?" he asked with a grin, already rearing for more.

((But no worries again. I can easily get my evil fix from Jareks son and Serena, whatever he may end up being called. Especially when the shit hits the fan and Edens runs into their bed. Speaking of which, got any idea for what we do after this? Me personally, I wouldn't mind some more of Serenas entertaining possesiveness of Alicia.))
((I am thinking a time skip for maybe a week or two later. Summarize up a few things. Eden and Zane continuing to meet/getting closer, which will lead to her going down on him. Alicia constantly winding up in Serena's bed while Serena gets more and more possessive, possibly leading up to a scene where she... well I don't know. Perhaps she threatens whore... whose name I forget again... when she and Alicia send a night together? Oh I kinda like that. Alicia plans a meeting with Whore and they sleep together only to walked in on by Serena who kicks out whore and lays her claim on Alicia? As for Laine and Krade, do we want to keep going or leave it here and move back to the girls? Just summarize that much sex was had this night like most nights :p))

Laine could not help but laugh, tossing her head back a second before pushing him over to lay flat on his back, her still riding atop him, "You are unbelievable. And who says that you are going to be taking me? What if I want to take you?"
((All sounds good to me. Afterall, Zane still did leave her with a promise of more.^_^ As for this Lain and Krade stuff, I wouldn't mind doing one more scene with them, then do the skip. Yea, I could really see Serena doing that. Catching them after it's done, kicks out whore, then "punishes" Alicia. Nice way to show the two sides of her life. The crazy, chaotic, slutty side with Serena, and the romantic, wishing to be something else side with Whore. As for her name, I don't remember either. How bout Ashley? Always liked that name. Plus, I could really go for some romance with Alicia. I'd just love to have a sweet, romantic scene between her and whore.^_^))

"Oh, is that so?" Krade asked, obviously teasing her. He knew she could take him if she wanted, as she had done so multiple times before. So, he had no doubts she could take control if she desired.
((Ok so how is this for the to do list... one more Laine/Krade scene, skip to Alicia being romantic with Ashley into Serena's punishment of her, skip to happening pretty much the same time Eden and Zane going another step, then finish with Serena and Zane together with Serena deciding that her brother's head is no longer in the game so she writes a letter sending for Jarrek's son so we start setting up for his arrival?))

She smirked lightly, "Yes that's so, the question now is just how do I take you for my own pleasure?" Of course it would be for his pleasure as well. It was all teasing words, like so many times before. It never grew old between them.
((Absolutely lovely my dear.^_^))

"Well, you do have the advantage at the moment. Entirely up to you." Krade replied, hands resting on her hips. Truth be told, he actually did have a favorite position, but she either had yet to pick up on it, or perhaps knew and was just.........feigning ignorance for a time like this where she could be the one to dominate him in one of their contests.
She knew him better at times when even she knew. She just needed moments like this, when her head was focused and clear to bring her thoughts to the surface. "Well... I'm thinking of a few things. And you are such a good husband I will let you pick from two." She smirked a little as she lay down on top of him, nipping at his chin a little as she spoke, "You want be on top like I just was... or on all fours..." she smirked, knowing that idea had just got his blood racing to his cock full speed.
Indeed it did, but he was always a composed man. As much as he certainly wanted it, he feigned trying to decide.

"I'm not sure.........Both are such amazing fews......." he said, tapping his chin in fake thought. From her tone, he could tell she knew her on all fours was his favorite. Still, these two just loved teasing each other in such a way.
"Well," she sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "If you can't pick, then perhaps I should go please myself." Moving swiftly, she swung her leg over him and off him, sitting herself on the side of the bed before making a move to leave it all together. She was bluffing of course, but would he call her on it was the question.
Of course, Krade knew she was bluffing, but still the thought of ravaging her on all fours was too much to resist. Hopping off the bed, he playfully growled at her before wrapping his arms around her waist and playfully tossing her back onto the bed, her landing on her back. Like always when he got nicely aroused, he grinned as he walked over to stand over top of her before crawling onto the bed with her, quickly flipping her over on her stomach and pulling her up to her hands and knees.
Laine has hoped for just that very reaction, giggling playfully as he growled and toppled her back onto the bed once again, a wide smile across her face. She knew he could not resist the temptation, not matter how much he tried to. That was simply perfect. She lay on the bed, watching him stand over her like some triumphant conquer before he crawled back with her and took command with his actions. This had started with her being the ravisher but not it seemed she was going to be the one ravished once more. And yet it was exactly how she would have wanted it.
"Mmmmm, such a lovely backside....." Krade said, hands running over her hips and butt for a bit. Sure, he fully planned to ravage her, but this...........he was just savoring the moment.
She laughed slightly for a moment, "So I have been told..." she playfully replied, just lightly shaking her still well toned ass in his direction, taunting and playing with him more.

((On my way to work. See you later on. P.S. I'll be online during the day tomorrow ^.^))
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