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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

She nodded in agreement, "As long as there's no maid outfit, I'm pretty happy."

His expression turned flat a bit, "Til I earn back the money I spent. So, probably a while."
“I can agree to that.” She laughed softly.
“Akihime-chan,” The man Masamune left in charge of the two handed Akihime a rag and a bucket. “For now, just bus the tables- I still need to find the broom..” He shook his head and looked to Amaya. “Amaya-chan, you’ll shadow me while I make drinks- do you know how to mix anything?”
“Not a thing.” She answered, shaking her head.
“That’s fine, you can serve blood in the meantime.”

She turned to face him, lips tight as she studied his face in silence before approaching him calmly, slapping him hard across his face. “You humiliated me.” She said lowly.
Akihime took the bucket and rag and moved to start wiping things down, glad it would be easy enough to start.

Sasuke adjusted his mask, hitting it gently with the butt of his palm to get the emotes to work. He should really take it to Amaya soon.
"Ready, dana?"

Masamune was as quiet and as still as a grave, head frozen to the side from the impact of her hit. Without warning, his bikaku shot out and wrapped so tight around her throat that she was lucky her neck didn't snap. His gaze turned to her slowly, kakugan agitated and burning with anger.
"Oh, I'll do a lot fucking more than that."
Yukimura hadn’t worn his mask in ages, it almost feeling foreign now. “Yeah, sorry.” He left his room, dressed in all black, carrying his sedatives and a pistol just in case things went south. “Let’s go.”

Megohime staggered as he grabbed her, gripping his Kagune to try and pull it loose. She couldn’t breathe, and the pressure around her neck made it feel as though her eyes would pop out of her head. “Fuck you..!” She hissed out between clenched teeth, angry tears falling down her face.
Sasuke nodded and headed out of the balcony with him, having his own stores of suppressants in a pouch on his hip.
"Who first?" He asked.

"You lost that privilege the second you thought it would be cool to hit me." He seethed, dangling her off the floor, "Now I gotta remind you who the fucking boss is around here; and it sure as fuck ain't you."
“Goto Matabei.” Yukimura decided, jumping off the balcony, his Kagune shooting out and wrapping around the railing above him, launching himself up onto the roof to head out.

When Masamune lifted her off the ground, it cut off her air entirely, her feet kicking beneath her as she tried to regain her footing. She grew red in the face the longer he held her off the ground, clawing at the bikaku wrapped around her throat.
Sasuke followed him, wracking his brain for the information on Matabei.
"He's a basic Dove; a junior investigator on his way to promotion. He should be easy enough to sneak up on."

"What's wrong? Nothin smart to say now?" He asked before throwing her through the tatami mats.
"Oh shit. Look what you did now, Megohime. Now I gotta get those fixed. You know how much tatami costs these days?"
“Got it. Let’s prioritize striking when he’s alone, no need to drag anyone else in if it can be avoided.” Yukimura was a bit anxious, Akihime had become quite a comfort, knowing she’d keep him under control no matter what.

A cry of pain was forced from her as she struck the mats hard, Megohime’s own bikaku erupting from behind her out of fear, seeing stars.
"Before you two go, come find me, ok...? I want to wish you luck..." Akihime's rang gently in the back of Yukimura's head; he completely forgot to see her.
"Date wants us to deal with them while they're alone in their homes. So, avoiding unnecessary casualties should be easy." Sasuke said.

"What are you gonna do with that?" He hissed, pulling his bikaku from her neck and stepping back, "I'll let you try to get a swipe in. Go for it."
“Unless they have romantic partners.” The back of his neck burned with shame for forgetting, kicking himself mentally as they made their way toward their first target.

Megohime attacked immediately, swatting Masamune hard, trying to knock him back with her tail.
"I don't think Matabei has anything like that..." Sasuke muttered, but it was a possibility they couldn't rule out.

His bikaku bunched to block hers before he moved and swung his fist hard, connecting with her jaw before his other slammed into her stomach.
It didn’t take long to find Matabei’s home, Masamune conveniently providing the address for them. Yukimura watched the home closely, wanting to make sure the investigator was home alone before they did anything. “Do you want to be bait this time, or should I?” He asked, looking to Sasuke.

The punch to her jaw staggered her, and the blow to the gut dropped her to her knees with a wheeze as the air was forced from her lungs. Keeled over, she felt like she was going to vomit, struggling to draw in a breath.
Sasuke twirled his butterfly knife open, his mask turning red and sinister.
"You go in. I can sneak up on him a bit easier."

