How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Dr. Monroe raised an eyebrow. He glanced around without raising suspicions, not moving his head. He whispered low with a nod. "Perhaps you or Cassandra should quietly investigate, after all, Avenger isn't likely here, unless in her civilian guise. The only knights I trust here fully are Tuxford, Amethyst, Dunsworth, and the one with the odd name of Sunrise." He would make subtle motions to the four scattered throughout the ballroom. Sunrise standing out the most with bright armour that even looked like tanned leather made of deerskin and boots of similar make. His reddish brown skin would be another giveaway he wasn't from Dunwyn, and was easily twice as strong and weighty as Diana. If Diana approached him, she'd find him gentle as a lamb... What many would call a "gummi bear"¹ after the local legends, but he was very human.

Calla made a groaning sigh. "Ruin my fun." She teased. After clearing her throat, she finally shook her head. "Beggers can't be choosers, Clair. There's no way we can get to the royal physician's cottage and back without being missed." She looked around. "Besides, I daresay it's now or never."

¹-Teddy bears aren't called that until the 20th century. The local legends are also about bears, so we'll go with the canon name. It fits the 14th century motif we're setting.
Diana rubbed her chin in thought.
"I doubt we will be able to uncover anything as everyone will likely be on their best behavior here, but I might as well try. Sometimes men can get loose lips around a lady when they have been drinking" She replied, taking note of the ones he said before taking her leave to investigate.

Clair nodded.
"Okay fine, but you need to start thinking about an excuse why you will have such an obvious makeshift bandage job. Also, there is a chance he might recognize my bandage work as he has been it multiple times before." She explained as she started to tear the cloth into strips.
"Hold still, and let me know if it hurts," She told her as she gently took her hand and started to wrap it.
Amethyst, the only lady knight present, excused herself as soon as she saw Calla and Clair disappear onto the veranda. "Excuse me, gentlemen, I think the princess is trying to escape to the rose maze. She already pulled one disappearing act this evening."

Tuxford and Dunsworth nodded. "Carry on, Dame Knight." Dunsworth said, before continuing his conversation with Tuxford and another knight.

Meanwhile, a few other knights were actually close, but not within earshot of Diana without her getting closer. "... Gregor needs to stop coddling her and hang her already. Having a soft spot for that vigilante is only going to bite him in the end. I don't care how many times she's 'saved the village' or fought next to his side. She's a criminal and he needs to start treating her like one."

"Who's she killed to deserve a hanging, Cornwall? Avenger doesn't kill. I agree she needs to be thrown in the dungeon as she's not a certified watchman... But hang her? You're in a minority there. You want her out of Dunwyn, join those who want to tar and feather her, and run her out of the kingdom."

Cornwall glowered. "I catch her, I'm hanging her."

"King wants her alive, and left alone for now. Hell, you heard him tonight... She's practically his daughter-in-law."

Cornwall shook his head. "Gregor has gone soft, and you're daft, Dickens. She'll go rogue, they always do. Run her out of the kingdom, she'll just come back. She needs to hang from the end of a rope. I need some more wine." He walked towards the flutes on the table.

Meanwhile, on the veranda, Calla winced as Clair wrapped. "I'll think of something. He's had to see you were here... Ow, careful. That damned ogre snapped my wrist back almost 180 degrees..." She took a deep breath. "And if we're anything alike, you've treated yourself and obviously know what you're doing. I just can't do this one handed, literally. I can barely move this hand as is."

Amethyst stopped and watched them as Clair bandaged. She sipped her mead, glancing back in the ballroom to make sure they weren't bothered. She'd clear her throat only after the bandaging was finished. "Princess. Clair. Walk with me in the maze." She strode to them, and started down the stone steps, leading to the garden and the entrance to the maze. "And, Calla.... That's an order."
Diana would walk closer, though not look at the men, she would act like she was mingling with others nearby, blending in as she got into earshot.

One of Cornwall's men walked with him when they were at the table, and out of earshot once again of any listeners, he whispered to him.
"Hey, been thinking, we may not know where to get Avenger, but now we know where her little inventor is. We could get her, through that little brat"

Clair was being as careful as she could, though prioritized doing a good job, after all, she won't heal properly otherwise.
"Yeah, I have had my fair share of mishaps, often bandaging myself or doing so with some assistance. Maybe I should try and build a device that can wrap an injury, or at least assist to do one with a single hand." She suggested.

Clair jumped up at her throat clear, not having noticed her as she was focusing on her work.
"Oh! umm Yes, of course." Clair got up and moved to do as asked.
Cornwall nodded, keeping his lips near the raised flute of wine. "Yes. With the princess's 18th in May, and her being added to court for her hand..." He frowned. His eyes stared through his man. "The five frontrunners have guards posted at their doors as they sleep. You know how Gregor makes a game of everything." He then grinned meanly. "Force her out of court first. Run a message to Duke Igthorne. Tell him her parents need to be taxed for their daughter's 'expenses'. That'll actually not only get the inventor kicked out of court ... It'll bring the Avenger running. Two birds. One stone." His countenance softened. "Diana will be the third and final hurdle. Break Calla's spirit by getting rid of all three frontrunners, and she'll pine away to nothing. Gregor would then HAVE to give Igthorne what he wants, as his own daughter will be useless, and we'll be rewarded handsomely."

