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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Sebastian was just looking for a moment before he spoke, "Then leave here if you aren't going to harbor hatred towards her for saving your life. Just do me a favor and don't be telling the hunters about her."
Raphaelle was just looking over before she spoke, "Nothing important." With that she was just stretching a bit before she was turning to head back over to the couch.
it would be several hours before Alric and Talia arrived at his home and when they arrived Alrics butler greeted them "my Lord, My Lady welcome back"
Talia was just looking around when she felt the carriage begin to slow, and was just looking at the building before them through the window.
Talia was looking out the door as it opened before she was gripping the end of her skirts so that she could climb down out of the carriage without tripping.
Alric and the butler spoke about household dealings while walking and Alric took the time to introduce her to her maids while there and said they could show her to the room she would be using while there.
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