"Get the fuck up." He hissed, pacing a bit in anger, "Get up! You constantly want to try and knock me around, fucking do it!"
Yukimura gave a firm nod and jumped down onto the street below, moving through the dark alleyways to one of the back windows of the house. He examined the window, checking to make sure there was no one in the room, using the very end of his Kagune to quietly piece the lock of the window, carefully sliding it open and slipping inside. By now, the both of them had become experts on breaking into homes, making jobs like these easy. Moving inside, he listened for the investigator, waiting until he had his back turned before he slipped out of the bedroom, and further into the house.

Megohime looked up at him through tears, gnashing her teeth as she forced herself back up to her feet and lashing out again. She swung at him with the back of her closed fist, catching him across the temple, before moving to follow up with a punch to the nose.
Matabei seemed to be muttering gently to himself, and when Yukimura found him, he was hunched over a mural of photos, all of them containing Masamune in some aspect. It seemed Matabei had made Masamune his personal project, lamenting quietly over how elusive the mafia boss was despite living rather peacefully in the heart of Tokyo.

Her punch didn't hit, stopping inches from his face, and her chest began to burn with searing pain. Masamune's bikaku had pierced straight through her, a hauntingly calm expression now on his face despite how angry his kakugan still was.
Yukimura found the scene rather disturbing, but they would be done soon. He moved into position before he took a step that made the floor beneath him creak from his weight, wanting to gain the man’s attention and allow Sasuke to move around unnoticed.

Megohime spat up blood, hands shaking as she tried to pull his Kagune from her chest. She looked up at Masamune with wide eyes before collapsing to her knees, body heavy and pain overwhelming her.
Matabei jerked upright and turned, eyes wide as he stared at Yukimura.
"Y...How did you get in here? Who are you?"

"I really wish it didn't come to this, Megohime." He said, voice soft, "I hate hurting you like this but you just push and push until I don't have a choice."
He didn’t answer, jumping over the couch between them and moving to attack- but it was more of sparring to keep his attention on him. The entirety of what he was doing for Masamune went against what he had been trying to work for, but he had few options in the moment.

Megohime vomited blood on the floor, body shaking as she breathed raggedly, looking down at his Kagune. Her own disappeared, disintegrating into ash as she knelt before him, pain wracking her body.
Matabei defended himself perfectly, only looking mildly terrified of a random ghoul that had gotten into his home.

He pulled his kagune from her and moved closer.
"Oh, baby..." He muttered, frowning deeply.
Yukimura grabbed a handful of the photos and threw them in Matabei’s face as a distraction, aiming his attacks at his feet as he shoved him off balance.

Blood poured from her wound and she lurched forward, letting out a weak cry of pain. Breathing was hard, and every breath was agony, barely having the strength to lift her head to look at Masamune. She looked scared, clutching at the gaping hole in her chest in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. Why hadn’t she just dropped it, was she going to die over a stupid argument?
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Matabei waved his arm to smack the pictures away so he could try and avoid Yukimura's attacks at his feet. He didn't hear Sasuke behind him, didn't even see him move in, before the ginger suddenly grabbed him and slit his throat. Matabei choked, eyes wide in fear as he tried desperately to stop the bleeding, dropping to his knees.

"Look at you..." He frowned, "Look what you made me do...I didn't want it to come to this..."
Yukimura kicked away his quinque, taking a step back, slowing his breathing as he tried to slow his adrenaline. They had to be sure he died, they couldn’t leave anything up to chance- he’d stay to witness his last breaths.

“I’m sorry..!” She broke first, hands shaking as she dragged herself a bit closer to him. “I was just so mad, I’m sorry..!” She croaked out, tears flooding down her face. “Please don’t let me die..!”
Sasuke stood there, watching Matabei twitch and choke before falling still. He strained to hear a heartbeat but there was none.

Masamune stood and moved to leave.
"Just stay there. I'll get what you need. Don't panic, alright?"
Yukimura looked to Sasuke, heart still thumping hard in his chest. “Do you think he’ll want the head?”

Megohime nodded with a whimper, watching him go, and crying softly when he left. She guessed she was still alive only because of her ghoul half, but she doubted she’d live much longer without some kind of intervention.
"Do you wanna lug around a disembodied head?" Sasuke asked him, emote confused and curious.

Masamune came back after a moment with blood and flesh, sitting in front of her and handing them over, "Here, baby.."
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