So, basically, screw the little people.

Calla sighed and nodded. "That kind of device would be well received in the medical community. How many times have we both heard Dr. Monroe or another physician complain about needing a third hand? Dr. Bristol even says it. That's all the way to the royal physician."

Calla grimaced before following Amethyst and Clair into the garden and then the rose maze. Once passed the entrance and away from the ball, Amethyst spoke. "Regardless of your position in the battle for Calla's hand, I'm going to make use of my position as Royal Bodyguard and be put to your disposal, princess. Upon your word, I either guard the frontrunner in court, or Clair's parents."

Calla blinked. "Clair's parents?! Whyever would they be in danger?!"

Amethyst looked around and then pointed to a bench along the pathway. "Princess. Use your head. I'm the only one of Gregor's four female knights that showed up tonight, only because I was in town with you. Most of my own men, and a majority of Tuxford's, Dunsworth's and Sunrise's are also absent. I know my own men, and Sunrise's. They would only abandon us, if they weren't told in the first place. I want you two to sit right there and discuss now. There's something rotten in Dunwyn when half the trusted troops for court guarding don't show up. Gregor didn't call this until almost the last minute, but the runners would have been sent to ALL the knights."

Calla sat on the stone bench and patted the seat next to her. "Looks like this is bigger than we thought. First an ogre is sent to give me as the Avenger a warning, and now we're going into court only half armed. If that. I don't think you're going to be going home for the few days before we go to the first stop... So how do we do this? There's no guarantee you can be frontrunner for me." A sigh. "Clair. You and the Avenger won't be in Dunwyn village to protect your parents. You know why she won't." She pointed to herself. "Should we take Lady Amethyst up on this?"

None of the three would know that if Clair DID take Amethyst up on this, it would actually prevent her parents from becoming pawns by the crooked knights. Clair could attend court worry free, and work on winning Calla's hand, if Amethyst goes.

(Leaving you with the choice, but if Amethyst goes to protect Clair's folks, which is best, she won't be in a scene of the RP here on, unless Clair's parents are in the scene of the RP.)
The knight nodded with a grin.
"Genius sir, I'll make sure the right people know what to do"

Clair nodded.
"Yes I certainly hope so, though I don't know when ill have time to work on that with all that is going on." she thought to herself as she finished the bandaging.

Clair paused in thought at the option was given to her, should she send Amethyst to her parents? Or should she say she is likely more needed I'm court?
"Oh, I don't know, do you think you will be needed in court if we are already short handed? I think I am too bias wanting my parents safe more then anything to decide, maybe it should be your choice?" she said looking to Calla. Knowing she would choose her parents.
Amethyst frowned. "Look. Clair. I'll lay it out for you. Tuxford will be staying in Dunwyn village because he thinks courting is balderdash. His words. He also can't be everywhere, and the village is good size. If I go to guard your parents, I'll be able to stay at the store when the crooked knights show up. And you know with you being here for court, and Calla being the reason for court..."

Calla finished. "They're left wide open for attack. Clair, I think Amethyst should, with both our blessings. Besides, she's MY Royal Guard, but we and the rest of the suitors, will be well protected. Please. With your blessing as well. I don't want to order my friend to protect my other friends."

Amethyst looked between the two. "If you allow it now, Clair, I can be at the shop just as they close. My steed is swift as the proverbial wind and is nearby and ready."

Calla looked at Clair, but said to Amethyst. "I say we count on the knights here, and my father's discernment. King Gregor already doesn't trust Cornwall. He or his men would not be allowed to guard any of the suitors. I'll inform Diana and Sunrise to alert the knights that weren't told... I blame Dickens and his lot, he's nonchalant about everything."

Amethyst nodded. "Everything except tarring and feathering YOU, Calla, and running you out of town."

Calla looked at Amethyst wide-eyed. "Dickens is behind having the Avenger tarred and feathered?"

Amethyst gave a grave nod. "He's actually the most vocal. Cornwall wants you hung, which is why Gregor won't let him or his men guard the suitors. Dickens is on thin ice." She then stood at attention. "Am I going or no? Princess says yes. Do you agree, Clair? I must make haste if so."

Calla smiled and rubbed Clair's back, giving encouragement to give Amethyst her blessing to protect Clair's parents.
Clair looked between the two as they spoke, her face going pale and her hand going to her neck as Amethyst mentioned that some of the knights wanted her hung! Clair didn't know this was all that serious, she thought it was just jail time. The other half want her run out of town? she had clearly been underestimating the amount of distaste some of the knights had with Avenger, good thing she did not show up here, at least in costume that is.

