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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

“Well, no.” Yukimura paused. “I meant more as proof.” He scratched his head. “A photo?”

Megohime took the food and immediately drank down the blood first, body shaking with effort, shoulders sagging in relief.
"Oh, yeah. You got Date's number, don't you? You could send it to him." He replied.

"Please stop making me seem like I don't want you. I wouldn't have given you my kakuhou if I didn't." Masamune said with a frown.
He dug in his back pocket, pulling out his phone and taking a picture to send to Masamune. Once that was out of the way, he looked to Sasuke. “Ready for the next one? Naotora or Nagamasa?”

Tears dripped down her cheeks as she bit into the meat. “I was embarrassed.. I didn’t mean for things to get this messy..”
Sasuke thought for a moment, "Maybe Nagamasa...I think he's closest anyhow.."

"It's alright. I forgive you. But you can't be going and taking things so personally." He told her.
He nodded, motioning with his head as he moved back to the window that they came in through and back out onto the rooftops.

She only nodded numbly, taking another bite of flesh. “Yeah..”
Sasuke followed behind him quickly, cleaning his blade before pocketing it again.

"I'm sorry I embarrassed you.." He said gently, "I just had to do what I needed as boss, you know...?"
Yukimura pushed down the buzz he was feeling from fighting with Matabei, moving over the roof tops in silence. Upon reaching their next target destination, he scoped out the home before them, looking for any signs of life inside.

She nodded, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “I won’t get involved again, I’m sorry..” She muttered.
"Nagamasa," that was a woman's voice, and movement inside revealed that there was someone else in the home with Nagamasa; a tall and slender woman, carrying a tray of fresh tea, "I brought you some tea so you can relax."

"I forgive you..." He said softly, petting her hair.
“I told you not to bother me when I’m in my office.” He sat up straight in his desk chair, an irritated scowl on his face as he watched her over his glasses. “Very well, bring it here, I’ll drink it.” He sighed softly, taking his glasses off and setting them on the desk.
Yukimura frowned and watched them before looking to Sasuke. “What do you want to do- wait until he’s alone, or try to get him while avoiding her?”

She moved closer so she could rest her head on his lap, holding onto him tightly. “Please don’t be mad..”
Oichi didn't seem too bothered by his harsh tone, bringing the tray over and setting it gently on his desk.
"I don't mean to burden you so much...I just thought maybe you would appreciate something to help destress.." She told him gently.
Sasuke frowned softly - he had hoped a significant other would be avoided during this - "If I'm honest, I don't want to kill him if his partner is fact, I don't want to kill him at all anymore..." He whispered.

He pet her head gently, his kakugan receeding, "I'm not,'s ok now.."
“Well, you’ve already interrupted me, I might as well take my break now- I’ll be up late again tonight looking into this Date case.” Nagamasa said, picking up the teacup and looking at the tea with a soft gaze.

“We don’t have a choice.” Yukimura said softly. “It’s him or them.” The words hurt to say, but there was no other options.
Oichi smiled softly and nodded, "Of course, darling.." She agreed before moving to kiss his temple gently, "Don't be awake much longer, alright? I love you.."

Sasuke's emote became annoyed, "Let's wait...she'll probably head to bed soon enough. If he stays in the office, we can get him then.."
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His face flushed, but he didn’t pull away. “I can’t control how much time my work takes… And I love you as well..” He said softly.

He nodded. “I don’t think the same plan we used on Matabei will work on Nagamasa- we’ll more than likely have to take him out before he’s aware of our presence.”
She smiled softly and gave his shoulder an affectionate squeeze before leaving him to his work.

Sasuke's mask shifted, the eyes becoming dissatisfied, "Yeah," he replied before looking back toward the house, "we'll have to sneak up on him. No bait this time."
Yukimura watched Oichi leave the office, nodding to the window. “I can go through the window and rush him- you follow behind me and secure the door, our attack will alert the woman, but we won’t stay long. In and out.”
He nodded, charging at the window and breaking it with his Kagune and entering the office in one motion. Nagamasa was alerted to the attack when the window broke behind him, but he barely got the chance to get to his feet and turn. Yukimura’s rinkaku pierced through his back and out the front of his chest. Nagamasa’s hand was frozen out stretched for his quinque case, but he simply hadn’t moved fast enough.
Sasuke moved to lock the door, not wanting Oichi to come in and see what was happening, before turning to throw one of his shards between Nagamasa's eyes.
The investigator jerked from the impact of the blow, his eyes empty as his head lulled forward. Yukimura withdrew his Kagune, his heart racing once more, the smell of blood really getting his blood pumping. He stared down at Masanaga’s body crumpled on the floor, kakugan agitated as he stood frozen.
Yukimura snapped out of it when Sasuke spoke aloud, shaking his head to clear his thoughts before moving to take a photo of the hit, sending it off to Masamune before nodding to Sasuke. “Let’s go.” He moved to leave out the window, heading up onto the roof once more to evade people.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it, Sasuke.” Yukimura tried to soothe his worries. “We have two of three done, we should focus on the victory ahead of us.”
He frowned, his emote copying his expression, "Of course. Wasn't Aki saying Naotora was dangerous?" She said they all were, but it had been pretty easy thus far.
He nodded. “She’s a special class investigator, so I doubt it’ll go as smoothly even if we do catch her by surprise.” He said, thinking of how to take down their last target.
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