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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

Yukimura led Sasuke to Naotora’s home, but upon arriving, they found a dark house. “Maybe she’s in bed already?” He muttered softly, snooping around the side of the house to peer into the windows- nothing. No one was home, only two cats who watched Yukimura from the windowsill.
After a few more minutes of lurking around and peering into the windows, it was clear no one was home. “Not home, maybe a late night?”
"I knew Date would send assassins sooner or later," the window shattered open and a woman burst toward Yukimura, a giant quinque sword over her shoulder as she moved to take his head.
He swatted the heavy blade, sacrificing two tails to it, but he managed to keep his head on his shoulders. He reformed the destroyed tails and made sure he stood between Sasuke and Naotora. “Take the high ground, avoid engaging directly.” He said lowly to Sasuke before sprinting at Naotora to attack back.
She was quite agile; dodging his attacks and making a few of her own, all while keeping Sasuke in her field of view as well.
Sasuke kept high, as Yukimura instructed, throwing his ukaku shards when he saw an opening, only to have Naotora hide behind her quinque.
Yukimura didn’t have much room to work in the narrow alleyway, using his tails to stab at the quinque to test how strong it was. No good, he’d have to target Naotora herself. He swung around her side, trying to separate her from her weapon.
Yukimura saw stars as he was knocked back, almost falling flat on his back as his vision started to fade a bit. His tails caught him and he forced himself upright, pulling himself back from passing out. He lunged forward again, following after her, trying to get in close and render her weapon useless.
"You will not catch me off guard, monster!" She snapped, swinging her blade effortlessly to negate his attacks as well as get in a few of her own.
"Dana, this isn't working!" Sasuke called.
“I can see that..!” Yukimura was slowly being pushed to the defensive, being overwhelmed by the investigators strength. There was no beating her without using his kakuja, but that put Sasuke at risk- they didn’t have time to drag this out. It was likely Naotora alerted the CCG for backup, they’d have to finish the job quickly if they wanted to evade capture.
Yukimura released his kakuja, groaning in pain as his own Kagune started to dig into the flesh of his back, swatting Naotora hard to try and knock her back.
She couldn't regain her balance from a hit like that, tumbling a bit before pushing herself up amd rushing him. She needed to kill him and she needed to do it now.
Sasuke pat the pouch attached to his leg, making sure he could feel the suppressants he had packed, before throwing more shards to force her on the defensive.
Yukimura chased after her, taking advantage that she was now between the two of them, leaving her vulnerable to pincer attacks. He did his best to keep his mind focused as he attacked again, but he was growing tired and hungry. They had been running all over the city all night, and all the blood he kept smelling stirred something within him.
She swung for Yukimura's head, only to get a few shards in her arm for the trouble. She hissed and moved on Sasuke, figuring that getting him out of the way would make Yukimura easier.
One of Yukimura’s tails whipped around her ankle, stopping her from getting too far before throwing her hard into the wall. His armor covered his upper body now, blood dripping from multiple wounds onto the ground as he ran after her, grabbing her by the throat with his hands, his tails wrapping around her arm and weapon to keep her from swinging it.
Saliva dripped down his chin and he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He lunged forward and bit deep into her shoulder, biting right through her clothes.
"Dana!!" Sasuke yelled, rushing forward to try and get him off her. Naotora screamed and tried to free herself enough to hit him; kick, punch, she didn't care. She wanted him off of her before he killed her.
A tail shot out at Sasuke, slamming hard into his chest and sending him back against the wall. Yukimura grabbed a handful of Naotora’s hair, yanking her head to the side and sinking his teeth into her neck this time, drinking in the red blood that gushed out.
He grunted in pain when he hit the wall and tried to recover long enough to get close enough to inject a suppressant. Naotora choked on blood, trying to beat him off of her, but with her quickening blood loss, her strength was draining.
It was like beating on a brick wall, Yukimura not even flinching as he drank her blood, biting her neck again and again to make the blood spill out more quickly. He hadn’t forgotten about Sasuke though, this time trying to spear him when he got close.
"Dana, you're losing it! Snap out of it and I won't have to inject you!" Sasuke snapped, avoiding his tails as best as he could. But, he had used his ukaku took long, and he was getting tired.
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