Clair paused for a moment, she looked toward Calla as she felt her hand rubbing on her back.
"If you both think it is really necessary then yes, you have my blessing, but remember, my father was a former warrior during wartime." She said rubbing the back of her head.
"He may not be in his prime and it has been some time since he fought, but he is no defenseless peasant like my mother and me when it comes to armed knights." She reminded her.
Amethyst nodded and saluted. "Your father may know mine, then. Sir Rock¹. Real name, Geode of Galway. I must away. You two, get back to the ball." The knight disappeared just like that and mere seconds later the two would here a "Yah!" and hoofbeats quickly vanishing into the night.

As she predicted, Amethyst would reach the general store first, jingling the bells as she quickly came in. "Sir Handler. A moment please?" She would then relate everything, including how Cornwall² had shown up at the ball with some of his men, the way court worked, and how this development would force the king's hand to keep ALL the suitors and the princess herself at court for the duration. She also included how The Crimson Avenger had her wrist broken by an ogre immediately after the meeting that afternoon as a warning and (to cover for Calla who would have to stay at court for her own safety) would be not showing her face in order to investigate secretly. "She had a lead, Tuxford said." Amethyst stated. "Which means, Sir Handler... We need to get you back in fighting shape, not that I doubt you need much to get the rust off. We can't depend on the Avenger finding out about any attacks, which are sure to happen now that she's been injured. It's questionable how she'd use either of her swords." She didn't realize she was sounding ever bit like her father, the late Geode "Sir Rock" of Galway. "Meanwhile, I'm to guard you both with my princess's blessing as well as your daughter's."

¹-Sir Rock would equate to WWII veteran, Sgt. Rock, who also had a comic book. In this case, it's Amethyst's dad's nickname.

²-Just in case not quite figured out. Cornwall is the ancestor of Revolutionary War losing General, Cornwallis. (We are in 14th century England)
Mr. Handler nodded along with Amethyst as she explained everything, telling her he did indeed know her father, and that she was sounding a lot like him at the moment.
"Well I best get my gauntlets out and clean off the dust, as well as inform you my wife is out collecting some food for us, need I be worried? Or do you think they could not find her?" He asked.

Meanwhile, at the ball Clair stayed with Calla.
"What if Amethyst and my father get hurt? who knows how many knights they might send." She whispered.
Amethyst grimaced. "Tuxford probably has arrived at the inn by now as he left before me. I've no idea if they started yet or no, but no sense taking chances. I'll help you lock up and meet your wife. I trust Cornwall about as much as I can lift him with my pinkie." She wiggled the finger for emphasis on the size comparison. "With your daughter at court? I don't trust they won't strike now. We must meet up with your wife posthaste."

Odds were they wouldn't be accosted until the next morning, but every good guard well trained knows you don't leave anyone behind or to fend for themselves when troubles are brewing.

Calla arose from her seat and offered Clair her hand. "Has your father ever told you of the great Galwayian warrior known as Sir Rock? Geode was his first name. That's Amethyst's father. She was already a squire when she came under Tuxford's tutelage. Within a few years, she was a full fledged knight. If your father was under Sir Rock, his work ethic would have rubbed off on your father. I think between the two of them, they'll be quite the team."

There would be more dancing for both of them as the night progressed. As midnight came, Cassandra, who had helped her sister Diana, the knights Dunsworth and Sunrise get the rest of their and Amethyst's men to the ball for placement, was gathered with the rest of the suitors.

Gregor cleared his throat. "Cornwall. Dickens. Please take your men and vacate the court area. I will not be needing your services now that the rest of the men showed up. I cannot trust anyone who thinks that just because a certain hero has not proper papers, they cannot help the citizenry and should be severely punished. Many of you once were in a similar position. Doing watchman duties without proper paperwork. My own daughter doesn't trust you, Cornwall, and since she's in court this season, I will not have you here." He left out how he also no longer trusted Cornwall. "You and your men are dismissed from court guard duty."

Cornwall glowered and scowled as many of Tuxford's and Amethyst's men, who were palace guards, surrounded them to escort them away from court.

After the palace guards returned, Gregor clapped his hands. "Now then. For your first ratings, ladies, and you are graded on dancing, mingling with others and etiquette. Fifth place is... Princess Diana of Brittania Amazona." He looked to Diana, "I did pronounce your kingdom here to our north, correctly?"

Calla sighed as she listened to the names. Only Diana had somehow made the top five, which meant she was the only named suitor, so far, favoured by the king.

Afterwards, Gregor said, "You other suitors please understand this is only the first night of the courting season which is nearly four months long. You have plenty of time. I wish to speak with Clair Handler and Calla Grovershire, please."

Grovershire glanced over at Clair. She had actually danced with Clair more than once; the first time to introduce herself, but after was to help Clair dance better. "A few nobles must have complained that I kept 'hogging' you, but I noticed the first time we danced you probably hadn't danced much at all, little alone ballroom. I'm sure we'll just be encouraged to spend more time with the others. I'm in his volunteer army, after all, and we'll be going to Grovershire shortly." She had taught Clair not only the steps, but a few times how to lead.
Mr. Handler got his old gauntlets and suit together and on, just in case something happened, luckily as he did that and Amethyst was locking up, Mrs.Handler was just arriving back at the house.

Claire nodded as the familiar name was brought up.
"Yes, he fought by his side, saying they had learned lots from each other," she replied, feeling a little more comfortable being reminded of both their combat prowess.

Clair returned to the crowd as she was not among the names called, at first wondering if she was out of the running, if so that would mean so would Avenger, since she was a no-show, would that not solve Calla's problem? But before the could give it a second thought, she heard that it wasn't over by far, and even more shocked to hear that she was to see the King again! She worried as this was just another opportunity to mess everything up! Why did he want to see her!?

Clair blushed at Gorvershire as she explained why she thought the king may want to see them.
"Oh yes, sorry, it was my first time, thanks for helping me, I learned lots."

As they approached the King she took a deep breath reminding herself to cspl him Majesty and to do a curtsy.
Calla Grovershire walked with Clair over to where the king was, talking with several knights, including a lady with long raven hair with purple tresses, she was well toned and sun kissed, with her legs golden as bronze, and slightly more muscular than her upper body, obviously used to travelling by foot, Clair hadn't met before. The king cleared his throat and nodded to both.

"Lady Iolite (ai-uh-lite), excuse me. This is important." He turned to the two. "Lady Calla, since you have taken Lady Clair under your wing, I'm going to pair you two up. With Cassandra and a few other Amazons joining court this season, as well as a few ladies from Cordonia, Ramsford, Lythikos... There's only the one from there. Watch out for her, she's a real wildcat and actually the current leader due to her etiquette and dancing skills... Monterisso and Portavira... Anyway, with so many, I'm having to pair a few ladies up in rooms. I noticed you two spent a lot of time together, and with neither of you in the top five, if you two will share a room." He then motioned to Iolite. "She will be your guard. Also, do try to mingle more as the season progresses and Calla... Spend more time with my daughter Calla, like Clair did. She's actually ahead of you for that reason. You three are excused, we will be traveling to Nottingham the day after tomorrow for the all-day archery contest. I don't need to tell you to be on your best behaviour tomorrow when King Richard the Lionheart visits on his way back to Londonium."

Iolite would lead the two to their stateroom in the castle, and commented, "Should you ladies need anything I am equipped to give you, I'll be right on the other side of your door. Pleasant evening to you both."

Calla Grovershire started making up a mattress of sorts on the floor using the couch and chair cushions, intending for Clair to take the bed. An oil lamp lit the room dimly casting her in an eerie glow. "I should have asked her for some bedclothes and something for us to wear in greeting the King of England himself. Don't bother her right now, though, Clair, as we have lucked out thus far with rooming together and having the same guard. I don't want to tip the apple cart as it were." She sighed as she stopped working. "Imagine Princess Calla's popularity reaching across the sea to the main continent. Lythikos and Cordonia trying for her hand would be great trade opportunities. I'm not sure what Ramsford and Monterisso bring to the table. Portavira has a large port and is a traveller's dream. They'd get more tourism with the princess betrothed to their noble in court."

Lythikos would be known by the Handlers as they export many weapons sold in Dunwyn, Cordonia exported exotic (and slightly sour-sweet) Cordonia Ruby apples and fabric, and the butcher would know Portavira well due to their main export: Fish. Clair, depending how often she went to the butcher with her mom and how often they got fish would recognize those kingdom's names. Cordonia apples made splendid pies!

Amethyst was relieved when Mrs. Handler came in, and quickly filled her in on what was transpiring with Clair at court. She'd leave Mr. Handler to explain about Avenger's injury.
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Clair walked with Calla, not being able to help but blush at the sight of the tanned woman. Clair did not get out much herself and did not see people who weren't her parents much, mostly by choice as she usually was nervous, flustered, or both when around strangers. Today had been a test of her social anxieties. For some reason many of the women had made her flustered tonight, she didn't even realize yet she liked girls, despite being in line for marrying the princess, she just kind of stumbled into this situation and had no idea what to do.

Though luckily Clair was not asked to speak as she felt her tongue may not be working after everything she had been through tonight. So her focus changes to the King as he spoke. She nodded along as he explained everything taking notes without looking away. However, her hand stopped as it was mentioned she would be sharing her room, she had never shared a room before! She had never even slept outside of her house before! Luckily for her, her panic was purely internal as she continued to nod toward the King.

Before Clair knew it she was walking with Iolite and Calla to her room for the night, she kept her composure externally for now but internally was freaking out about what she was going to do, she was way over her head with this thing!
"Oh umm, thank you Lady Iolite," She said giving a curtsy as she was still in the mental state of the party.

Clair was practically frozen when they entered the room, with Calla still there she was stuck in her, 'social mindset' despite how much time she spent with her, she got to know her under the guise of her learned behaviour and thought changing back now could ruin everything! Though she was exhausted from the night. How was this more tiring than spending half the night up working in her shop!?

Though she looked around the dimly lit room as Calla explained everything, soon realizing what she was doing and had said, mostly by looming down at her notes for a moment and processing it.
"Oh! Sorry, let me help with that" she said as she moved to help set up the mattress on the ground.
"Umm, you should take the bed, honestly half the time I end up sleeping on a wooden table anyway," she told her, not wanting to have someone who was used to much more luxury than herself sleep on the floor.

"So, yeah what are we to wear tonight and tomorrow? These are the only clothes I have that would be appropriate for anything really" she said gesturing to the dress she was wearing.
"As for all that other stuff, honestly I am out of my element here, I don't know anything about it, some of those names are familiar but don't really understand all the politics around the wedding thing." she found herself releasing a bit of the pressure that had built up, despite trying to behave in front of Groveshire she had her limits and we well past them.
"I don't even know how I got mixed up in all this, one moment I'm fixing stuff in my workshop the next I'm at a ball learning that I am in the running for a princess's bride!?" she started to spiral.
"And now there is still to be another season of court or something?" she said as she looked at the notes she had taken.
"I thought the court thing was like judge-type court or something, I don't know..." She rubbed her head as she started to get light-headed.

Mrs. Handler meanwhile nodded along as it was all examined to her. A worried look on her face.
"Well I hope Avenger is okay, but I am even more worried about Clair, she does not handle social situations well, she had never even had a proper birthday party because she was too scared of the attention. I hope she isn't freaking out too much."
Amethyst sighed, and as she helped Mrs. Handler put some things away and help prepare others for their dinner, stated, "When I left the ball to get here ahead of some of the suspects like Cornwall, Dickens and their men, I had noticed she was speaking a lot with Calla Grovershire, who was also teaching her to dance. She had mingled well with some of the others, and I would have liked to talk to her privily about why she seems to struggle with talking with some of her more amiable peers." She admitted. "If the need to protect you with your daughter in court and some of the crooked knights at the ball..." She trailed off, even giving Mr. Handler an apologetic look. She took a deep breath. "Mr. Handler and I are going to spar while you prepare dinner, to get rid of some of his rust, and hone me when we face these knights, seeing as neither Avenger or your daughter will be here." She looked pointedly at both. "If they try to pull anything about your daughter being in court, remember... Court season is already paid for with extra allotted in case of extra guests. They can't use money as a gimmick, but I'm sure they'll try. Forewarned is forearmed as my father would say."

As Clair helped Calla set up the makeshift bed and asked Calla to take the bed, the Minuteman scoffed. "Sounds like you need it more than I. A table you say? You're as bad as me, but at least being on call to His Majesty's Service gives me a viable excuse. When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?"

Calla softly chuckled. "Fancy that. I'm not surprised you didn't get out to balls much, but you've never been to parties and just cut loose? Speaking of..." She went behind Clair and massaged her shoulders to help work out obvious stress. "We're not at the ball anymore. This is down time. Loosen up some. And correction, you aren't in the running for Calla's bride, but to BE her bride. We all are. Some of the ladies may drop out after Nottingham, because they're not interested in marrying or being given in marriage. Some don't care that Princess Calla is making her first court season in four years. They're usually here just to show off at archery. Me? I actually like the blonde, blue-eyed princess, so I'm going for it. I just couldn't stand to see you flounder, and you're actually one handpicked by the princess. If I can't have her, I want to make sure YOU get a fighting chance." She stopped working out the kinks in Clair's shoulders and turned to face her again. "Now, relax, except for a few, most court ladies are very polite. Those that aren't will be weeded out soon enough. Repeat this to yourself. 'I am worthy of this chance. I am worthy of my nobility. I am The Crimson Avenger's friend, I am worthy of the princess'." She sighed. "You're a merchant and an inventor, so you are nobility, and before you tell me your parents are the owners... Are you not their flesh and blood? If so... You are a merchant also, and therefore, nobility. You take the bed. I insist. Get you a good night's sleep for a change. You deserve it. And thank you for helping set up mine. You're a good egg."

There was a knock on the door and Iolite opened it slightly. "Servant here for you. Bedclothes and a change of clothes for tomorrow." Iolite watched as the bundle, already gone through meticulously for anything foreign by her, was laid out for the two and the servant quickly left.

The two clothes for the morning would be pantsuits, one with Grovershire colours complete with a cape, and looked fit for a knight off duty, and the other with Dunwynian colours, with a cape also. Both capes could easily have been banners as they had crests on the back. One the gryphon of Grovershire, the other the dragon of Dunwyn.
Mrs. Handler nodded.
"Yes Clair has always had larger problems talking with girls than anyone else, she is at least good at standing up to bullies too, just sweet girls get her to squirm. I'll keep what you said in mind if they come. For now, I will get Dinner ready, you will be getting Clair's portion since she will not be here tonight" She replied and left to get dinner prepared.

Clair blushed at the question.
"For like a full night? Ummm well, there was, umm the... huh?" She stopped as she realized she couldn't remember when she had last slept through a full night.

Clair shook her head in response to Calla, not having been to any parties before, no sleepovers or anything. She jumped a little when she felt her start to massage her, she certainly was stressed, with multiple knots in her shoulders, both from stress and working at a workbench all the time. She blushed as her wording was corrected as she looked down ashamed. She listened to the different motivations and wants of the girls, Clair didn't know what she wanted herself, but was thinking maybe this Calla would be better for her. Those thoughts were interrupted as she saw Calla in front of her again, a blush running across her cheeks once again.
"umm, I am worthy of this chance. I am worthy of my nobility. I am The Crimson Avenger's friend, I am worthy of the princess?" She repeated as asked.
"Oh, I am umm actually adopted, so not flesh and blood, does that matter?" She asked worried it may disqualify her.
"As for the bed, if you insist, okay, though I still don't know what to wear." Just then the knock came to the door with the answer.

"Thank you," She said to the servant after they dropped the clothes off.
Clair looked at the clothes and smiled.
"Oh good, not a dress this time, these things are such a pain, I can't imagine wearing one every day" She admitted as she looked it over.
"A cape? Do you think we need to have these attached? They look really good, but are kind of a snag-and-grab risk." She asked.
"Clair..." Calla said almost like a big sister. "They may not be flesh and blood then, but they ARE your parents. You've grown up at this general store. You sell their merchandise, fix broken things, come up with whatever you can think of to promote sales... You're a merchant. Thus nobility. Enough worry for the night."

The brunette looked at both outfits. "The capes are more to announce our higher standings in our home village or kingdom. I know we warriors will have to be in pantsuits, but I'm surprised a merchant has to. Diana and Cassandra, although princesses will have to wear them also, cape and all, and I believe, if memory serves, the Amazons to our north have the eagle, so that will be displayed on their capes." She shook her head. "I don't remember the animal of some of the foreign countries except Cordonia. If the Cordonians here honour our traditions of greeting the King of England by wearing capes, Richard will be quite happy. Theirs is the lion."

She stretched out the dragon cape to it's full length. "Tugging on the cape of an individual disrespects not only them but also where they're from. Even the crooked knights wouldn't dare disrespect Dunwyn's dragon, Clair, by grabbing this while you have it on. It'll also insult the visiting royal as well as Gregor, since he rules Dunwyn. Besides, you won't be the lone Dunwyn representative."

She handed the bedclothes to Clair. "Change into this over there, behind that folding screen." She pointed, "And pleasant sleep."

Amethyst and Mr Handler sparred until dinner was called and even Amethyst was a little winded. "That last move with the gauntlets," she said, smiling but slightly out of breath, "Well played. I believe we're ready for anything if it comes to fighting tomorrow."

She would insist on bedding down in the living room, near the door, reminding both gently, she was there as a guard as well as guest.


The crack of dawn had Calla Grovershire gently shaking Clair awake. "The King of England, Richard the Lionheart will be here momentarily. We need to be dressed in our pantsuits and capes, ready for our guard to escort us to the study... It's actually a vast library, easily the size of the ballroom. We'll be introduced in order of our court position, and Gregor said last night you are ahead of me. You'll be greeting King Richard before I do."
Clair suddenly held her hands up upon the mention of her parents.
"Of course! I know I just didn't know if it mattered for the whole nobility thing, I know bloodlines are important with them! They are dully my parents and I love them"

Clair blushed and nodded as she explained the capes.
"Okay, the capes are very important and we need to keep them"

Clair picked up the bedclothes and nodded.
"Thanks, just let me know when you finish changing and we can change at the same time, I'll wait back there till you are done if I finish first." She explained and moved behind the screen.
"Oh! And umm you sleep well as well, sure you don't want the bed?"

Mr. Handler smiled and he walked in with her catching his breath.
"That was one of my specials, was not sure I could still do it, that was all definitely easier in my prime."

They would accept her choice but would make sure she ate plenty of dinner and had snacks for the night if she wanted.


"Ahhh! wh-what!? where?!" she got up in a panic as she was awoken, taking a moment to remember where she was.
"Oh right! Of course, I'll go behind the screen again and you can let me know when you are finished." She explained grabbing the pantsuit and moving to change.
Calla called out to Clair five minutes later (warrior prerogative) that she was ready and ten minutes after that, Iolite knocked on the door. "Are you two decent? King Richard's carriage has just arrived. We have five minutes."

Meanwhile, the Lythikan noble, and current first place for Princess Calla, redhead Olivia Nevrakis straightened her own pantsuit, fastened her dagger into it's sheath and fastened her cape depicting a wolf around her shoulders. "Good thing I respect a few of the rulers here." She said annoyed as her guard moved her swiftly to the study. "Some of this pomp and circumstance we'd never do in my country. True warriors don't need pomp and circumstance."

Meanwhile, seventh place Cassandra, roomed with one of the other Amazons, fastened her sheathed sword on her belt and put on her eagle cape. "Wish you would reconsider, sister, Diana and I aren't the only warriors in court, but we don't know where everyone else's loyalties lie regarding Dunwyn. And tenth place is not a bad start to these games. Nottingham has archery, Grovershire scouting, and Devonshire a foxhunt. At least, stay through Devonshire."

In ninth was the highest ranked Cordonian noble, a duchess of Valtoria, who fastened the Cordonia cape with the lion, although her duchy had the Phoenix. She knew she couldn't wear that as it was the symbol of the spy kingdom and their representative for Queen Amalas, and currently the twelfth place suitor.

Clair would be right in front of the Monterisso noble (wearing a phoenix cape), and Calla Grovershire right behind her.

Amethyst, meanwhile, had nodded off, for a few hours, but by the time the court was waking up to meet King Richard, right at dawn, she was already up and exercising quietly in the living room, not knowing what time they opened the store for business.

The time now was seven thirty.
Clair would take only a few moments longer than Calla to dress, walking out from behind the screen as she did. Though most of the pantsuits came with a sheath belt, hers came with a belt with pouches, sadly she had not brought much, but what she had, she put into them.
"Oh umm, we are good, we will head out now" Clair replied nervously to the door.

In fifth place, Diana wore the same emblem on her cape as the rest of the Amazons.
"Tell me about it, warriors should be wearing out armour, at least we can keep our weapons." She replied to the redhead, her own short sword sheathed.
"However, these games aren't exactly pointless, as they help to show and potentially hone our prowess."

Clair waited patiently, it would be some time before her turn came, but as she looked toward the tests ahead of them she let out a slight sigh of relief, this was closer to her wheelhouse than the ball, archery, she could handle.

Mr. and Mrs. Handler walked in.
"Morning Amethyst, usually we are up earlier than this, just were a bit worried for Clair. We were thinking about closing the store today and seeing if we could go witness the courting since Clair is there."
"But after breakfast, hope you like eggs and toast."
Amethyst shook her head. "Court is closed today except for the ladies. It's a rare day off for them, and I'm sure the warriors, especially the Amazons and the Lythikos noble are going to be beside themselves. They won't feel productive just relaxing or playing croquet. They'll meet King Richard, have breakfast with him, then the top five will take a walk with him before he heads south to Londonium, the capitol. At least they'll be wearing their weapons in protection to the royalty, but I doubt anything will happen. Richard is a warrior, himself." She nodded at the offer of eggs and toast. "That's fine. We can then plan to watch the archery challenge in Nottingham tomorrow, but you can do business today as normal." She encouraged.

The princess sighed as she listened to her father and King Richard discuss the ball's outcome. She had gotten had by Dr. Monroe near the end when he finally looked at her hand. "Same kind of break the Avenger has!" He had scolded her, "And yours is from sparring?! You balled up your fists, didn't you?! No sparring for at least a month while that heals, and hand to hand is grappling, leading with the heel of your hand, and the outside side of it, opposite your thumb! You can do more damage to your opponent and less to yourself! Let this be a lesson to you!" He had then reported his finding to the king, and there learned she had never gone to Dr. Bristol when it happened.

Right now, she was facing her court ladies, smiling at a few yet looking a bit like she'd rather be in hiding after last night's chewing out by the doctor and look of disappointment from her father... At least her secret was still safe.

All the warriors, dressed in pantsuits, bowed to King Richard, which he returned. He was pleased to meet the representatives of Lythikos, Brittania Amazona, Cordonia and Monterisso. Although before Monterisso was Clair.

Calla Dunwyn pulled her aside as soon as the King of England finished his pleasantries. "Just after Amethyst left, and the court ratings where you ladies were excused... Dr. Monroe finally caught me. You're right. He recognized your bandaging job immediately, and then I got reamed for improper hand-to-hand skills. He thinks I led with my fists and suffered a similar fracture as Crimson Avenger did from having her hand bent backwards. He'd seen other breaks from punching, so he at least bought my excuse... Even if I got screamed at to never lead with my fists again. Go enjoy breakfast with everyone, as only the top five will visit with King Richard longer and will sit at the head table with me and father. Great opportunity to get to know especially the other kingdoms. You'll have ample time to meet the Lythikos representative, just not this morning."

Meanwhile, after Olivia had greeted King Richard, she waited until Diana was finished, before continuing her conversation. "I brought my armour to do exactly that, Diana. Wear it out. I don't see how we can exactly do THAT scouting. Archery, scavenger, foxhunt, hand-to-hand will at least give us a workout. Scouting? Bah. Monterisso will have that won as they specialize in it. I'm surprised Ramsford did so poorly at the ball since their thing is wine and dine." She glared at the noble, the one who had looked down at Clair, as she walked by remarking about the stupid animal of Ramsford.

"Don't knock the kraken, foolish girl, many a sailor underestimated it at sea. I'm actually surprised Portavira's animal symbol isn't that instead of the dolphin. And don't trash that animal either. It's the ocean's equivalent to the land's smart and noble wolf*!" She then turned back to Diana. "Someone needs to put that snob in her place. That's insulting the kingdom's animal symbol. Ramsford chose the kraken before any of us were born."

*-Of course Lythikos representative would say the wolf is the best land animal, that's their kingdom's symbol!
"Ahh, I see, we were over-excited I suppose, you see we have not had Clair spend a night out of this home since she arrived. Honestly, I am surprised that she wanted to join the courting, we weren't even sure if she liked girls, or boys, or anything really" Mrs. Handler admitted as Mr. Handler got to cooking the breakfast.

Clair smiled as she saw Calla again.
"Oh, umm morning your Highness" She gave a bow, in case anyone was watching.
"Right, okay, I am glad that it worked at least, and honestly I would be happy to be further away from the spotlight" She whispered back.
"But how is your hand feeling? is it healing okay?"

Diana nodded.
"Although I agree that scouting isn't the best test of one's skill, it is a necessity in war and one of invaluable information gathering. Though do not fret, soon enough your specialties will be able to shine as will mine."

Diana placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder.
"We will get our chance, but you know combat outside of the games is prohibited, show her by beating her at the games, and maybe hope you get her in hand to hand." She added with a wink.
Amethyst wiped her mouth with her napkin, and put her fingers to her chin in a familiar Galwayian V shape. "That's a good point. From what I observed both here and at the ball last night, she's curious about girls which may be because of her nervousness around them. Not to mention all those sketches of the Avenger, that you mentioned she was doing before the sword commission?" She removed her fingers and continued eating. "It would explain her nervousness around the Princess, yet not so much around Grovershire, as she seemed relatively comfortable around her and Diana actually... Has she got a major respect for warriors, Mr. Handler? She also didn't seem as nervous around me, either." She cleared her throat. "Not saying the anxiety was gone, but it was definitely diminished."

Calla grimaced and flexed her bandaged left hand a few times. "It hurts like hell," she admitted, "And I'm going to have to keep it inactive today. I'll be around for tea, but I won't be participating in croquet or polo. Or anything else that requires me to move my wrist much, because I DO have to participate in the warrior and court games with the rest of you, injury or no." A sigh. "I really wish you would work hard to get in the top five with Princess Diana. Eleventh isn't bad for your court debut. The other four aren't bad, but... Well, despite who I am, Olivia Nevrakis scares the living crap outta me. She's respectful and all, don't get me wrong, but she and her kingdom are descendants of notorious warriors. Diana and maybe Cassandra will get along fine with her as they're cut from the same cloth. She earned first place due especially to her etiquette, especially her dining manners. Lythikos would even be good for England. Have you seen the quality and workmanship of their weapons? As the Avenger, my rapier was made by Lythikos." Calla shook her head. "But I don't really want to be married to someone who only thinks of battles. The Amazons don't. They're warriors, but that's not their sole lot in life."

Olivia smirked. "Yes. I love playing the long game..." She glanced to the woman in question. She returned the arm to shoulder acknowledgement. "Some battles ARE worth the wait. Come, let's breakfast with the kings and Princess." Only the top five got that honour, of which both Olivia and Diana were.

The princess excused herself from Clair as everyone was seated for breakfast which consisted of a three course meal: The first being fruits, diced up and eaten with the salad fork; the second being hot porridge with a blueberry garnish to be eaten similar to the soup from dinner with the same type of spoon; and finally the main entree with pancakes made with berries of some kind, most likely raspberries, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, chopped potatoes and onions combined together, and toast. Everyone would have a breakfast tea to drink, which could be refilled as often as needed.

Now would be the opportunity Clair had to talk with her taboemates, which included her roomie Calla Grovershire, Princess Cassandra of Brittania Amazona, a Cordonian, a Ramsford representative and the 12th place Monterisso noble.
Mr. Handler nodded.
"Yes, I have taught her to respect everyone, but especially those that put their lives on the line for others, which is what I chalked up her Avenger collection for, also she said it was for invention ideas for her if she ever came by, as she didn't have the King's smith." He explained.

"As for her shyness around the princess especially, I would also be able to chalk that up to her royal title, Mrs. Handler taught her the power the high Nobles have over everyone in the village. Unfortunately, it could be either or both, so hard to say."

Clair looked distraught as Calla said she wanted her in the top five.
"I'm sorry! I promise I tried my best, it's just so much of the fancy stuff is really new to me" She apologized her voice sounding choked up.
"Oh, yes I have had a chance to see a weapon of theirs before, they are very well made, and I learned a lot from examining them, using what I believe are similar techniques"

Diana nodded with a smile to Olivia.
"Good, her time will come." With that, she walked with her to the head table.

Clair sat down at her table, looking impressed at the fancy breakfast, she usually only had toast, this was so much!
"...." She took some of the food based on what she saw the other girls taking and then went to say something but found herself frozen, so just sat there quietly eating. Surprisingly this included Calla, as whatever she said would be heard by the less familiar girls.
Cassandra looked over to Clair, as Grovershire nudged her, with a smile.

The Ramsford noblelady cleared her throat uneasily as the Cordonian right across the table from Clair seemed more interested in how quietly and ladylike she was eating.

The Monterisso noblelady finally broke the ice with what everyone who knew her country would think about her. " Lady Clair... Ever thought of getting into covert operations? Quietness is key, you understand."

This did get the ball awkwardly rolling, as the Cordonian was next to say something. "Not everyone has a taste for intrigue and fancy gadgets, Millicent."

"Ruby, it would behoove you to practice discernment as to when to speak and when to be silent." The Ramsford noblelady at their table said with all the airs of 'Better than you ' (so, prudish), although she seemed to stick up for Clair with what she said next, "Our tablemate appears to have that discernment."

Cassandra and Grovershire exchanged glances with themselves before looking to Clair to see if she had any comment for the three from the continent just across the channel.
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